A grievance redressal mechanism is formulated in the college to address any flaws and lacunae in the system and complaints raised by students/staff/stakeholder. The table below shows the list of members of grievance redressal committee.
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Profession | Department | Contact Number |
1 | Dr. Ramis M. K. | Member | Principal | ME | 9035960243 |
2 | Dr. Abdul Rehman | Member | Retired VC | Special Invitee | 9447032786 |
3 | Dr. Sharmila Kumari | Member | Vi ce Principal & HOD | CSE | 9482254295 |
4 | Dr. Palakshappa K | Chairman | HOD | CV | 9448158900 |
5 | Dr.Sayyad Ameen Ahammad | Member | Dean(SA) | MBA | 9632142630 |
6 | Prof. John Valder | Coordinator | Associate Professor | ECE | 9448167533 |
7 | Prof. Jameela | Member | Assistant Professor | OBC | 9980769495 |
8 | Mr. Furqan Shaikh | Member | Student | CSE | 9611141712 |
9 | Ms. Kavya G | Member | Student | ECE | 9380698569 |
Apart from the committee, the institution has Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) comprising of all HODs to ensure the quality of academic and non-academic functioning. Feedbacks are taken periodically through ERP from the students, on academic and non-academic matters assessed and recommended for required remedial measures.
With reference to VTU circular dated 5th May 2020 special cell for COVID 19 has been constituted at P.A. College of Engineering to handle the students grievances related to academic and exam matters. Please find below the details of Nodal officer and members constituted on 9th May 2020.
Name | Designation | Mobile No | Email ID |
Dr. Palakshappa K | Nodal Officer | 9448158900 | [email protected] |
Prof. Ismail Shaffi | Member | 9535622435 | |
Mr.Abdul Majeed | Member | 9980191499 | [email protected] |
Mrs.Shainy Mathew C | Member | 8762728951 | [email protected] |
Mr Chethan | Member | 7892478557 | |
Mrs.Shamna N V | Member | 9449503087 | [email protected] |
Mr. Vittal Bhat M | Member | 7019626458 | [email protected] |
Mrs.Asia Hazreena | Member | 9945298123 | [email protected] |
Mr.Varun Hegde | Member | 9164569010 | [email protected] |
Mr.Zoheb Ali | Member | 9916470754 |
Sexual Harassment at workplace is a violation of women’s right to gender equality, life and liberty. In accordance to the guidelines issued by University Grants Commission, All India Council for Technical Education and Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum, the college has set up College Internal Complaints Committee (CICC) to deal with matters related to the prevention of sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the college campus. The primary goal of the CICC is to prevent discrimination and sexual harassment by fostering a harmonious environment and raising awareness among both employees and students. The details of the committee for the academic year 2024-2025 are given in table below:
No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | Email Address |
1 | Dr. Manjula V (HOD AIML) | Chair Person | 8197603006 | [email protected] |
2 | Dr. Palakshappa (HOD Civil) | Member | 9448158900 | [email protected] |
3 | Mrs. Shainy Mathew | Coordinator | 8762728951 | [email protected] |
4 | Mr. Nihas Khan | Member | 7736567870 | [email protected] |
5 | Mrs. Sumayya | Member | 9845798801 | [email protected] |
6 | Mrs. Laila Jaseela A (Research Scholar) | Member | 9995561551 | [email protected] |
7 | Ms. Hiba Jameela (II MBA Student) | Member | 7899500288 | [email protected] |
8 | Ms. Munazza Begum (VII Semester EC) | Member | 8197458962 | [email protected] |
9 | Ms. Amrutha L R (VII Semester BT) | Member | 9148555122 | [email protected] |
10 | Mr. Mohammed Rafiq (External Person) | Member | 8310039342 | [email protected] |
In order to curb the menace of ragging, the institution has formed an anti-ragging committee to make the campus ragging free. The committee constituted for anti-ragging is as shown in table below
Sl. No | Name | Designation | Profession | Department | Mobile No | Email ID |
1 | Dr. Ramis M. K | Chairman | Principal | ME | 9035960243 | [email protected] |
2 | Dr. Sharmila Kumari M. | Member | Vice-Principal/ HOD CSE | CS | 9482254295 | [email protected] |
3 | Dr. Sayyad Ameen Ahammad | Member | Director | MBA | 9632142630 | [email protected] |
4 | Dr. Palakshappa K. | Coordinator | HOD | CV | 9448158900 | [email protected] |
5 | Prof. John Valder | Member | HOD | EE | 9845207834 | [email protected] |
6 | Prof. Abdul Majeed | Member | Assistant Professor | Maths | 9980181499 | [email protected] |
7 | Prof. Ismail Shafi | Member | Assistant Professor | Physics | 9535622435 | [email protected] |
8 | Mr. Iqbal | Member | Physical Director | Physical Education | 9886598946 | [email protected] |
9 | Circle Inspector | Member | Police Officer | Ullal Circle | 9876543210 | [email protected] |
10 | Sub Inspector | Member | Police Officer | Konaje | 9876541230 | [email protected] |
11 | Ms. Chithrakshi K C | Member | 4PA22CS024 | CS | 7019442276 | [email protected] |
12 | Mr. D S Khadeejath Zaina | Member | 4PA22CS025 | CS | 7204756916 | [email protected] |
13 | Mr. Rihan Mohammead Nellikar | Member | 4PA22CS103 | CS | 7090421820 | [email protected] |
14 | Mr. Rihan Mohammed Ismail | Member | 4PA22CS104 | CS | 7829235332 | [email protected] |
15 | Mr. Mohammed Shakir | Member | 4PA22BA042 | MBA | 7829578704 | [email protected] |
The Governing Council of P. A. College of Engineering is headed by the Chairman and Managing Trustee of P. A. Educational Trust. The decisions of the Governing Council are executed by the Executive Director through the Principal. The financial matters of the institution are monitored by the Director (Finance) under the aegis of the Executive Director, through the internal auditor and the supporting staff. The academic body comprising of heads of various departments, teaching and non-teaching faculty members are under the supervision of the Principal. The supporting departments like Examinations, Library, Student Welfare Office, Office of the Dean (Research) and Physical Education are also under the supervision of the Principal. The Vice Principal and the Director (Academics) support the Principal in academic and associate matters. The daily affairs of the various departments like Administrative Office under Office Superintendent, the HR Office under HR Officer, Transportation & Security managed by Estate Manager, Purchase, Stores and Canteen/Mess supervised by Purchase Manager, Construction and Maintenance under Site Engineer are managed by the Principal under the guidance of the Executive Director.
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Profession | Category | E mail ID & Contact No. |
1 | Mr. Abdulla Ibrahim | Chairman | Service | Chairman of P A Educational rust | [email protected] 8884999916 |
2 | Dr. Abdul Rahiman M | Member | Academician | Nominated by Trust | [email protected] |
3 | Mr. Ahmed Kutty | Member | Director Finance | Nominee of the Trust | [email protected] 8242284701 |
4 | Mr. M P Ahammed | Member | Industrialist | Nominated by Trust | [email protected] |
5 | Prof. Sufiyan Baig | Member | Academician | Nominated by Trust | [email protected] |
6 | Mr. Zubair Ibrahim | Member | Service | Nominated by Trust | [email protected] |
7 | Mr. Ameen Ibrahim | Member | Service | Nominated by Trust | [email protected] |
8 | Dr. Abdul Sharief | Member | Academician | Nominee of the Trust | [email protected] 9448503567 |
9 | Director of Technical Education | Member | Director DTE | Ex Officio Member | [email protected] 8022355227 |
10 | Director of SWRO AICTE |
Member | Director SWRO | Ex Officio Member | [email protected] 8022205979 |
11 | Mr. Aseef Mohammed | Member | Advocate | Nominated by Trust | [email protected] |
12 | Dr. Sharmila Kumari | Member | Vice Principal | Member | [email protected] |
13 | Dr. Ramis M. K. | Member Secretary | Principal | Member | [email protected] 9035960243 |
The P. A. Educational Trust (P. A. E. T.) was established in 1999 with a mission to deliver quality education on par with global standards. The Trust through its various educational institutions is committed to mould the new generation with knowledge, ethics and social responsibility. With Dr P. A. Ibrahim Haji, a renowned educationalist and philanthropist at the helm of affairs, the trust is well equipped to groom talents, and mould them into top-quality professionals with profound knowledge, and strong ethical values.
In the initial years of the establishment of the trust, it envisioned and succeeded in establishing P. A. College of Engineering (PACE) which is now a prominent college in this geographical zone. The college is affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belgaum, approved by AICTE (New Delhi) and recognized by the Govt. of Karnataka as a minority institution. The institution offers both the undergraduate programmes (Bachelor of Engineering) and the Postgraduate programmes (Master of Technology). Seven departments are recognised as University Research Centres which offers Ph.D / M.Sc (Engg.) by research based on the research work. In 2009, P. A. College of Engineering became the very first institution to be accredited by the NBA in the region of Mangaluru.
In the very next year of establishment of the P. A. College of Engineering, the trust was successful in establishing the Centre for Management Studies and Research offering MBA Programme. The MBA programme is administered through the best faculty members in the field having high academic qualifications and industry exposure. The management graduates from this department are most sought by companies in India and abroad.
PACE is envisaged as a centre of evolution for excellence in Technological, Management and Research Education. The institution aspires to spread universal knowledge through villages and cities enabling expansion of human resources.
Cadre- Qualification (As per UGC/ AICTE Norms)
The recruitment panel for the teaching staff is constituted as below mentioned:
The recruitment panel for the non-teaching staff is constituted as below mentioned:
Employees of the college shall be classified as:
1. These rules & regulations of service have come into effect and are in force from 01 November 2000 and have been made applicable to all staff/employees under the institutions of P. A. Educational Trust.
2. The hours of work and duty timings would be intimated through notices exhibited on the staff notice boards at the college. The employees are required to take note of such information and adhere to the timings, which are liable to be altered at the discretion of the Principal in consultation with the management if required.2.The hours of work and duty timings would be intimated through notices exhibited on the staff notice boards at the college. The employees are required to take note of such information and adhere to the timings, which are liable to be altered at the discretion of the Principal in consultation with the management if required.
3.The attendance of the employees shall be marked in their respective attendance registers & / or electronic attendance system (Biometric) maintained in the college either at the Department or at the Principal’s office.
4.Promotion/ increment is based on the advancement of educational qualification, technical education, professional performance, skill enhancement, research output, teaching innovation, outreach programmes, and leadership abilities as deemed fit and assessed appropriately and timely by the respective heads of the department and the institution.
The employees must maintain a high standard of conduct and shall always behave in a sober manner, tempered with kindness and courtesy, friendliness and understanding with all students and colleagues. They must refrain from gossiping, loud talking or any other activity that would disturb the students or co-employees.
The employees should always be neatly dressed in clean clothes while on duty. Employees, who have been provided with uniforms and tools according to the nature of their duties/work, must wear them or use them only while on duty. All employees shall carry out their daily duties faithfully and sincerely under the direction of their superiors and shall obey the instruction and directions issued to them from time to time. Insubordination and /or wilful disobedience of orders of superior while on duty shall be considered as serious misconduct.
The employees shall observe the instructions put up on the staff notice board at the college or issued to them from time to time by their superiors. Such orders shall be deemed to have been served /communicated to the employee concerned and hence every employee shall make himself/herself familiar with the day-to-day communication.
An employee is required to accept and to attend to any work allotted to him/ her by the Head of the Department &/or Institution even when normally it may not be earmarked for the category to which he belongs beside the main routine work attached to the post held by him/ her keeping in mind that the institution deserves the dedicated work of all employees to enable the college to attain a worthy status in the field of education. Such work, within working hours, will not entitle the employee for any extra remuneration.
Every incident/ happening/ occurrence out of ordinary or any emergency arising in the college shall be immediately reported to their immediate superior/ HoD/ Principal by the employee.
Every employee is expected to take enough care of the property materials, instruments, equipment, etc. of the college. All employees are required to carry with them their identity cards while on duty and produce it when called for.
No article except personal belongings shall be brought in or taken out by an employee from the premises of the college without the written permission of the Head of the Department and the Principal. Any pilferage will be considered as serious misconduct.
In addition, incentive plans are implemented to motivate the employee to deliver high productivity, to participate in national/international seminars for publishing papers in reputed journals, to fund quality research, etc.
The rules pertaining to the resignation or retirement from service is as follows:
Note:All types of leave should be sanctioned prior to proceeding on leave. Only in exceptional cases like severe health disorder or emergency, the employee may inform the higher authorities by telephone/email and submit the leave form immediately after reporting for duty. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The discretion is reserved with the Management/Principal to grant leave, either to refuse or revoke leave at any time according to the requirements of the college service.
An employee against whom disciplinary action is proposed to be taken should be issued a Show Cause Notice or given a Charge-sheet by the management or the Principal, clearly stating the circumstances and facts related to the misconduct alleged, affording him/ her the opportunity to submit explanation in writing, if any, within seven days of receipt of the said charge- sheet.
Such an employee shall also be given an opportunity to answer the charges at the time of an enquiry before an Enquiry Officer/committee to be appointed by the management or the Principal of the college. The date and time of the said enquiry would be fixed keeping in mind the requirement for sufficient duration for the employee concerned to prepare, explain or to produce any evidence he/she wishes to rely upon in his/her defense at the enquiry.
Any notice, order, charge-sheet or communication meant for the charge-sheeted employee shall be in English or in Kannada. In case of an unauthorized absence by an employee, the notice or any such communication shall be sent to him/ her by 'registered post acknowledgement due' to the address provided by him/ her as per the rules. If the employee concerned refuses to accept any communication in connection with any disciplinary process when it is sought to be served on him/ her, the exhibition of such communication on the notice board of the college would be considered as sufficient proof of service of the said communication to him/ her. If the employee concerned fails to appear before the Enquiry Officer at the appointment time and place without sufficient cause for his absence to the satisfaction of the Enquiry Officer/Committee, then the enquiry is liable to be held 'ex parte'. During the enquiry, the employee shall be permitted to produce records and examine witnesses in his defense, peruse records produced in support of the allegations into and cross- examine witnesses examined against his interest.
The employee concerned may be permitted to be assisted by his co-employee during the enquiry, if (s)he so desires in writing. The employee on whom the punishment is imposed consequent to disciplinary proceedings conducted as provided herein may appeal to the Administrative Committee of the Trust within thirty (30) days of the communication of the order of punishment. The appeal shall be forwarded to the said Committee through the Principal. The Administrative Committee or any member(s) thereof delegated in this respect shall dispose of the appeal within three (3) months of it being preferred. If the employee makes in writing a voluntary and unconditional admission of his guilt regarding the charges at any stage of the disciplinary proceedings, no further enquiry would be necessary to be held or continued; however, if the employee concerned requests to be heard on the nature of punishment, such an opportunity may be afforded to him. When misconduct alleged is of very serious nature, the Administrator or the Principal may suspend the employee from duty pending disciplinary proceeding. During such period of suspension, the employee concerned shall not leave the station except with the written permission of the Administrator or the Principal.
During the period of suspension, the employee shall be paid a subsistence allowance amounting to fifty percent (50%) of his salary during the initial ninety (90) days. If, however the period of suspension exceeds beyond those ninety (90) days, the rate of subsistence allowance shall be increased to seventy five percent (75%) of his salary. Provided that where the disciplinary proceedings are prolonged on account of any reason attributable to the employee concerned and therefore the period of suspension gets extended beyond the initial ninety (90) days, the rate of subsistence allowance for the period exceeding those ninety (90) days shall be only twenty five percent (25%) of the salary of the said employee. If the employee is acquitted of the charges alleged against him, he would be entitled to his salary for the entire period of his suspension, and the same would be paid to him after deducting the subsistence allowance already drawn by him. If the employee is dismissed, the order of dismissal shall become effective from the date of suspension itself, notwithstanding the subsistence allowance already paid to him.
Any complaints or grievances arising out of employment, including those relating to unfair treatment or wrongful action on the part of the supervisory staff, shall be first referred to the Head of the Department in which the employee is working.
In the event of expression of dissatisfaction by an employee in the decisions of the HOD, or if the latter so wishes, the complaint may be referred to the Principal. The Principal at his/ her discretion may appoint an officer or a Committee to investigate the grievance.
Based on the findings arrived at through the aforesaid process, the Principal shall decide on the subject matter of the grievance and communicate the same to the employee concerned through HoD, and such decision of the Principal will be final and binding.
Students are expected to be familiar with those regulations covered in this Handbook that apply to them. The rules of PACE provide a framework within which all students are free to pursue their course, under the safest and most equitable conditions the College can create. These rules, then, serve as the guidelines forming the protection of each individual’s well-being. Whenever violations of the rules occur, the College will treat them as matters of serious concern because they disrupt the individual lives of students, and the shared life of this community.
The College expects every student to be familiar with the rules and regulations governing, set forth in the pages of the Handbook. The College takes all these diverse principles very seriously; together they create a foundation for the responsible, respectful society that PACE seeks to foster among its students, faculty, and staff.
The information contained herein may be added or amended from time to time, as and when directives or received from government or any law enforcing authority & the decision of the head of the institution shall only be considered final.
The duration of the B.E. degree course is 4 academic years which is normally divided into 8 semesters. Each semester consists of at least 90 working days.
College working hours are: 9:00a.m. to 12:55 p.m., 1:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Students are required to be regular in their attendance. As per VTU regulations, a minimum of 85% attendance is necessary in both Theory and Practical Courses, in each semester. Otherwise students cannot appear for University examinations.
TBoth boys and girls should wear any decent dress appropriate for an educational institution. Jeans pants and T shirts are prohibited.
Each student will be provided with an Identity Card with his/her name and photo with their proper details. The ID cards are required for all transactions in the college campus to use facilities including libraries, buses, hostels, examinations, sports and student hostels. The students are required to wear college Identity Card on all college working days inside the campus and produce it on demand by the authorities.
There are 3 internal tests conducted every semester in each theory and practical papers and 40 IA marks will be awarded.
The Internal Assessment marks in a theory subject shall be based on three tests generally conducted at the end of 6, 10 and 14 weeks of each semester. An additional test may be conducted for desirous students before the end of the semester to give an opportunity to such students to improve their Internal Assessment Marks. Average of 3 tests marks shall be the Internal Assessment Marks for the relevant subject.
In the case of a Practical, the IA marks shall be based on the laboratory records /reports and one practical test.