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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Electronics and Communication is a dynamic and exciting field of Engineering that provides excellent career opportunities in various sectors of the society. In this 21st century, every day we are dealing with the electronic circuits and devices in some or other forms because gadgets, home appliances, computers, transport systems, cell phones, cameras, TV, etc. all have electronic components and devices. Electronics have achieved significant advances in a variety of fields, including healthcare, medical diagnosis, automobiles, industries, and electronics projects. Electronics and communication graduates can work in the public and private sectors, as well as in the telecommunications, manufacturing, and software industries.

The department of Electronics & Communication is committed to provide students an environment where they develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they advance through the programme. The students are motivated to inculcate dynamic professionalism to become the best Hardware & Software Engineers and entrepreneurs.

The major highlights of the department are

  • State-of-the-art laboratories like Circuit Lab, Logic Lab, Hardware Description Language Lab, Microprocessor lab, Analog Communication Lab and Project lab to name a few.
  • The department posses additional labs for Robotics, Automation and Research in the same field
  • The Department is equipped with audio video Library.
  • ECE department Association (Ignited minds of Electronics) which conducts Technical talks, Workshop and Invited talks to enrich the technical knowledge and also improve their confidence level of students.
  • The department encourages to take up the for research funded projects and to nurture the innovative ideas.
  • Department has consistently maintained an exemplary academic record. The graduates of the ECE Stream have been selected by some of the world’s leading corporations (Intel, Dell, SISCO etc) & also by most of the leading Indian counter parts (Mahindra, L &T,TCS etc)
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Message from HOD

Dr. Asif Hassan

Professor & HOD of EC department.

Electronics and Communication Engineering is a dynamic and exciting area that provides excellent career opportunities in various sectors of the society. We are committed to give our students an environment where they develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they advance through the programme. The students are motivated to inculcate dynamic professionalism to become the best Hardware, Software Professionals and entrepreneurs. The placement Training is provided to the students for advanced studies and various guest lecturers and Mock campus interviews are conducted time to time to facilitate the students. The Department is equipped with LED Projectors for class rooms and well established laboratory like Circuit Lab, Logic Design Lab, Hardware Description Language , Microprocessor, Analog Communication and Project lab to name a few. The Department is equipped with audio video Library. The hard-working faculty members employ their full potential to enhance the spirit of the young and talented minds. Our students are determined and disciplined to meet the requirements of the society. The Department has consistently maintained an exemplary academic record. Department of ECE believes in developing solutions for the critical and constructive problems of modern days. Students are equipped to work in industry and pursue higher studies. The graduates of the ECE Stream have been selected by some of the world’s leading corporations (Intel, Dell, SISCO etc)& as well as by most of the leading Indian counter parts (Mahendra, L &T,TCS etc).

  • To provide students with a strong foundation in mathematics, as well as basic science, and enable them to apply these skills in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  • To equip the students with technical competence to solve problems in electronics and communication engineering.
  • To cultivate strong leadership skills in students, enabling them to effectively contribute to interdisciplinary teams.
  • To prepare students to attain ethical values and moral behavior.

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify,Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research- based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
  • To apply the technical knowledge to solve real-time problems in signal processing and Digital communication engineering.
  • To design Embedded systems and to develop algorithms to address societal and industrial needs.

Course Structure

  • Semester 1
  • Calculus And Linear Algebra
  • Engineering Physics
  • Basic Electrical Engineering
  • Elements Of Civil Engineering And Mechanics
  • Engineering Graphics
  • Engineering Physics Laboratory
  • Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
  • Technical English-i
  • Semester 2
  • Advance Calculus And Numerical Methods
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • C Programming For Problem Solving
  • Basic Electronics
  • Elements Of Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
  • C Programming Laboratory
  • Technical English-ii
  • Semester 3
  • Transform Calculus, Fourier Series And Numerical Techniques
  • Network Theory
  • Electronic Devices
  • Digital System Design
  • Computer Organisation and Architecture
  • Power Electronics and Instrumentation
  • Electronic Devices and Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Digital system Design Laboratry
  • Vyavaharika Kannada (kannada for communication)
  • Adalitha kannada (kannada for administration)
  • Constitution of India, Professional E and Cyber Law
  • Aadditional Mathematics –I
  • Semester 4
  • Complex Analysis, Probability And Statistical Methods
  • Analog Circuits
  • Control Systems
  • Engineering Statistics and Linear Algebra
  • Signals and Systems
  • Microcontroller
  • Microcontroller Laboratory
  • Analog Circuits Laboratory
  • Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada For Communication)
  • Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada For Administration)
  • Constitution of India, Professional E and Cyber Law
  • Aadditional Mathematics –II
  • Semester 5
  • Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Digital System Processing
  • Principles of Communication Systems
  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Verilog HDL
  • Digital System Processing Laboratory
  • HDL Laboratory
  • Environmental Studies
  • Semester 6
  • Digital Communication
  • Embedded Systems
  • Microwave and Antenna
  • Operating System
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Data Structure Using C++
  • Total Quality Management
  • Digital System Design Using Verilog
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Python Application Programming
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Programming in Java
  • Intrduction to Operating System
  • Embedded System Laboratory
  • Communication Laboratory
  • Mini Project/Internship
  • Semester 7
  • Computer Networks
  • VLSI design
  • Real Time Systems
  • Satellite Communication
  • Digital Image Processing
  • DSP Algorithms and Architecture
  • IOT and Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Automotive Electronics
  • Multimedia Communication
  • Cryptography
  • Machine Leranung with Python
  • Introduction to Big Data Analyics
  • Python Application Programming
  • Introduction to Atrificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Dot Net Framework for Application Development
  • Computer Networks Laborator
  • VLSI laboratory
  • Project Work Phase-1
  • Intrnship
  • Semester 8
  • Wireless and Cellular Communication
  • Network Securirty
  • Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
  • Radar Engineering
  • Optical Communication Networks
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Project Work Phase-2
  • Technical Seminar
  • Internship
  • Dr. Asif Hassan

    Professor & HOD

    Qualification : M.Tech, Ph.D
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  • Dr. Asif Hassan

    Professor & HOD

    M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Year : 2008
    University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
    PG Degree : Digital Electronics
    Year : 2010
    University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
    Doctoral Degree : Novel approach for Passive forgery detection and classification for Digital images
    Year : 2019
    University : Bhagwant University, Ajmer

    Teaching Experience


    Research Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    Image processing

    Specialization PG

    Digital Electronics

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    1. Basic Electronics
    2. Control Systems
    3. Signals and Systems
    4. Analog Electronics Circuits
    5. Network Analysis
    6. Embedded Systems
    7. Real Time Systems
    8. Image Processing
    9. Basic Electronics and Communication Engineering
    10. Communication Theory
    11. Digital Communication 

    National journals

    1. "An irredundant power line data communication." International journal of emerging trends in engineering and development (IJETED). R S Publication, May 2013. Journal issue 3, Volume 3, May 2013 edition.
    2. "Enhanced In-house Voice Communication over Power-Line Network." International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP). Journal issue 3, Volume 3, July 2013 edition.
    3. "GPS & GSM based steered navigation and location tracking device for visionless." International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD). Journal issue 9, Volume 1, 2013 edition. 

    International journals

    1. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER), Volume 03, Issue 01; January - 2017 [ISSN: 2455-1457] "Passive Forgery Detection and Analysis-A Survey"
    2. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (SCOPUS) Volume 118 No. 24 2018 ISSN: 1314-3395, “A Novel method for Copy Move Blind Forgery Detection technique for Digital Image using DCT”
    3. International Journal of Integrated Engineering (SCOPUS Journal) Volume 13 NO. 4 (2021) 113 – 122 ISSN: 2229 – 838X, e- ISSN: 2600 – 7916 “Texture based Image Splicing Forgery Recognition using a Passive approach” Published – 30 April 2021.
    4. Shodhsamhita ISSN NO. 2277 – 7067 “Implementation of Internet of Things for Electrical Energy Harvesting System of a High Tension Transmission”. Volume No. VIII Issue 1, 2021 – 22. Accepted - 7 Marh 2021 Impact Factor: 4.95 (UGC care list group 1 Journal).
    5. The Journal of Oriental Research Madras ISSN: 0022 – 3301 “Real Time Object Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks And You Only Look Once” Volume XCII – LXXIX: 2021. Published – 10 dec. 2021. Impact Factor: 4.95 (UGC care list group 1 Journal).
    6. Tattva – sindhu “Solar – Wind Hybrid Power Generation System” ISSN: 2349 – 1426 Pages 87 – 98. Published – 8 feb. 2022 Impact Factor: 7.44 (UGC care list group 1 Journal).
    7. Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu ISSN: 1001 – 1749 “Fingerprint Recognition system for person authentication” Volume No. XVII, Issue II, Published feb 2022.
    8. International Journal of Advanced Networking an Application (IJANA) P – ISSN: 0975 – 0290 e- ISSN: 0975 – 0282 “A study of Emerging Image Processing and Machine Learning Methodologies for classification of Plant Leaf Disease”. Volume 13, Issue 4, Jan - Feb 2022. Acceptance _ Feb 21, 2022

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    1. NCRTEC 2010, SJBIT, Bangalore - May 2010
    Participated in National conference and presented a paper- "Data and voice communication over power line"

    2. Indian Society for Technical Education, HMSIT, Tumkur - April 2010
    Participated in national level paper presentation and presented a paper- " Data and Voice Communication over Power line"

    3. N-GENE'10', CIT, Gubbi, Karnataka - April 2010
    Participated in National level Technical paper presentation and presented a paper - "communication over Power Line".

    4. “Knew-11”, CIT, Gubbi, Karnataka - October 2011
    Guided & Participated in National level Technical symposium and presented a paper - "Red- Taction" and secure second place in the event.

    5. “Knew-11”, CIT, Gubbi, Karnataka - October 2011
    Guided & Participated in National level Technical symposium and presented a paper – “4G Technology".

    6. “EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY”, Saptagiri College of Engineering, Bangalore- May 2013
    Guided & Participated in National conference and presented a paper "ARM based vehicle tracking system using GPS and GSM".

    7. "EMERGING TRENDS IN VLSI, EMBEDDED & NETWORKING” (NC-EVEN 2017) Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore- May 2017
    Guided & Participated in National conference and presented a paper "Autonomous Thrash Collecting and Dispensing Robotic Vehicle for smart cities ".

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering 2018 (ISMAC-CVB)," A Robust Method for Image Copy-Move Passive Forgery Detection with Enhanced Speed" (SPRINGER Conference)

    2. 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia 17-21 July 2018 "COPY MOVE BLIND FORGERY DETECTION TECHNIQUE FOR DIGITAL IMAGE USING DCT"

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 12

    Workshop Attend

    1. Two day workshop on “Research Methodology” at Cambridge Institute of Technology during October 2016
    2. One week TEQIP-1.3 Sponsored Faculty Enrichment Program on Signals and Systems at VTU Belgaum on 16th January 2018.
    3. One day work shop on “VLSI Analog filters and Sigma delta converters” at Regional office VTU, Bangalore on February 2019
    4. Two day workshop on “PYTHON and IOT” at HMSIT, Tumkur on September 2019 

    Details of membership in Professional bodies


    Administrative Responsibilities

    1. Academic Coordinator
    2. LIC work coordinator
    3. AICTE coordinator

    Other Related Info

    I host a YouTube Channel for Engineering Lecture Videos


  • Mr. John Valder

    Associate Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech, (Ph.D)
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  • Mr. John Valder

    Associate Professor

    M.Tech, (Ph.D)

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 1993
    University : Bangalore University
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2006
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    Doctoral Degree : (Pursuing)
    Year :
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Teaching Experience

    18 Years

    Industry Experience

    10 Years

    Specialization Ph.D


    Specialization PG


    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    1. Basic Electrical Engineering
    2. Network Analysis
    3. Signals and Systems
    4. Control Systems
    5. Electromagnetic Field Theory

    International journals

    1. John Valder, Pinto Pius A J, “Deregulated Multi-objective Economic Load Dispatch using Cuckoo Search Algorithm with valve point effect consideration”, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2019
    2. John Valder, Pinto Pius A J, “Deregulated Multi-Objective Economic Load Dispatch using Cuckoo Search Algorithm”, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Vol.4, Issue 1, Jan 2019.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    Presented a paper “Application of Cuckoo Search Algorithm in Deregulated Economic Load Dispatch” at the Second International Conference on INTELLIGENT AND EFFICIENT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 2017(ICIEES’17) by the department of EEE, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, on January 20-21, 2017, published as conference proceedings in Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp 167-174,(2018).

    Workshop Attend

    1. Participated in a Three days’ workshop ‘EUREKA 19’, Research, Writing and Publishing held at PA College of Engineering, Mangalore on 7th, 8th and 9th August 2019.
    2. Participated in a Four week ISTE STTP on Electric Power System conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 12th June 2017 to 15th July 2017 at Srinvasa Institute of Technology, Valachil Mangalore.
    3. Participated in Two-day workshop on Research Methodology held on 26 June 2014 to 27 June 2014 at ST. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore.
    4. Participated in Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Signal Processing and its Implementation using VLSI” held on 22nd January 2014 to 24th January 2014 at PA College of Engineering Mangalore.
    5. Participated in One-day workshop on “Technology Trend in Electronic Packaging” held on 19th November 2005 at NIE, Mysore.

    Workshops/Seminars conducted as Resource Persons

    1. As a resource person spoke on “Motivation for service” held for Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing students on 11th February 2016 as part of NSS special camp.

    Details of membership in Professional bodies


    Other Related Info

    1. Conducted a one-day awareness program on “Diploma CET and benefits of pursuing bachelor degree for Diploma Holders and modes of loans and scholarships available for Engineering graduates at Karnataka Polytechnic College, Mangaluru on March 19, 2019.
    2. Conducted a one-day awareness program on ‘Entrance Exam for lateral entry to Engineering’ at Government Women Polytechnic College, Mangalore on March 14th, 2019.
    3. Conducted a one-day awareness program on “Key aspects of Diploma CET and Entrance to Engineering program” at Government Polytechnic College, Bantwal on 13th March, 2019.
    4. Conducted a one-day awareness program on “Diploma CET and benefits of pursuing bachelor degree for Diploma Holders” at Shree Niranjana Swamy Polytechnic College, Bajpe on March 12, 2019
    5. Conducted a one-day awareness program on ‘Entrance Exam for lateral entry to Engineering’ at Prasanna Polytechnic College, Ujire on March 6th, 2019


  • Dr. Asia Hazareena

    Associate Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech, Ph.D
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  • Dr. Asia Hazareena

    Associate Professor

    M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]
    A professional having 15 years of experience in educational field with a positive attitude and goal oriented.

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2004
    University : VTU
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2010
    University : N.I.T.K
    Doctoral Degree : To improve the BER of coded OFDM on different channel
    Year : 2023
    University : VTU

    Teaching Experience

    Worked as a lecturer at PA college of Engineering since 2004 and as an Asst. Professor since 2010 in the department of E&C

    Specialization Ph.D


    Specialization PG

    Communication Engineering

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    1. Analog Electronics
    2. Digital System Design

    Skill Set

    Good teaching skill

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    Saba Farheen N.S., Asia Hazreena “Comparative study of LDPC codes over various channels” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Biomedical Engineering (NCECB-2014) organized by the Department of Telecommunication Engineering & Medical Electronics, SSIT, Tumkur  on 9th & 10th May 2014.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. Asia Hazareena, Dr. B. Aziz Musthafa “Performance Evaluation of OFDM and UFMC” at Bearys Institute of technology on April 26-27
    2. Asia Hazareena, Dr. B. Aziz Musthafa “A Survey :on the Waveforms for 5G”, International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2018) organized by RVS technical campus, Coimbatore ,India  on 29-31 March  2018.
    3. Saba Farheen N.S., Asia Hazreena, Jose Alex Mathew, Ghouse Ahamed “Performance Evaluation of LDPC codes over various channels” International Conference on Recent Advances In Electrical Engineering, Power Control, Electronics and Communication Technology (EEPCECT-2014) organized by Krishi Sanskriti, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 31st May and 1st June 2014.
    4. Asia Hazareena, Dr. Muralidhar Kulakarni “Image Transmission using SPIHT Turbo-coded OFDM systems” International Conference on Advances in Information, Communication Technology and VLSI Design  held at PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore on  6th & 7th August 2010,.

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 10
    PG : 5

    Workshop Attend

    1. Participated in three day workshop on International workshop on “Research, Writing and Publishing in Reputed Journals” held on 7th to 9th August 2019, at P.A College of Engineering.
    2. International workshop on “Research, Writing and Publishing in Reputed Journals” at P.A College of Engineering on 27th July 2019
    3. Participated in five day workshop on “Research: Methodology, Process and tools” held on 18th to 23rd January 2016 organized by Computer science and Engineering at Canara Engineering College.
    4. Participated in the two days workshop on ARM Architecture and Applications sponsored by ARM University Program held on 9th and 10th March, 2009, at NITK, Surathkal.
    5. Participated in the two weeks workshop on Recent Trends in Communication Engineering, system, Networks and Services held during 28th July-8th August 2008 at NITK, Surathkal.
    6. Participated in one day workshop on “video processing” held on 8th April 2011, at PACollege of Engineering, Mangalore.
    7. Participated in AICTE sponsored faculty development program on “Advances in signal processing and its implementation using VLSI” held during 22nd to 24th January 2014, at PA College of engineering, Mangalore.
    8. Participated in the six days workshop on Research: Methodology, Process and Tools held on 18th and 23rd January 2016, at Canara college of Engineering, Mangalore. 

    Interests / Hobbies

    Reading books


  • Dr. Mohammed Zakir B

    Associate Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
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  • Dr. Mohammed Zakir B

    Associate Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2009
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2011
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    Doctoral Degree : Ph.D
    Year : 2023
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Teaching Experience

    Working as an Assistant Professor In E&C  DEPT at P A College of Engineeing Mangalore  for 5 years.

    Research Experience

    1 Year

    Industry Experience

    Worked as as  Intern in Samsung India Software Operation Pvt Ltd Bangalore for 1 year.

    Specialization PG

    Digital Electronics and communication

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Basic Electronics,Microelectronics,Operating System,Low Power VLSI,Computer communication network and Image Processing

    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    Low Power VLSI

    Technical Interest

    Image Processing and VLSI

    Skill Set

    Programming in MATLAB, Verilog/VHDL, Microcontroller and Embedded C and Cadence software tool (both back  end and Front end physical design)

    National journals

    Publised Paper in SciencePG

    International journals

    Amjad Khan, Mohammed Zakir Bellary, Mohammad Ziaullah, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, “An Experimental Approach to Determine the Effect of Different Orientation of Dimples on Flat Plates” in “AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS”, 2015; 4(3): 29-33, May 28, 2015, doi: 10.11648/j.epes.20150403.12, ISSN: 2326-912X (Print); ISSN: 2326-9200 (Online).
    Amjad Khan, Mohammed Zakir Bellary, Mohammad Ziaullah, Abdul Razak Kaladgi “An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Flat Plates Using Dimples”, in “AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS”, 2015; 4(4): 34-38, May 28, 2015, doi: 10.11648/j.epes.20150404.11, ISSN: 2326-912X (Print); ISSN: 2326-9200 (Online).
    Kamal, Shoaib, Farrukh Sayeed, Mohammed Rafeeq, and Mohammed Zakir. Facial emotion recognition for human-machine interaction using hybrid dwt-sfet feature extraction technique. In 2016 Second International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Information Processing (CCIP), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2016.
     “IOT BASED E-HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM USING ARDUINO UNO” by Mittal Rovina Martis, Mohammed Zakir Bellary in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) in 2018.
    “Discovery of Medical MR Images of Pathology Using Segmentation By Various Clustering              Techniques” by Mohammed Zakir Bellary,Dr B.Aziz Musthafa and Dr Zahid Ansari in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ( in 2019.

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 4
    PG : 1

    Workshop Attend

    10 days training program on “FPGA based system Design: A System On Chip”,organized by CDAC at CDAC Knowledge Park,Bangalore 25th  June to 5th July 2012.
    3days workshop on “Soft and Evolutionary Computing Technique and its application” from 30th may to 1st June 2013 organized by BEC Bagalkot.
    5 days ISTE-PTU FDP on “Wavelets and its Application” during 9th -13th June 2014, BLDEA Bijapur.
    Two days Hands-On training program on”IC system design using Mentor Graphics” organized by Anna University Coimbatore on 18th & 19th April 2013.
    Two days workshop on “Application of Matlab and Simulink”conducted by Coreel technology in association with Mangalore University (26th & 27th Aug 2014).
    3 days FDP on “Digital Signal processing and its implementation in Matlab and simulink”conducted by SOLYPSIS LAB & PACE, Mangalore 26TH to 28th Sep 2013.
    3 days FDP on “Advances in Signal processing and its implementation in VLSI”conducted by PACE, Mangalore 22nd to 24thy January 2014.
    1 week FDP on “Research Methodology & Issues” organised by BLDEA CET Bijapur from 8th to 12th June 2015.
    Three day international Workshop on “Eureka Research writing ” In PACE Mangalore in 2017.
    QIP Short Term Course Medical Image Computing : Machine Learning
    Methods and Advanced MRI Application in   IIT MUMBAI in July 23-27, 2018.
    One week FDP on “Design and Implementation of Hardware Accelerators and Protocols on FPGA” in BLDEA’s CET Vijayapura in Dec 13-17 2018.
    One day international Workshop on “Research, writing and publishing in reputed Journals” In PACE Mangalore in 27 july 2019

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    Member ISTE(LM-91889)


  • Mr. Mohammad Hussain K

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.E, (Ph.D)
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  • Mr. Mohammad Hussain K

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.E, (Ph.D)

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2004
    University : VTU
    PG Degree : ME
    Year : 2009
    University : Bangalore University
    Doctoral Degree : Speaker Identification and Speech Segregation for Selective Recording of Speech from Noisy Environment Using MFCC and SVM classification with auditory segmentation
    Year : 2014
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Teaching Experience

    Assistant Professor
    P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore
    April 2010 -till date

    Senior Lecturer
    P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore

    P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore

    Industry Experience

    Technician Trainee
     M/s Bharath Heavy Electrical Limited, EDN, Mysore Road, Bangalore-26
    20/09/2000  - 19/09/2001

    Specialization Ph.D

    Electronics & Communication

    Specialization PG

    Electronics & Communication

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Basic Electronics
    Field Theory
    Microwaves and Radar
    Transmission Lines And Wave guides
    Antenna and Propagation
    Satellite Communication 
    Analog Communication
    Radiating System
    Wireless Communication

    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    Antenna Theory and Design
    Wireless Communication

    Technical Interest

    Microwave and Antenna Lab
    MAT Lab
    Analog and Digital Communication Lab
    Languages C/C++
    Operating Systems Linux, Most of Microsoft OSs

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 80
    PG : 7

    Workshop Attend

    TEQIP Sponsored Workshop on MOBILE COMMUNICATION at Dr. AIT Bangalore
    VTU Sponsored Workshop on Maintenance of Microwave Lab Equipments and Experimentation Techniques  at SJC IT Chickballapur 
    Workshop on Recent Trends in Communication at MCE,Hassan 
    FDP on Advances in Signal Processing and its Implementation using VLSI  at PACE, Mangalore
    FDP on Organizing Learning  at PACE, Mangalore
    FEP on Technical Writing, Preparing Research Proposals and Applying for Research Funds  at PACE, Mangalore
    Workshop on Research, Writing and Publishing at PACE, Mangalore


  • Mrs. Littimol Mathew

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.E
    read more
  • Mrs. Littimol Mathew

    Assistant Professor


    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : AMIE
    Year : 2003
    University : Institution of Engineers, India
    PG Degree : M.E.
    Year : 2005
    University : ANNA University ,Chennai

    Teaching Experience

    15 Years
    1. Worked as a lecturer at Vimal Jyothi Engg. College, Chemperi, Kannur, Kerala, from 2005-2007
    2. Worked as a lecturer at P.A College of Engineering since 2007 and as an asst. Professor since 2010 in the department of E&C

    Specialization PG

    Applied Electronics

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Digital Signal Processing, Computer Communication Networks, Microcontrollers, Multimedia  Communication Networks, Analog Electronics CIRCUITS

    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    System ON Chip, VLSI Process Technology, Advanced DSP, Error Control Coding, Advanced Computer Networks

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 15
    PG : 4

    Workshop Attend

    1. Attended a five-day workshop on Recent Trends in Image Processing using wavelet transform at SJEC  during 1st to 5th Jan 2019.
    2. Participated in AICTE sponsored faculty development program on “Advances in signal processing and its implementation using VLSI”held during 22nd to 24th January 2014 ,at PA College of Engineering Mangalore
    3. Participated in one day workshop on”video processing “ held on 8th April 2011 , at PA College of Engineering , Mangalore 

    Details of membership in Professional bodies

    Membership in institution of engineers, India


  • Mr. Tenson Jose

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech
    read more
  • Mr. Tenson Jose

    Assistant Professor


    [email protected]
    A dynamic professional with 17 years of rich indigenous experience in Teaching/Research/Administration /Industry.

    Educational Details

    Specialization PG

    Microelectronics & Control systems

    Workshop Attend

    1. 2019 Jan 1st to 5th : Recent trends in medical image processing using wavelet transforms at SJEC Vamajoor.
    2. 2019 Aug 7th- 9th : International workshop Eureka19 on research writing and publishing in reputed journals at PACE 


  • Mr. Mohammed Saleem

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech
    read more
  • Mr. Mohammed Saleem

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech

    [email protected]
    Dedicated Teaching Professional, having 11 years of vast administration, organizational and academic experience.

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2006
    University : VTU, Belgaum
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2013
    University : VTU, Belgaum

    Teaching Experience

    8 Years

    Research Experience


    Industry Experience


    Specialization PG

    Digital Communication and Networking

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Embedded System Design, Digital Electronics, Power Electronics.

    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    Advanced Computer Networks, Multimedia Communication

    Skill Set

    Smart Teaching with GOOGLE CLASSROOOM.

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 4
    PG : 1

    Workshop Attend

    1. “INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS” BY eyantra at Alva’s Institute Engineering of Technology, Moodabidri.
    2. “Understanding and Dealing with Adolescents” held on 7th Feb. 2018 at PACE Mangalore.
    3. Two days’ workshop on “Google Apps for Education” held on 19th and 20thSept. 2014 at PACE Mangalore.

    Administrative Responsibilities



  • Mr. Vittal Bhat M

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.E, PGDHRM
    read more
  • Mr. Vittal Bhat M

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.E, PGDHRM

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E
    Year :
    PG Degree : M.E.
    Year :

    Teaching Experience

    10 Years

    Industry Experience

    Worked in Mangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd (MESCOM)

    Specialization PG


    Other Specialization


    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level


    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    Skill Set

    Smart Teaching with GOOGLE CLASSROOOM.

    International journals

    1. Vittal Bhat M, Manjappa N, “Optimal Sizing & Placement of D-STATCOM in Radial Distribution System using Power Loss Index and Bio Inspired Algorithm”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 8, August 2018.
    2. Vittal Bhat M, Maheshan C M, “A Proposed Design of Solar On-Grid PV Power Plant for an Academic Institution with Conservation Measures through Energy Audit Process”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.7, Issue 10, October 2018
    3. Nishitha, K.R., Vittal Bhat, M. (2022). IoT-Based Patient Health Monitoring System Using STM32F103C8T6. In: P., S., Prabhu, N., K., S. (eds) Advances in Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 767. Springer,

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    Vittal Bhat M, Manjappa N, “Flower Pollination Algorithm Based Sizing and Placement of DG and D-STATCOM Simultaneously in Radial Distribution Systems”, Proc IEEE 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2018), 14-16 Dec 2018, Tiruchirappalli.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    Vittal Bhat M, Manjappa N, “Placement of Capacitors by Nature Inspired Algorithm for Cost Saving by Minimizing the Losses in Radial Distribution Systems”, Proc of 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 27-28 Oct 2018, Mangalore.

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 2
    PG : 1

    Workshop Attend

    1. Attended AICTE sponsored STTP on ‘Control of Power Electronic Converters for Smart Power Systems’ held at NMAMIT Nitte from 15 July 2019 to 20 July 2019.
    2. Attended IEI sponsored Two days National workshop on ‘Design of Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Power System for Rural Applications’ held at SRM University Chennai from 28 March 2019 to 29 March 2019.
    3. Attended One Week workshop on ‘Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies’ held at BMS Institute of Technology Bengaluru from 22 Jan 2018 to 27 Jan 2018.
    4. Attended One day workshop on ‘Solar Rooftop & Compost at Home’ organized by EcoSoch Solar Pvt Ltd at Bengaluru on 16 Dec 2017.
    5. Attended One day National workshop on ‘Artificial Neural Networks and its Applications’ held at Bearys Institute of technology Mangaluru on 28 April 2016.
    6. Attended Five days workshop on ‘Faculty Orientation Programme’ held at VTU Regional Office Mysore from 18 Jan 2016 to 22 Jan 2016.
    7. Attended Five days workshop on ‘Evolution of Microelectronics’ held at Canara Engineering College Mangaluru from 02 Dec 2015 to 06 Dec 2015.
    8. Attended One day workshop on ‘Inverter Design’ held at Canara Engineering College Mangaluru on 05 May 2015.

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    1. Invited as a resource person to deliver a technical talk on ‘Advances in Solar Photovoltaics and its Applications in Marine Engineering’ at Mangalore Marine College and Technology (MMCT), Mangaluru on 08 May 2019.
    2. Invited as a resource person to deliver a technical talk on ‘Solar Photovoltaic Technology and its Sustainability’ at P. A. Polytechnic College, Mangaluru on 07 March 2019.

    Awards and Achivements

    1. Secured 1st Rank in Master of Engineering under Bangalore University.
    2. Awarded Elite with Gold medal for securing 97% in proctored exam on “Advances in UHV Transmission and Distribution”, an 8 week online course conducted by NPTEL in association with IISc Bengaluru from July-Sept 2017.

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    1. Life Member of Institution of Engineers.
    2. Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education.
    3. Life Member of International Association of Engineers.
    4. Member of Solar Energy Society of India.  
    5. Life Member of Indian Society for Training and Development

    Administrative Responsibilities



  • Ms. Nandini S

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech
    read more
  • Ms. Nandini S

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2012
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2015
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Specialization PG


    Skill Set

    Smart Teaching with GOOGLE CLASSROOOM.

    International journals

    NANDINI S [1], CHINMAY KUKKETY[2] “ ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS TECHNIQUES USED IN LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION”International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE) ISSN: 0976-1353 Volume 14 Issue 2 –APRIL 2015

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    NANDINI S [1], CHINMAY KUKKETY [2] “ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS TECHNIQUES USED IN LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION”, “International conference on Trends in Engineering Sciences” held at Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi in the year 2015


  • Mrs. Nishitha K R

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech
    read more
  • Mrs. Nishitha K R

    Assistant Professor


    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year :
    University : VTU
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year :
    University : VTU

    Teaching Experience

    4 years

    Specialization PG


    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Power Electronics
    Digital System Design
    Computer Networks
    Operating Systems
    Management & Entrepreneurship

    Technical Interest


    International journals

    Nishitha, K.R., Vittal Bhat, M. (2022). IoT-Based Patient Health Monitoring System Using STM32F103C8T6. In: P., S., Prabhu, N., K., S. (eds) Advances in Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 767. Springer,


  • Ms. Nabeela C.A.

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech
    read more
  • Ms. Nabeela C.A.

    Assistant Professor


    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Year : 2013
    University : University of Calicut
    PG Degree : M.Tech in Mechatronics Engineering
    Year : 2020
    University : National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
    Other Degree : PG Diploma in Embedded System
    Year : 2014
    University :

    Teaching Experience


    Specialization PG

    Mechatronics Engineering, Sensors and Actuators, Automotive Electronics

    Technical Interest



  • Ms. Shahma M S

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech
    read more
  • Ms. Shahma M S

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech

    [email protected]
    Passionate about innovative teaching methodologies,Iam always on the lookout for strategies that can engage and inspire students.

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2021
    University : VTU
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2023
    University : KTU

    Specialization PG


    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    1.Digital System Design using Verilog,
    2.Computer Organization & ARM Microcontrollers.

    Technical Interest


    Awards and Achivements



  • Mrs. K. Ayshathil Bushra **

    Assistant Professor (Long Leave)

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech
    read more
  • Mrs. K. Ayshathil Bushra **

    Assistant Professor (Long Leave)

    B.E, M.Tech

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2005
    University : VTU
    PG Degree : M.Tech in Digital Electronic and communication
    Year : 2016
    University : VTU

    Teaching Experience

    Worked  in P.A.College of engineering from 2005 to 2009,then took leave worked  abroad (for one year) then rejoined in the year 2012.

    Specialization PG

    Digital Electronics and Communication

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Optical Fiber Communication,Electrical and  Electronic Measurements

    Skill Set

    Good  communication skill and confidence.

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 8


  • Ms. Rugmitha

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech
    read more
  • Ms. Rugmitha

    Assistant Professor


    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Year :
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    Year :
    University : VTU, Belagavi


  • Mr. Ridhwan Abdulla M S

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech
    read more
  • Mr. Ridhwan Abdulla M S

    Assistant Professor


    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.Tech
    Year : 2016
    University : Calicut University
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2021
    University : KTU


  • Arshiya Nazneen N Z

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech
    read more
  • Arshiya Nazneen N Z

    Assistant Professor


    [email protected]
    Passionate about Teaching

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2021
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2023

    Specialization PG


    Skill Set


    Awards and Achivements




Faculty in-charge:

  • Mr. Tenson Jose, Assistant Professor
Sl. No. Name Designation
1Ms. Khadeejathul Thasfiya Banu
2Mr. Shailendra (V ECE)Vice-president
3Mr. Shashwath D. N. (VII ECE)Secretary
4Mr. Nidhi G. Shetty (VII ECE)
Ms. Haleemath Bushaira (V ECE)
Joint Secretary
5Mr. Mavil Fernandes (VII ECE) ,
Ms. Fathimath Nusaiba (VII ECE),
Mr. Mohammed Rilwan (V ECE),
Ms. Swathi V Prabhu (V ECE)


Faculty in-charge:

  • Mr. Mohammed Saleem, Assistant Professor.
Sl. No. Name Designation
1Mr. Mohammad Tufail Ahmed (VII ECE)President
2Mr. Ameenudeen (VII ECE)
Ms. Bhoomika (V ECE)
3Mr. Mohammad (VII ECE)Secretary
4Mr. Mohammed Aman Ashraf (VII ECE)
Mr. Samarth (V ECE)
Joint Secretary
5Mr. Abdul Rehman Mashook (VII ECE)
Mr. Junaid Farhan (VII ECE)
Mr. Ashwin (V ECE)
Mr. Bharathakumar (V ECE)
To design schmitt trigger circuit
To design 4 bit R-2R op-amp
To design rc phase shift oscillator
To design hartley oscillator.
To design a astable multivibratorusing 555 timer

“I would like to express my heartiest thanks to the P. A. College of Engineering and the Department of ECE which provided me a strong foundation for my career. The faculties are very supportive and encourage students to push boundaries. The faculty helped me find my passion, and nurtured my dreams, something I will always be grateful for"

“PA college of Engineering is a blend of learning, innovation, growth, and fun. It has everything a student would wish for: a spacious and beautiful campus, best infrastructure, and focused environment, expert lecturers, and hence quality education. The faculty members urge students to become innovative by regularly organizing technical competitions and cultural events. Our knowledge and skills have been stretched and tested at various points, and in the process, it has been consistent in making the students ready for corporate life. Reflecting on my 4 years in PA, I can say with absolute certainty that the learning experience made me a better individual and prepared me for future endeavors"

“Being part of PACE, especially the electronics and communication dept. and being guided by some of the best faculties in the college was a privilege that cannot be expressed in words. PACE provides limitless opportunities for those willing to grab them. Glad i was part of this experience””

"Great support and encouragement from the faculty for activities like technical events and project competitions, along with the regular academia helped me to develop my technical skills and relate them to the real world. PACE helped me build a strong platform for my steps into the future”


Analog Electronics Circuits (AEC) Lab:

This is an introductory experimental laboratory that explores the design, construction, and debugging of analog electronic circuits. The course provides opportunity to investigate the performance characteristics of diodes, transistors and JFETs etc.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • CRO: 32
  • Signal generators: 21
  • Power supply: 25

Logic Design (LD) Lab:

The objective of this lab is to make students familiar with different types of designs as logic gates, sequential logic circuits and combinational logic circuits. Students design and implement different digital circuits.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • Digital IC trainer: 34
  • IC tester: 02

Microcontroller (MC) Lab:

This course makes the students familiarize with programming and interfacing microcontroller 8051 and MSP430 using ASM and embedded C. Simulations are done using the software KIEL.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • Interfacing kits (different program kits)-81kits

Hardware description language (HDL) Lab:

The purpose of this lab is to introduce HDL’s such as VHDL and Verilog simulation and synthesis using Xilinx software. HDL is an industry-standard language for modeling and synthesizing digital hardware, particularly for programmable logic or Application Specific Integrated Circuits.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • FPGA KITS (different program kits)-each 5 kits

Analog communication + Linear integrated circuits (AC + LIC) Lab:

The course explores the design, construction, and debugging of analog communication circuits, linear integrated circuit design and 555 Timer. This lab introduces student to the field of communication.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • CRO: 8
  • DSO: 2
  • Signal generators: 18
  • Power supply: 13

Digital signal processing (DSP) Lab:

This lab deals with the processing of signals using digital techniques or digital computers. Simulations are performed using MATLAB software. Students also implement the experiments using DSP kits.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • Computers
  • DSP kits

Advanced communication (ADC) Lab:

This lab deals with the processing of signals using digital techniques or digital computers. Simulations are performed using MATLAB software. Students also implement the experiments using DSP kits.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • Communication modules: 18
  • OFC kit: 2
  • Microwave setup: 4
  • Microstrip setup: 2

Microprocessor (MP) Lab:

In the past few years or so, microprocessors in general have brought about a revolution in computer science. In this lab Intel microprocessor 8086 is studied and programmed using MASM software. Students also made aware of interfacing experiments with microprocessors.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • Interfacing kits (different program kits)-40kits


This lab gives the idea to the students about the basic CMOS integrated Circuit design, simulation, and testing techniques. Basic Objectives of this lab to explore various design style of simple and complex Integrated Circuits(IC) near to students. Some of the tools from Cadence Development System have been used to study and design analog and digital VLSI circuits..

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • Computers: 30
  • Cadence software license: 20

Power electronics (PE) Lab:

The lab aims at teaching the students about the characteristics of different power electronics devices such as SCR, IGBT, UJT, MOSFET etc. This lab is well equipped with various power electronics kits for the analysis, design, and operation of power electronic circuits.

    Equipments in the LAB:

  • Digital CRO, signal generator

Lecture videos YouTube link:

Introduction to Embedded Systems

Subject Code: BETCK105J / 205J

Introduction to C Programming

Subject Code: BESCK104E / 204E


Subject code: 18EC63

Digital Signal Processing

Subject code: 21EC42

Digital Communication

Subject code: 18EC61


Subject code: 21EC54


Subject code: 21EC61

Research Methodology & IPR

Subject code: 21RMI56

Signals and systems

Subject code: 18EC45

Control Systems

Subject code: BEC403

Communication Theory

Subject code: 21EC44

Analog Electronics Circuits

Subject code: 21EC34


Digital Image Processing

Subject code: 18EC733

International Journal Publications

Bellary, Mohammed Zakir. "The Mri Knee Pain Classification Using Cnn Algorithm And Segmentation Using Clustering Algorithm." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12, no. 10 (2021): 306-315.(Scopus).
Hazareena, Asia. "UFMC System Performance Analysis for 5G Cellular Networks." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12, no. 10 (2021): 162-167.9? (Scopus).

International Journal Publications

Asia Hazareena, Dr. B. Aziz Musthafa“. “Performance of filtered OFDM over different fading channels” International journal of Engineering and advanced technology. ISSN 2249-8958, vol. 9, Issue- 4, April 2020.

International Journal Publications

Amjad Khan and Zahid Ansari Overview and Analysis of Lung Cancer”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), ISSN: 2321-0613, vol. 7, no.01, pp. 1014-1018, 2019.
Asia Hazareena, Dr. B. Aziz Musthafa“Performance evaluation of OFDM and UFMC” journal of Emeraina Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR). ISSN 2349-5162, vol. 6, Issue- 5, May2019.
Mohammed Zakir Bellary, Dr. B. Aziz Musthafa and Dr.Zahid Ansari“Segmentation of Pathological MR Images for Discovery of Useful Patterns Using Various Clustering Techniques” journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR). ISSN 2349-5162, vol. 6, Issue- 5, May2019.

International Journal Publications

Amjad Khan and Zahid Ansari, “Early Detection of Cancer Using Soft Computing”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), ISSN: 2321-0613, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 175-180, 2018.
Amjad Khan and Zahid Ansari“Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Soft Computing”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), ISSN: 2321-0613, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 181-184, 2018

International Journal Publications

Shet, Nagaraj, Gubbi, Abdullah "Low-Cost Appliance Control System for Home Automation and Energy Management Using Image Processing." Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems. Springer India, vol, 394, pp. 125-134. 2016. ISSN:2194-5357 (Scopus indexed journal:0.7)
Chandana .B.R, “Design and implementation of heuristic approximation algorithm for reliable multicasting in optical networks” De-gruyter publications, ISSN : 2391-5412, 2016.(open life science journal Impact factor:0.710)

International Journal Publications

Gubbi, Abdullah, Mohammad Fazle Azeem, and N. Z. H. Nayakwadi. "Conventional EntropyQuantifier and Modified Entropy Quantifiers for Face Recognition." Procedia Computer Science 46 (2015): 1529-1536.
Amjad Khan, Mohammed Zakir Bellary, Mohammad Ziaullah, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, “An Experimental Approach to Determine the Effect of Different Orientation of Dimples on Flat Plates” American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. vol. 4, No. 3, 2015, pp. 29-33.doi: 10.11648/j.epes.20150403.12.
Amjad Khan, Mohammed Zakir Bellary, Mohammad Ziaullah, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, “An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Flat Plates Using Dimples” American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. vol.4, no.4, pp.34- 38, 2015, doi:10.11648/j.epes.20150404.11.
Amjad khan and Zahid Ansari, “Soft Computing based medical image mining: A Survey”, International Journal of computer trends & Technology (IJCTT), vol 27, number 2, , page.76-79, September 2015
Gubbi, Abdullah, Mohammed Fazle Azeem, and Zahid Ansari. "New Fuzzy LBP Features for Face Recognition." arXiv preprint arXiv: 1509.06853 ,2015.

International Journal Publications

Gubbi, Abdullah, Mohammad Fazle Azeem, and M. Sharmila Kumari. "Non Binary Local Gradient Contours for Face Recognition." arXiv preprint arXiv: 1411.0442 , IJIP,2014
Amjad Khan, Zahid Ansari, “Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques in Telecommunications-A Survey” International journal of emerging technologies and applications in engineering, technology and sciences (IJ-ETA-ETS) ISSN:0974-3588, vol 7, no 1,Special Issue, Page: 269-276, Jan2014-June 2014
Zahid Ansari, Amjad Khan, “Fast Global K-Means Method to discover user session clusters from web log data” International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, vol 8, no 3,Page 26-35,2015.
Chandana BR, paper titled, "A comparative analysis of reliable multicast protocols in optical network", 2014, IJATER, International journal of scientific and engineering research publications, p-no 28-34 , ISSN : 2321-2667.
Shoaib Kamal, Praveen Pujar, “A Novel Method for downlink resource allocation for next generation wireless networks”. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, vol.3, no 6, June.2014.
Shoaib Kamal, Praveen Pujar, “A Novel Method for downlink frequency allocation for next generation wireless networks”. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, vol.2, no 8, June.2014.

International Journal Publications

Shoaib Kamal, Girish Attimarad, “H.264 Deblocking Speed-Up using hybrid optimization technique”. IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol.1, no 5, May-June.2012.
Gubbi, Abdullah, and Mohammad Fazle Azeem. Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Edge Detection of Gray Scale Images. INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2012.
Nagaraj Shet Sdmit, Shreesha C. Mit Manipal, and Abdullah Gubbi . "Intruder Recognition System." Electrical and Electronic Engineering 5.1 ,pp. 6-12,2015

International Conferences Papers

Safra, Mohammad Hussain K. and Mohammed Saleem“Isolation Of Speech From Noisy Environment Based On LMS And DNN”. An online Second International Conference on SURF – 2020, Bearys knowledge campus Mangalore, 23, 24, 25 July, 2020.
Mohammad Hussain K and Dr. Aziz Mustafa B “Supervised Speech Separation For Selective Speech Recording From Noisy Environment Based On CASA and DNN”. An online Second International Conference on SURF – 2020, Bearys knowledge campus Mangalore, 23, 24, 25 July, 2020 ..

International Conferences Papers

Asiya Hazareena, “A survey: on the waveform for 5G” International conference, Coimbatore, March 27, 2018.

International Conferences Papers

Chandana.B.R, “Design and implementation of heuristic approximation algorithm for reliable multicasting in optical networks” IDES ,p-no 320 - 331 , International conference, Seventh international on advances in communication and networks, March 12, 13, 2016 at Bengaluru.

International Conferences Papers

Gopinath, Gopika, and Abdullah Gubbi. "Four transistor comparator based PWM for DC-DC Converters." Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT), 2015 1st International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.

International Conferences Papers

Shoaib Kamal, Raldon D’Souza,“Fusion of multi-focus images to maximize image information”. International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Bangalore, June 01, 2014.
Tanvir Habib Sardar, Zahid Ansari, Naveen D Chandavarkar, Amjad Khan, “A Methodology for Detecting Web Robot Requests from Voluminous Web Log File” , International Conference Proceeding in Emerging Trends in Engineering-2014 (ICETE-2014) at N.M.A.M Institute of Technology(NMAMIT) Nitte, India on 15th May through 17th ,2014. ISBN: 978-93-83083-80-0, Pages 108-113.
Gubbi, Abdullah, Mohammad Fazle Azeem, and Nishatbanu ZH Nayakwadi. "Face Recognition Using Local Ternary Pattern and Booth's Algorithm." Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS), 2014 3rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2014.
Shoaib Kamal, Praveen Pujar, “A Novel Method for downlink frequency allocation for next generation wireless networks”. International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Mysore, May 14, 2014.
Tanvir Habib Sardar, Zahid Ansari, Amjad Khan “A Methodology for Wireless Intrusion Detection System” , International Conference Proceeding in Information and Communication Technologies-2014 (ICICT-2014) at PES Institute of Technology & Management, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India on 5th May through 6th, Pages 187-191,2014.

National Conferences Papers

Mohammed Hussain .K, Dr.B.Aziz Musthafa, “ Supervised Speech Separation for Selective Speech Recording from Noisy Environment based on CASA and DNN.” National Conference on Advances in Science ,Engineering and Management-19,VCET Puttur, 23-24th August 2019.

National Conferences Papers

Chandana B R, “Development of scalable and reliable multicast in optical networks”. Sixth National Conference in signal processing and networks, proceedings- no 94-101 , Jnanarajna 2014, Bengaluru.

National Conferences Papers

Chandana BR "An design of logic topology and development of heuristic algorithm for reliable multicasting in optical networks", National conference in communication and networks ,proceedings at Manipal, NCIS-2014.
Gubbi, Abdullah, and Mohammad Fazle Azeem. “Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Edge Detection of Gray”. INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2012.

Research Facilities

Name of the Facility Description of Facility Major Equipment/Software Specification
Project/Research Lab Lab to facilitate the UG/PG Projects and Ph.D Work 10 Desktop PC Configuration: Intel Core i3 processor, Intel H61WW motherboard, 2GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, ATX cabinet, Keyboard + Mouse, LED 15” Monitor.
1 Online UPS 10 KVA
15 Tubular Batteries 40AH-12V
Image Processing Research Lab To facilitate the Image processing and analysis using MATLAB software 8 LAN networked with high speed internet Desktop PC, MATLAB Intel Core i3 processor, Intel H61WW motherboard, 2GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, ATX cabinet, Keyboard + Mouse, LED 15” Monitor.
VLSI Lab To Facilitates researchers to access a new parasitic estimation ,comparison flow and optimization algorithms and also to perform sensitivity analysis using Cadence software 10 LAN networked Desktop PC with high speed internet facility, CADENCE TOOLS supports advanced 20/22nm and 14/16nm FinFET process technologies and system-in-package/3D-IC design. Configuration: Intel Core i3 processor, Intel H61WW motherboard, 2GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, ATX cabinet, Keyboard + Mouse, LED 15” Monitor, Cadence®Virtuoso® Analog Design environment

Research Interested Groups

Themes Ongoing Projects
VLSI and Embedded System Embedded robotics- Robot motion planning or trajectory
Image Processing Biometrics, Face recognition
Medical image processing for the diagnosis of various health ailments
Communication OFDM based digital data encoding on multiple carrier frequencies
Signal Processing It cover the broad spectrum of issues related with following but not limited to: Specific speaker identification and recording system using MFCC and SVM

Research Interested Groups

Research Guide Ph.D. Research Scholar Name Research Area University Status
Dr. Mohammed Fazle Azeem Abdullah Gubbi Image Processing VTU, Belagavi Thesis Submitted
Abdullah K.P Low power VLSI design VTU, Belagavi ongoing
Dr. A.M. Khan Chandana B.R Optical Communication and Networks Mangalore University Ongoing
Dr. Aziz Musthafa Asiya Hazreena OFDM VTU, Belagavi Ongoing
Mohammad Hussain Speech processing VTU, Belagavi Ongoing
Dr. Zahid Ahmed Ansari Amjad Khan Image Mining VTU, Belagavi Ongoing
Dr.Shubha Jithendra N.K Image Processing VTU, Belagavi Ongoing
Dr.Korian Tenson Jose Image Processing VTU, Belagavi Ongoing
Dr.Farukh Sayeed Shoaib Kamal Image Processing Jodhpur National University Ongoing

Parallax 1