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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is the comprehensive discipline in engineering which involves design, manufacture, maintain, and recycle of everything right from a small individual part to a complex spacecraft. The Department of Mechanical Engineering at PACE was established in the year 2004 to impart technical skills of highest and contemporary quality to the blooming engineers. The department now accommodates 30 students in an academic year. The Department has now 13 teaching staff and 06 supporting faculties.

The department offers undergraduate program with the following salient features:

  • The best in class teaching fraternity having excellent academic record with a well versed teaching and industrial exposure.
  • Audio-visual classrooms, advanced laboratories and a departmental library.
  • The department is enthusiastically occupied in research activities and received grants from various government organizations like AICTE, VGST and VTU for research.
  • Exclusive research labs on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mini/Micro Channel Heat Transfer Analysis and Nanotechnology.
  • Individual attention on each student through the academic counselor system.
  • MoUs with reputed industrial and academic organizations.
  • KSCST funded projects carried out by students.
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Message from HOD

Dr. Prashanth Pai M

Associate Professor & Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering

A very warm welcome to the website of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.A. College of Engineering. The discipline of Mechanical Engineering has a long and distinguished history of developing state-of-the-art technologies and exhilarating solutions for mankind.

Since the inception in the year 2004, the Department has grown consistently with added facilities and currently it accommodates 30 students in an academic year.  The department is also recognized as a Research Centre by VTU to offer PhD Degree. Our department has a distinguished record in both teaching and research. Faculty members have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded. The students of the department are also active in scholastic and co-scholastic domains. Our department maintains active research groups for carrying out collaborative and interdisciplinary research and has publications in refereed journals. We have state of the art research facilities to support our academic programs and research. Funding for research helps us to maintain and modernize our research infrastructure.

This website provides an overview of the academic programs, research activities of our department, research facilities, profiles of faculty members and details of student activities. We hope that whether you are a prospective undergraduate or graduate student, or work in industry, or another university, or a visitor, you will find this website to be informative.

The Mechanical Engineering Program Educational Objectives are to prepare the young graduates to

  • PEO1: Acquire engineering knowledge to develop solutions for technical problems through investigation and analysis.
  • PEO 2: Gain the ability to use modern tools effectively in support of society and to achieve environmental sustainability.
  • PEO3: Work independently and collaboratively exhibiting professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • PEO4: Manage teams, resources and improve continuously in the professional career.
  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and mechanical engineering fundamentals.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, and analyze mechanical engineering problems.
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design and develop the system to meet specific needs of society with environmental considerations.
  • PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods to investigate complex problems.
  • PO5: Modern tool usage: Use appropriate modern tools such as CIM, CFD, CAE, Lean 6-sigma etc., to identify, analyze and solve problems.
  • PO6: The engineer and society: Apply engineering knowledge to assess and solve issues concerning society.
  • PO7: Environment and sustainability: Evaluate the impact of engineering solutions on the environment and ensure its sustainability.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply professional ethics pertaining to engineering practice.
  • PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in multidisciplinary teams.
  • PO10: Communication: Communicate engineering activities effectively to the engineering community and society.
  • PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate principles/practices of management and finance in one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in an organization.
  • PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need, and prepare for independent and life-long learning process.
  • PSO1: Demonstrate engineering knowledge in the various core streams of mechanical engineering, namely, thermal engineering, design engineering, manufacturing engineering, material science, and industrial management.
  • PSO2: Identify the root cause of a problem and solve it by applying modern tools such as CIM, CFD, and CAE using research based approach and innovation.
  • PSO3: Function competently as an individual or in teams, demonstrating extraordinary communication skills and leadership qualities with social and ethical commitment

Course Structure

  • Semester 1
  • Mathematics for MES-I
  • Physics for MES
  • Elements of Mechanical Engineering
  • Communicative English
  • Indian Constitution
  • Innovation and Design Thinking
  • Renewable Energy Resources
  • Introduction to C Programming
  • Semester 2
  • Mathematics for MES-II
  • Chemistry for MES
  • Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
  • Professional Writing Skills in English
  • Balake/Samskrutika Kannada
  • Scientific Foundation of Health
  • Introduction to Python Programming
  • Introduction to Electrical Engineering
  • Semester 3
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Manufacturing Process
  • Material Science and Engineering
  • Basic Thermodynamics
  • Introduction to Modelling and Design for Manufacturing
  • Waste handling and Management
  • Social Connect and Responsibility
  • Spreadsheet for Engineers
  • NSS/Physical Education/Yoga
  • Semester 4
  • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Machining Science & Metrology
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Mechanical Measurements and Metrology Lab
  • Non Traditional Machining
  • Digital Marketing
  • Biology for Engineers
  • Universal human values course
  • NSS/Physical Education/Yoga
  • Semester 5
  • Industrial Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Turbo machines
  • Theory of Machines
  • CNC Programming and 3-D Printing lab
  • Energy Engineering
  • Mini Project
  • Research Methodology and IPR
  • Environmental Studies
  • NSS/Physical Education/Yoga
  • Semester 6
  • Heat Transfer
  • Machine Design
  • Total Quality Management
  • Open Elective –I
  • Major Project Phase – I
  • Design lab
  • Ability Enhancement/Skill Development Course V
  • NSS/Physical Education/Yoga
  • Semester 7
  • Finite Element Methods
  • Hydraulics and Pneumatics
  • Control Engineering
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Open Elective- II
  • Major Project Phase-II
  • Semester 8
  • Professional Elective -IV (Online Courses)
  • Open Elective - III (Online Courses)
  • Internship (Industry/Research) (14 - 20 weeks)
  • Dr. Ramis M K

    Professor & Principal

    Qualification : B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D
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  • Dr. Ramis M K

    Professor & Principal

    B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D

    Educational Details


  • Dr. Prashanth Pai M

    Associate Professor & HOD

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
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  • Dr. Prashanth Pai M

    Associate Professor & HOD

    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]
    Area of Interest Maintenance & Reliability Engineering Composite Materials Lean Manufacturing Operations Research

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.(Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 1998-2002
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech (Maintenance Engineering)
    Year : 2006-2008
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    Doctoral Degree : Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 2020-21
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Teaching Experience

    20 Years 6 Months

    Research Experience

    7 Years

    Industry Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    Study, Design & Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance System (TPM) in Selected Manufacturing Industry (SME)

    Specialization PG

    Maintenance Engineering

    Skill Set


    International journals

    1. Prashanth Pai M, Syed Zeashan, and Subhan Ali, “Antifriction Bearing Diagnostics in a Manufacturing Industry – A Case Study”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Vol. 6, No. 5A, p-ISSN: 2163-2405, e-ISSN: 2163-2413, pp.58-62. doi:10.5923/c.jmea.201601.11.
    2. Prashanth Pai M., Akhil Raj MP, Manjunath B., Sufiyan Shaikh and Navajasharif Gaded, “Modeling & Analysis of a Multi-Nut Operating Tool Using CATIA & Ansys”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, p-ISSN: 2163-2405,    e-ISSN: 2163-2413, 2017;  7(5): 139-144, DOI:10.5923/j.jmea.20170705.03.
    3. Raghavendra M J, Ramachandra C G, T R Srinivas & Prashanth Pai M, “A Review on Tool Flank Wear Monitoring by Tool Condition Monitoring System using Various Approaches”, Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering (GRDJE), ISSN: 2455-5703, Volume No.1, Issue No. 4, March 2016, pp.07-13.
    4. Raghavendra M J, Ramachandra C G, T R Srinivas & Prashanth Pai M, “A study on Different Tool Condition Monitoring System Available to Monitor Tool-Flank Wear”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), July 2017, p-ISSN: 2349-0918,  e-ISSN: 2231-5381, pp.359-364.
    5. M Prashanth Pai, CG Ramachandra, TR Srinivas & MJ Raghavendra, “Effect of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Implementation in Manufacturing and Service Industries- A Review”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), 2016, p-ISSN: 2349-0918, e-ISSN: 2231-5381, pp.346-350.
    6. Prashanth Pai M, Ramachandra C G, T R Srinivas & Raghavendra M J, “OEE - A Tool to Measure the Effectiveness of TPM Implementation in Industries - A Review”, Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering (GRDJE), ISSN: 2455-5703, Volume No.1, Issue No. 12, November 2016, pp.92-96.
    7. Prashanth Pai M, Dr. Ramachandra C G, Dr. T R Srinivas & Raghavendra M J, “Total Productive Maintenance – A Performance Enhancement Strategy for Manufacturing Industries”, Journal of Engineering Technological Research (JETR), ISSN: 2229-9262, Volume No.8, March 2017, pp.305-311.
    8. M. Prashanth Pai, C. G. Ramachandra, T. R. Srinivas & M. J. Raghavendra, “Reliability Assessment and Study of Quality Control Tools on Intermixer and Dump Mill of a Tyre Manufacturing Industry”, MATEC Web of Conferences 144, 05001 (2018),
    9. M Prashanth Pai, Dr. Ramachandra C G, Dr. T R Srinivas & M J Raghavendra, “A Study on Usage of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Selected SMEs”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 376 (2018) 012117 DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012117.
    10. Prashanth Pai Manihalla, Ramachandra C. Gopal, Srinivas T. Rao, & Raghavendra M. Javaraiah, “A Survey on Factors Affecting Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Service Industries”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2080, 060005 (2019);, 08 March 2019.
    11. Prashanth Pai M, Ramachandra C.G, Srinivas T.R, Rishi J.P, Raghavendra M.J, Anitha Kamath, “A Survey Approach to Study the Influence of Finance Factor & Workforce Skills in Implementing TPM in Selected SMEs”, International Journal of Production Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 5-12.
    12. M. J. Raghavendra, C. G. Ramachandra, T. R. Srinivas & M. Prashanth Pai, “Influence of Machining Cutting Speed on Cutting Force, Tool Flank Wear on PVD Inserts by Turning of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2204, 040024 (2020);, 10 January 2020.
    13. Prashanth Pai Manihalla, Yathin Krishna, Nagaraja Anand Naik, Naveen Kumar, Rakshith & Rakshith Billava Ramappa, “Design and Fabrication of an Electromechanical System to Clean the Blackboard”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2236, 050006 (2020);, 20 May 2020.
    14. Prashanth Pai Manihalla, Ramachandra Chamarajanagar Gopal, Yathin Krishna & Anitha Kamath, “Determining the Optimal Inspection Frequency of a Critical Machine in a Manufacturing Unit – A Case Study”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2236, 050007 (2020);, 20 May 2020.
    15. Prashanth Pai Manihalla & Chandrakant Vitthal Pujar, “An Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Al-7.25Si-0.45Mg Alloy”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2236, 040006 (2020);, 20 May 2020.
    16. Prashanth Pai Manihalla, Ramachandra Chamarajanagara Gopal, Srinivas Tirupathi Ranganatha Rao & Rishi Jayaprakash, “A Survey Approach to Study the Influence of Management Factor in Implementing TPM in Selected SMEs”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2236, 050001 (2020);, 20 May 2020.
    17. M J Raghavendra, C G Ramachandra, T R Srinivas & M Prashanth Pai, “Optimization of Surface Roughness in Turning Operation in Machining of TI-6AL-4V (Titanium Grade -5)”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 376 (2018) 012118 DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012118.
    18. M J Raghavendra, C G Ramachandra, T R Srinivas & M Prashanth Pai, “Optimization of Surface Roughness of Titanium Gr-9 Alloy Turning Using Taguchi Method”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1013 (2021) 012001, IOP Publishing, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1013/1/012001.
    19. Raghavendra M. J, Ramachandra C. G, T. R. Srinivas and Prashanth Pai M, “Tool Wear Behaviors of CVD-Coated Carbide Inserts During Dry Machining of Titanium Grade-5(Ti-6Al-4V) Materials”, International Journal of Electro Mechanics and Mechanical Behaviour, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2020, pp.1-9.
    20. Yathin Krishna, Shashikantha Karinka, Mohd Faizal Fauzan & Prashanth Pai Manihalla, “An Experimental and Mathematical Investigation of Optimal Tilt Angle and Effects of Reflectors on PV Energy Production”, MATEC Web Conf., Volume 335, January 2021, 03020,
    21. Y Krishna, M Faizal, R Saidur, PP Manihalla, S Karinka, “Performance analysis of Parabolic Trough Collector using TRNSYS®-A case study in Indian coastal region”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (1), 012063 (2021). 
    22. Pai M.P., Ramachandra C.G., Srinivas T.R., Raghavendra M.J. (2021) “Factors Influencing the Non-implementation of TPM in the Selected Manufacturing Industries: A Statistical Approach”, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. 
    23. Aravind Karthik, Dundesh S Chiniwar, Mayukh Das, Prashanth Pai M, and Nithesh Naik, “Electric Propulsion for Fixed Wing Aircrafts – A Review on Classifications, Designs, and Challenges”, Eng. Sci., 2021, 16: 129–145.
    24. Sandesh Hegde, Dr. Ramachandra C G, Dr. Nagesh S N, Dr. Prashanth Pai M, “Improvement of Performance and Efficiency of Modified Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by Implementing A Magnetic Propelling Phenomenon of Permanent Magnets”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Vol. 06 Issue 07, (2022), DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM15748.  
    25. Sandesh Hegde, Dr. Ramachandra C G, Dr. Nagesh S N, Dr. Prashanth Pai M, “Performance and Efficiency Enhancement of Traditional Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System by Implementing the Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon”, Specialusis Ugdymas/2022, 1 (43), 7268-7279.
    26. Sandesh Hegde, Dr. Ramachandra C G and Dr. Prashanth Pai M, “Application of the Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon in the Savonius Type Traditional Vawt Structure to Improve the Efficiency at Various Wind Speed Conditions”, Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (Special Issue 10), 2503 – 2509, DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si10.00300.
    27. Prashanth Pai M, Ramachandra C G, Raghavendra M J and Yathin Krishna, “A Case Study to Determine OEE – A KPI Representing the Overall Productivity of a Machine”, Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 71(3): 359-366; 2023. DOI: 10.18311/jmmf/2023/33720. 
    28. K, Bhavith, Prashanth Pai M, Sudheer M, Ramachandra C G, Maruthi Prashanth B H, and Kiran Kumar B. 2023. "The Effect of Metal Filler on the Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin Composites" Engineering Proceedings 59, No. 1: 200.

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    1. “A Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Heat Treated Al-Si-Mg Alloy (A356.0)”, Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AIM ENGG-2011), Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, India, 3-5 January 2011.
    2. “Condition Monitoring of Rolling Element Bearings in a Critical Machine”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Modern Trends in Science and Technology (MTST-’11), Dr. M.V. Shetty Institute of Technology, Thodar, Moodbiri, Karnataka, India, 14-15 October 2011.
    3. “Preventive Maintenance of Critical Machines”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Modern Trends in Science and Technology (MTST-’11), Dr. M.V. Shetty Institute of Technology, Thodar, Moodbiri, Karnataka, India, 14-15 October 2011.
    4. “Development and Characterization of Biofibres Sandwich Structure”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials for Advanced Technology (NETMAT), K.V.G College of Engineering, Kurunjibhag, Sullia, Karnataka, India, 20-21 March 2012.
    5. “Antifriction Bearing Diagnostics in a Manufacturing Industry – A Case Study”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTIME-2016), St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, 6 August 2016.
    6. “Effect of Total Productive Maintenance Implementation in Manufacturing and Service Industries- A Review”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (NCAMES-2016), Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, 6-7 May 2016.
    7. “Design and Analysis of a Multi-nut Operating Tool”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTIME-2017), St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, 4-5 August 2017.
    8. “A Survey Approach to Study the Influence of Finance Factor & Workforce Skills in Implementing TPM in Selected SMEs”, Recent Advances in Mech. Engg. and Technology (NCRAMET-19), organized by Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, 29-30 Apr 2019.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. “Failure Data Analysis and Preventive Maintenance of Three Roll Calendar in a Tyre Industry”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE-11), NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Udupi District, Karnataka, India, 4-5 May 2011.
    2. “Reliability Assessment and Study of Quality Control Tools on Intermixer and Dump Mill of a Tyre Manufacturing Industry”, International Conference on Research in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (RiMES-2017), organized by Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, during 21st - 23rd December 2017.
    3. “A Study on Usage of TPM in Selected SMEs”, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing, Materials & Energy Engineering (IconMMEE-2018) organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodbidri, during 2nd - 3rd March 2018.
    4. “Condition Monitoring of Batch Off Mill in a Tyre Manufacturing Industry”, International Conference on Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering (ICKCE 2018) organized by Kathir College of Engineering, Neelambur, Coimbatore (TN), during 24th - 25th of March 2018.
    5. “A Survey on TPM Usage and Factors Affecting Its Implementation in Selected Industries”, International Conference on Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering (ICKCE 2018) organized by Kathir College of Engineering, Neelambur, Coimbatore (TN), during 24th - 25th of March 2018.
    6. “A Survey on Factors Affecting Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)in Service Industries”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTIME 2018), organized by St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, 10-11 August 2018.
    7. “A Survey Approach to Study the Factors Affecting the Usage of TPM in Non-manufacturing Industries’, International Convention on Innovative Scientific Research Strategies (ICISRS 2018), held at UiTM, Malaysia, 20-21 October 2018.
    8. “A Quantitative Approach to Identify the Contributing Factors for the Non-usage of TPM in Selected SMEs”, 2018, IEEE 4th International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (IEEE ROMA 2018), organized by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society-Malaysia Chapter and UCSI University, Malaysia, held at DSEC Perambalur, Tamilnadu, India, 10-12 December 2018.
    9. “Determining the Optimal Inspection Frequency of a Critical Machine in a Manufacturing Unit – A Case Study”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTime 2019), organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru, 9 and 10 August 2019.
    10. “An Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Al-7.25Si-0.45Mg Alloy”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTime 2019), organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru, 9 and 10 August 2019.
    11. “A Survey Approach to Study the Influence of Management Factor in Implementing TPM in Selected SMEs”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTime 2019), organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru, 9 and 10 August 2019.
    12. “Design and Fabrication of an Electromechanical System to Clean the Blackboard”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTime 2019), organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru, 9 and 10 August 2019.
    13. “Overall Equipment Effectiveness of a Mechanical Press in a Manufacturing Unit- A Case Study”, Global Conference on “Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering” (GCASSTE-2020), organized by Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodbidri, during 30-31, January 2020.
    14. “Factors Influencing the Non-implementation of TPM in the Selected Manufacturing Industries – A Statistical Approach”, International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICOFTIME2020), organized by Presidency University, Bengaluru, India in association with UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during 11-12 September 2020.
    15. “A Case Study to Determine OEE-A KPI Representing the Overall Productivity of a Machine”, International Conference on "Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences" [ICRAES- 2022]. organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, on 13th and 14th October 2022. 
    16. “Preventive Maintenance Modelling of a Rubber Compound Processing Machine in a Small-Medium Enterprise”, Two Day International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (RTIMES_2023) organized by Mechanical/Marine/ Aeronautical/
    17. Automobile Engineering Departments, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangalore, on 26th and 27th May 2023.
    18. Effect of Metal Filler on Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin Composites”, Two Day International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering (RaiSE 2023), organized by MAHE, Dubai, on 4th and 5th October 2023. 
    19. “A Case Study on the Condition Monitoring of a Critical Machine in a Production Unit”, International Conference on Applications in Computational Engineering and Sciences (IConACES 2023) organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT Chennai, and Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia, on 15th December 2023. 

    Workshop Attend

    1. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning Approaches for Secured Multimodal Biometric Systems at P.A. College of Engineering from December 11-16, 2023.
    2. DST Funded Five Day online workshop on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering for Biomedical Applications”, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK-Surathkal, during July 11-15, 2022. 
    3. One week online teachers training programme on “An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Social Connect and Responsibilities”, organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre, Muddenahalli, during March 07-11, 2022. 
    4. One week online teachers training programme on “Universal Human Values- An Overview”, organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre, Muddenahalli, during March 02-06, 2022. 
    5. One week online teachers training programme on “An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Scientific Foundations of Health”, organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre, Muddenahalli, during December 20-24, 2021. 
    6. One week online teachers training programme on “An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Innovation & Design Thinking”, organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre, Muddenahalli, during December 06-10, 2021. 
    7. Faculty Development Program on Fracture Mechanics at PESITM, Shivamogga,during 24th - 26th June, 2020, 
    8. Faculty Development program on “Sustainable Energy Solutions In Solar Energy Applications” at MITE Moodabidri, during 23rd to 27th of November-2020. 
    9. Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Machining Process” at PESITM Shivamogga during 17-19 June 2020.
    10. Faculty Development Program on "Embedding Research &Development In Academic Environment" at SIR MVIT Bangalore, 1st June to 3rd June 2020, 
    11. Faculty Development Program on “Modern Renewable Energy Technology” at SIR MVIT Bangalore on 27th to 29th May 2020.
    12. Faculty Development Program on Embedding research &Development in academic environment" at SIR MVIT Bangalore, during 1st June to 3rd June 2020.
    13. Successfully completed NPTEL Faculty Development Programme on “Inspection & Quality Control in Manufacturing”, during Feb-Mar 2020 (4 weeks).
    14. Successfully completed NPTEL Faculty Development Programme on “Principles of Human Resource Management”, during Jan-Mar 2020.
    15. Successfully completed NPTEL Faculty Development Programme on “Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes” held during July-October 2019 (12 weeks). 
    16. TEQIP-III Sponsored Three Day National Workshop on “Intelligent Optimization Techniques for Engineering Problems”, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, during August 19-21, 2019.
    17. Three Day Workshop on “Industrial Automation and Applications of IoT”, organized by Department of Marine Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore, during July 25-27, 2019.
    18. VTU Sponsored Five Day FDP on “3D Printing” under TEQIP 1.3, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, A.J. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mangalore, during July 8-12, 2019.
    19. Two Days National Workshop on “Advances in Machining Processes –AIMP 2018”, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru during August 17-18, 2018.
    20. AICTE Sponsored One-week QIP Short Term Course on “Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, organized by Continuing Education and Quality Improvement Programme, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, during May 7-11, 2018. 
    21. Three Days Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Industrial Practices (RTIP-2018)”, organized by Department of Marine Engineering, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangaluru during April 11-13, 2018.
    22. Two day Awareness Workshop on “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)”  organized by SDM Institute of Technology, Ujire, in association with Visvesvaraya Technological University, Jnana Sangama, Belagavi, on 12th and 13th March 2018.
    23. One day International Workshop on “Effective Research-Proposals, Investigations & Publications” organized by St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore on 11th August-2017.
    24. A Two Day Training Programme on “Basics of Vibration and Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machines” organized by Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Moodbidri and Diagnostics Engineers, Bengaluru, on 24th and 25th October, 2016.
    25. A Three Day International Workshop on “Research, Writing and Publishing (EUREKA)”, organized by Centre of Excellence for Research and Innovation, P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore, from September 1-3, 2016.
    26. A Two Day Workshop on “Good Shop Floor Practices”, organized by the Directorate of Training and Lifelong Learning, M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, on 5th and 6th August, 2016.
    27. A Three Day Workshop on “Research Methodologies and Latex” , organized by VTU    e-Learning Centre, Mysore, at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Moodbidri from 19-21 July, 2016

    Awards and Achivements

    1. Completed 12 weeks FDP & online certification course on “Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes” during July-October 2019 and scored 83% (Elite+Silver certificate). 
    2. Completed 4 weeks FDP & online certification course on “Inspection and Quality Control in Manufacturing” during February-March 2020 and scored 78% (Elite+Silver certificate). 
    3. Completed 8 weeks FDP & online certification course on “Principles of Human Resource Management” during January-March 2020 and scored 71% (Elite certificate). 
    4. Completed 4 weeks FDP & online certification course on “Product Design and Development” during July-August 2022 and scored 93% (Elite+Gold certificate). 
    5. Completed 4 weeks FDP & online certification course on “Stress Management” during August-September 2022 and scored 72% (Elite certificate).

    Details of membership in Professional bodies

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    1. Life Member of the International Association of Engineers.
    2. Life Member of Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
    3. Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education.

    Details of interactions with the Industry

    Supervised final year students projects carried out in different industries.


  • Mr. C V Pujar

    Associate Professor

    Qualification : M E (Industrial Engineering)
    read more
  • Mr. C V Pujar

    Associate Professor

    M E (Industrial Engineering)

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 1986
    University : Mysore University
    PG Degree : M.E (Industrial Engineering)
    Year : 2002
    University : Goa University

    Teaching Experience

    33 Years

    Industry Experience

    1 Year

    Specialization PG

    Industrial Engineering

    Skill Set

    Technical Skill, Communication Skills, Soft Skills, Leadership Skills, Analytical Skills, Financial Literacy

    Papers Presented in International Conference


    Theme/Title of paper


    Sri Jayachamrajendra College of Engineering, Mysore

    National Conference on Recent trends in ME/ A Revolutionary approach to the product and process quality Improvement

    17-18, Nov. 2008

    P.A College of Engineering, Mangalore

    National Conference on Recent trends in ME/ Small Hydro Power Scenario  in India: A Review

    1-3, Dec. 2005

    Sri Jayachamrajendra College of Engineering, Mysore

    National Conference on Quality and Reliability/Quality through ISO 9000 QMS standards

    26-28, Jun. 1997

    St. Joseph College of Engineering, Mangalore

    ETIME/An experimental investigation of Mechanical Properties of Al7.25 Si-0.45 Mg Alloy

    9-10, Aug. 2019

    Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore

    RTIMES 23/ Preventive Maintenance Modeling of a Rubber Compound Processing Machine in a Small-Medium Enterprise

    26-27, May. 2023

    Workshop Attend




    Velammal College Of Engineering And Technology

    (Autonomous), Madurai

    Outcome Based Education

    04 – 08, December, 2023

    Shri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore

    Modern Research convergence in next Generation  Computing

    18- 22, December 2023

    M M College of Engineering, Pune

    Recent trends in HVAC and R

    26-30, December 2023

    P. A College of Engineering, Mangalore

    Eureka-Research wringing and Publishing in reputed Journals

    3-5, August 2023

    Energy Swaraj Foundation, IIT Mumbai

    Energy literacy Course


    NBS Sinhgad School of Engineering, Pune

    Recent trends in Mechatronics and automaton

    30-06-2020 to 04-07-2020

    IIM Trichy

    Attended 11th ISDSI Internal Conference

    28-30, Dec 2017

    BIET, Davangere

    State level KSCST students Project Exhibition

    10-11, Aug 2018

    SIT Tumkur

    Implementation of outcome based education in higher education Institution

    8-12, July 2019

    NITK, Surathkal

    Laser Processing of Materials

    09-11, March 2017

    NITK, Surathkal

    Faculty Awareness  on Entrepreneurship

    12-24, December 2016

    SDM institute of Technology, Ujire

    Writing Research proposal


    P. A College of Engineering Mangalore

    Design Awareness/Orientation programme on design and innovation under design clinic


    P. A College of Engineering Mangalore

    Organizing Learning


    P. A College of Engineering Mangalore

    Technical writing ,Preparing research Proposals and Applying for research Funds


    PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore

    Composites-Mechanics, Processing and characterization

    21-23 ,March 2013

    University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore

    Advanced Composites for aeronautical applications

    6-7 ,September 2013

    Science and technology Department, Govt. of Karnataka, Pilikula Regional Science Centre, Mangalore

    Scientist-Students Works Shop


    Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore

    Challenges in the areas in Science and Technologies

    21-22, March 2012

    NITK, Surathkal

    Fracture Mechanics and fatigue

    8-12 August 2011

    KVG College of Engineering, Sullia

    FDP-Tequip Phase II

    11-12, April 2011

    NMAM Institution of Technology, Nitte

    NI Lab view in Engineering Education

    10-13, August 2010

    G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand 

    Faculty Awareness  on Entrepreneurship

    07-09 ,June 2009 

    St. Joseph College of Engineering, Mangalore

    Numerical Methods and Analysis in Mechanical Engineering

    22-24, Jan 2009

    IIT Kharagpur

    Geo statistical Model in Grade Control

    05-09, Sept 2007

    NITK, Surathkal

    Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS-05)

    1-2, Aug 2005

    IIT Mumbai

    Design Methodology

    02-13,June 2003

    IIT Mumbai

    Reliability Engineering and Quality management

    7-11, May 2001

    Indian Oil  Corporation  and ISTE, Baroda

    Vision Beyond 2000-Role of Technical Teachers

    18-30, May 1998

    WIT, Solapur, Maharastra

    Strategic Planning and Institutional Development

    24-26, Nov 1995

    Awards and Achivements

    1. National Merit Scholar based on the performance in SSLC examination
    2. Honored by Ginats Group of Udupi on Engineer’s day
    3. Hosted” README 05” a National Conference at P.A College of Engineering, Mangalore
    4. Hosted XXIX Ginats International Conference in Madgaon, Goa
    5. Organized Giants Federation Level Award ceremony in Mangalore, Karnataka
    6. Chaired Session at St. Joseph College of Engineering, ETIME Confefence

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    1. Member of Institution of Engineers (India)
    2. Member of Indian Society for Technical Education


  • Dr. Abdul Razak


    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    read more
  • Dr. Abdul Razak


    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]
    Academician, active researcher with 13 years of experience in the teaching and research, with specialization in thermal Power Engg.

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 2005
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech (Thermal Power Engg)
    Year : 2008
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    Doctoral Degree : Mechanical Engineering
    Year : 2019
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Teaching Experience

    14 Years

    Research Experience


    Industry Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Specialization PG

    Thermal Power Engg

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Basic & Applied Thermodynamics,Heat Transfer,Fluid mechanics.

    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    Applied power plant cycles,Design of heat transfer equipment.Advance Heat Transfer,Advance Fluid dynamics,Convective heat and mass transfer.

    Technical Interest

    Convective heat and mass transfer.

    Skill Set

    Ansys Fluent, Solid Edge, CATIA, MATLab, RSM, Python

    International journals

    1. Kumar, K. Sunil, Raviteja Surakasi, M. K. Ramis, Abdul Razak, Prabhakar Sharma et al. "Performance, Combustion, and Emission analysis of diesel engine fuelled with pyrolysis oil blends and n-propyl alcohol-RSM optimization and ML modelling." Journal of Cleaner Production 434 (2024): 140354.
    2. Khandal, S. V., Abdul Razak, Ibham Veza, Asif Afzal, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Saboor Shaik, Ümit A?bulut, and Ahmad Rashedi. "Hydrogen and dual fuel mode performing in engine with different combustion chamber shapes: Modelling and analysis using RSM-ANN technique." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2022).
    3. Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, Asif Afzal, A. Muthu Manokar, Deepak Thakur, Umit Agbulut, Saad Alshahrani, and Ram Subbiah. "Integrated Taguchi-GRA-RSM optimization and ANN modelling of thermal performance of zinc oxide nanofluids in an automobile radiator." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021): 101068.
    4. Afzal A, Abdul Razak, R. D. Jilte, Muhammad Ibrahim, Rahul Kumar, M. A. Mujtaba, Saad Alshahrani, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Thermal modelling and characteristic evaluation of electric vehicle battery system." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (2021): 101058.

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    1. Mohammed Sami, Abdul Razak.R.K., “Effect of beta ratio on the discharge of venturimeter”, Proceedings of national Conference On Recent Advances in Fluid mechanics, National institute of technology, Suratkal,, India , 2016, pp.468-471.
    2. Arafat muktar, Abdul Razak.R.K.,“Effect of Beta Ratio and Reynolds Number on Coefficient of Discharge of Venturimeter-An Experimental and Numerical study”, Proceedings of national Conference On Recent Advances in Fluid mechanics, National institute of technology, Suratkal,, India , 2016, pp.478- 484

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, Faheem Akhtar, S. P. Avadhani, Abdulrajak Buradi, Asif Afzal, Abdul Aziz, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Heat transfer enhancement of rectangular fins with circular perforations." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6185-6191.
    2. Razak, Abdul, Akshay Hiremath, N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, G. A. Manjunath, Anuj Burle, A. Chandrashekar, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Augmentation of Heat Transfer Over Dimple Surface in Forced Convection—An RSM and ANN Modelling Approach." In Biennial International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering, pp. 611-625. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
    3. Akthar, Faheem, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Asif Afzal, Abdulrajak Buradi, Abdul Aziz, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Numerical analysis of rectangular fins with circular perforations." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6235-6241.
    4. Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, K. C. Vishwanath, P. Madhu, A. Chandrashekar, and B. V. Chaluvaraju. "Effect of copper oxide nano fluids as coolant on thermal performance of spiral heat exchanger." In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 1189, no. 1, p. 012037. IOP Publishing, 2021.
    5. Kaldgi, Abdul Rajak, Abdul Rajak Buradi, K. C. Vishwanath, N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Avvad, A. Chandrasekhar, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Transient Heat Transfer Analysis Of Dimpled Rod." In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 1065, no. 1, p. 012034. IOP Publishing, 2021

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 20
    PG : 4

    Research Project

    1. Heat transfer analysis of mini channels cooled with water-based coolants: An Experimental approach”,  
    2. “Experimental thermal analysis of grooved plate with forced convection. ”,  
    3. “Effect of beta ratio on the discharge of venturimeter: An Experimental and Numerical study”.
    4. Thermal analysis of minichannels cooled with Multiwalled carbon nanotubesa

    Workshop Attend

    1. One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome based Education” held during 04 - 08 December, 2023 at VELAMMAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
    3. One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Battery thermal management” held during 09 – 14 October, 2023 at Singhad College of Engineering, Pune
    4. Five Days National Level Online FDP on “WRITING AN EFFECTIVE RESEARCH ARTICLE: TIPS AND TRICKS” organised by Department of Civil Engineering from 03/10/2023 to 07/10/2023 at KLS, VISHWANATHRAO DESHPANDE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, HALIYAL

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    Workshops/Seminars conducted as Resource Persons

    Chairperson for conference of NHTFF-2020 at NIT Warangal

    Awards and Achivements

    Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) award by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

    Details of membership in Professional bodies


    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    1. Life Member Institution of Engineers- AM1353015.
    2. Life Member National Society of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power-LM718

    Administrative Responsibilities

    Interests / Hobbies

    Playing Cricket , Chess.


  • Dr. Maruthi Prashanth B H

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    read more
  • Dr. Maruthi Prashanth B H

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : Mechanical Engineering
    Year : 2008
    University : VTU
    PG Degree : Machine Design
    Year : 2011
    University : VTU
    Doctoral Degree : Development and Study of Hybrid Jute-Banana Fiber Reinforced Phenol Formaldehyde Composites
    Year : 2023
    University : VTU

    Teaching Experience

    13 Years

    Research Experience

    6 Years

    Industry Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    Mechanical Engineering

    Specialization PG

    Machine Design

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    1.  Design of machine elements -1
    2.  Design of machine elements -2
    3.  Mechanics of material
    4.  Finite element method
    5.  Elements of mechanical engineering
    6.  Engineering economics
    7.  Fluid mechanics

    Technical Interest

    Polymer Composite

    Skill Set

    In field of machinery and maintenance, Hyper Mesh, Ansys.

    International journals


    Books Published Details


    Papers Presented in National Conference


    Papers Presented in International Conference


    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 13
    PG : 2

    Workshop Attend

    1. Two day National Workshop on “Thermal Properties of Materials” at Alva’s Institute of
    2. Two day National Workshop on “Thermal Properties of Materials” at Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri. Conducted on 27th and 28th January 2015
    3. One day National Workshop on “Artificial Neural Network and Its Application” at Beary’s Institute of Technology, Mangalore. Conducted on 28th April 2016
    4. Two day National Workshop on “Resent Trends in Nano Technology” at Alva’s Institute of Engineering And Technology, Moodbidri. Conducted on 18th and 19th January 2016.
    5. Two day National Workshop on “Advanced Materials” at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore Conducted on 29th and 30th July 2016.
    6. Three day National Workshop on “Advanced Materials and Manufacturing” at National institute of technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore conducted on 28th and 30th September,2016
    7. Two day’s workshop on “Resent Development In Mechanical Engineering”. Held on 15-16 April 2019 at BIT-Mangalore
    8. NPTEL short term course on “Composite Material”. On July 2019

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    1. AUTO TECH held on 14th oct 2019
    2. AUTO MEDICS  held on 15thoct 2019

    Details of membership in Professional bodies


    Interests / Hobbies


  • Dr. Shahabaz S M

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D
    read more
  • Dr. Shahabaz S M

    Assistant Professor

    B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E. (Mechanical)
    Year : 2013
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech (CAAD)
    Year : 2016
    University : Manipal University Jaipur
    Doctoral Degree : Thermally Assisted Drilling of Carbon Fiber Epoxy with Ceramic Filler Hybrid Composite
    Year : 2023
    University : MAHE, Manipal

    Teaching Experience

    3 Years

    Research Experience

    4 Years

    Specialization Ph.D

    Polymer Composites

    Specialization PG


    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Machine Design, CAED, Automotive Engineering, Composite Materials

    International journals

    1. Shahabaz, S.M.; Shetty, N.; Sharma, S.; Jayashree, P.K.; Shetty, S.D.; Naik, N. Optimization of Drilling Parameters on Delamination and Burr Formation in Drilling of Neat CFRP and Hybrid CFRP Nano-Composites. Mater. Res. Express 2024, 11, 35006.
    2. Nargis, T.; Shahabaz, S.M.; Acharya, S.; Shetty, N.; Malghan, R.L.; Shetty, S.D. A Comprehensive Study on the Optimization of Drilling Performance in Hybrid Nano-Composites and Neat CFRP Composites Using Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches. J. Manuf. Mater. Process. 2024, 8, 67.
    3. Shahabaz SM, Mehrotra P, Kalita H, Sharma S, Naik N, Noronha DJ, Effect of Al2O3 and SiC Nano-Fillers on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites. J Compos Sci 2023;7:133. 
    4. Shahabaz SM, Shetty PK, Shetty N, Sharma S, Divakara Shetty S, Naik N. Effect of Alumina and Silicon Carbide Nanoparticle-Infused Polymer Matrix on Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer. J Compos Sci 2022;6:381. 
    5. Shahabaz SM, Sharma S, Shetty N, Shetty SD, Gowrishankar MC. Influence of temperature on mechanical properties and machining of fibre reinforced polymer composites: a review. Eng Sci 2021;16:26–46. 
    6. Rathod D, Rathod M, Patel R, Shahabaz SM, Shetty SD, Shetty N. A review on strengthening, delamination formation and suppression techniques during drilling of CFRP composites. Cogent Eng 2021;8:1941588. 
    7. Shahabaz SM, Shetty N, Shetty SD, Sharma SS. Surface roughness analysis in the drilling of carbon fiber/epoxy composite laminates using hybrid Taguchi-Response experimental design. Mater Res Express 2020;7:15322. 
    8. Shetty N, Shahabaz SM, Sharma SS, Divakara Shetty S. A review on finite element method for machining of composite materials. Compos Struct 2017;176:790–802. 
    9. Shahabaz SM, Nagaraja Shetty, S Divakara Shetty, Nanjangud Subbarao Mohan, “Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy Fabricated by Dmls with Casted Titanium Alloy and Natural Teeth”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, Vol. 10, ISSN(P): 2249–6890; ISSN(E): 2249–8001.
    10. Shahabaz SM, Nagaraj Shetty, Sharma S S, Rakesh Kumar, “Analysis of Delamination in Fibre Reinforced Composites using Finite Element Method”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, ISSN (Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2347-6710.

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    1. Presented paper titled- “Study on Mechanical Properties of Uni-Directional Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Fabricated with Different Fibre Orientations” in International Conference on Engineering Innovation (ICEI-2022), on 3rd June, 2022, held at Jain Institute of Technology, Davangere, Karnataka.
    2. Presented paper titled- “Drilling of Carbon Fibre/Aluminium Laminate Composite by Finite Element Approach” in Interdisciplinary Conference on Healthcare and Technical Research (ICHTR -2021), on 11-13th November, 2021, held at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka.
    3. Presented paper titled- “Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy Fabricated by Dmls with Casted Titanium Alloy And Natural Teeth” in Global Conference on Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies In Engineering (GCASSTE-2020), on 30th & 31st January, 2020, held at Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodabidri, Karnataka.
    4. Presented paper titled- “Delamination in Fibre Reinforced Composites using Finite Element Method” in International Conference on Emerging Trends and Engineering (ICETE-2016), 12th & 13th May, 2016, held at NMAM Institute of Technology, Udupi, Karnataka.
    5. Presented paper titled- “Analysis of Delamination in Fibre Reinforced Composites using Finite Element Method- A Review” in International Conference on Healthcare & Technical Research (ICHTR-2015), on 22-24th December, 2015, held at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka.
    6. Presented paper titled- “Drilling of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites using different process parameters” in National Conference on Innovation in Futuristic Materials & Manufacturing Techniques (IFMMT 2014), on 26-27th December, 2014, held at Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur.

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 3


  • Mr. Mohammed Kareemullah

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
    read more
  • Mr. Mohammed Kareemullah

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year :
    University :
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year :
    University :

    Specialization PG

    Thermal Power Engineering

    International journals

    1. “Production of biodiesel from various sources and comparative engine performance studies by using different biodiesel blends”A Afzal, M Kareemullah, A Razak, Journal of Engineering Research 6 (4), (Thompson Reuters Impact factor of 0.333)
    2. “Heat Transfer Analysis of Triple Tube Heat Exchanger Using Water And Titanium-Dioxide Nanofluid”, A Afzal, AR Rk, MS Ad, M Kareemulla, Y Km, S Raju, ICTEA: International Conference on Thermal Engineering 2019
    3. “Experiment on of Nozzle Flow with Sudden Expansion at Mach 1.1” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S8, August 2019
    4. “Heat Transfer Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Cooled Using Nanofluids” Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 2019, 12, 000-000, DOI:10.2174/2212797612666190924183251
    5. “Effect of Ethanol-Gasoline Blends on Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine”, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Volume 62,Issue 2,Pages 209-220,Publisher PENERBIT AKADEMIA BARU
    6. “Performance and emission analysis of compression ignition engine using biodiesels from Acid oil, Mahua oil, and Castor oil” M Kareemullah, A Afzal, KF Rehman, K Shahapurkar, H Khan, N AkramHeat Transfer—Asian Research

    Workshop Attend

    1. Bangalore INDIA NANO 2016, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
    2. Workshop on high speed flow and DAQ at BIT, Mangalore
    3. Hot wire anemometry: fundamentals with demonstration at NIT-K, Mangalore
    4. Online Course on “Data driven decision making” in coursera
    5. Online Course on “ Learning how to learn” in coursera 
    6. Workshop on Turbo machines at VCET,Puttur.
    7. Workshop on Teaching techniques in turbomachine conducted by VTU-AICTE
    8. Workshop on Design of Experiments conducted by TKM engineering college , Kollam sponsored by TEQIP
    9. Workshop “Eureka-2019: Research, Writing and Publishing” by PACE,mangalore
    10. Online course by COURSERA on “python for data science and AI”


  • Mr. Navaneeth I M

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
    read more
  • Mr. Navaneeth I M

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 2013
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech (Machine Design)
    Year : 2015
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    Doctoral Degree : (Pursuing)
    Year : 2022 December Batch
    University : Nitte (Deemed to be University)

    Teaching Experience

    8 Years

    Research Experience

    3 Years

    Industry Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    Material Science

    Specialization PG

    Machine Design

    Skill Set

    1. Solid Edge, ANSYS, CNC Turn, Hyper mesh
    2. Microsoft Operating systems and Microsoft Office

    International journals

    1. Runa Nivea Pinto, Asif Afzal, Navneeth IM and Ramis M. K, “Computational Analysis of Flow in Turbines” In IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Coimbatore, India, 2016, 1-5, 10.1109/INVENTIVE.2016.7830174 
    2. Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Avinash, Navaneeth I. M, “Heat Transfer analysis of a car radiator using nanofluids” in 44th National conference on fluid mechanics and fluid Power DEC 14-16 2017.
    3. Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Avinash, Navaneeth I. M, “Heat Transfer enhancement characteristics of water based nanofluids in a shell and tube heat exchanger” International journal of Innovative research in science, Engineering and technology, Vol. 6, 2017/8 ISSN: 2319-8753. 
    4. Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Avinash, Navaneeth I M, “Heat Transfer Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Nanofluids” Proceedings of the 44th National Conference on Fluid mechanics and Fluid Power DEC 14-16 2017.
    5. Asif Afzal, Mohammed Sirajuddin, Mohan Kumar, Navaneeth IM, "Stress analysis and contact pressure distribution in different disc brake rotors", AIP conference proceedings on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore,  10 – 11 August 2018.
    6. Asif Afzal, Mohammed Sirajuddin, Navaneeth I.M, Maruthi Prashanth B.H, Mohan Kumar, “Hotspots Analyses in Disc Brakes Caused by Thermoelastic Instability” Twelve International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications February 23-26, 2019, Gandhinagar, India
    7. Abdul Razak R Kaladgi, G Ramachandran, Mohammed Aneeque, Fazlur Rahman, Mohammed Kareemulla, Mohammed Avvad, IM Navaneeth, Rayid Muneer, A Chandrasekhar, “Experimental investigation of heat transfer enhancement in grooved plates under natural convection” International Journal of Advanced Thermofluid Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 14-29 2019/12/29
    8. Abdul Razak Kaladgi, IM Navaneeth, Asif Afzal, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Avala Raji Reddy, Abdulrajak Buradi, “Experimental design and fabrication of portable hybrid wind and solar energy system” AIP Conference Proceedings 2358, 050001 (2021); 
    9. Mohammed Avvad, KC Vishwanath, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Kareemullah, IM Navaneeth, “Performance analysis of aerofoil blades at different pitch angles and wind speeds” Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, 2021/5/25
    10. KM Chethan, K Fazlur Rehman, IM Navaneeth, Maruthi Prashanth BH, “Application of Cyclone Separator for Effective Dust Removal in Paddy Pouring Station” 2020
    11. Abdul Razak Kaladgi, G Ramachandran, Mohammed Aneeque, Abdul Rajak Buradi, KC Vishwanath, Mohammed Avvad, Mohammed Kareemulla, IM Navaneeth, Rayid Muneer, “Effect of CuO-H20 and ZnO-H20 nanofluids on the Performance of Solar Flat Plate Collector” International Journal of Advanced Thermofluid Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 2-13 2019/12/21
    12. I. M. Navaneeth , Suhas Poojary ,Chandrashekar, Abdul Razak , Nasim Hasan, Abdulaziz Ibrahim Almohana, “Damped Free Vibration Analysis of Woven Glass Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Laminates” Advances in Material Science and Engineering, Hindawi Publication, Issue 1, Volume 2022, 2022/7/7
    13. BH Maruthi Prashanth, PS Shivakumar Gouda, TS Manjunatha, IM Navaneeth, KM Chethan, “Effect of glycerin on mechanical properties of a hybrid kenaf-jute polyester composite” Engineering Research Express, IOP Publishing, Issue 2, Volume 5 2023/5/16.

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Avinash, Navaneeth.I. M, “Heat Transfer analysis of a car radiator using nanofluids” in 44th National conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power. Dec 14-16, 2017.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    Asif Afzal, Mohammed Sirajuddin, Navaneeth I.M, Maruthi Prashanth B.H, Mohan Kumar, “Hotspots Analyses in Disc Brakes Caused by Thermoelastic Instability” Twelth International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications February 23-26, 2019, Gandhinagar, India.

    Workshop Attend

    Sl. No.

    Work Shop Details




    Three days International Workshop on Research, Writing and Publishing in Reputed Journals “EUREKA” at PACE Mangaluru.


     3-5, 2023

    3 Days


    Online faculty awareness program on outcome-based education organized by IQAC of Gopalan College of Engg. and Management, Bengaluru.

    24/09/2020 to 28/09/2020

    5 Days


    E-quiz on “Design of Machine Elements” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, VVCE, Mysuru.


    1 Day


    Two days workshop on “Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering” in BIT, Mangaluru.


    April 2019

    2 Days


    One day International workshop on “Research, Writing and Publishing in Reputed Journals” at


    1 Day

    Awards and Achivements

    Class topper in Bachelor of Engg.

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies


    Administrative Responsibilities

    Department of Mechanical Engineering NBA coordinator

    Details of interactions with the Industry

    1. HAL
    2. Toyota Honda
    3. TCS
    4. Infosys
    5. JSW

    Other Related Info

    Remedial classes are conducted to backlog students in vacation for subjects like DME II,  DME I & FEM.


  • Mr. Chethan K M

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech
    read more
  • Mr. Chethan K M

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech

    [email protected]
    A professor as a keen planner, to monitor each and every student’s growth.

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 2009
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M-Tech (Product Design and Manufacturing)
    Year : 2013
    University : SAHE, Tumkur

    Teaching Experience

    10 Years

    Research Experience

    3 Years

    Industry Experience

    2 Years

    Specialization PG

    Product Design and Manufacturing

    Skill Set

    1. Solid Edge, Hyper mesh, Fusion 360, Creo Parametric
    2. Microsoft Operating systems and Microsoft Office 

    National journals

    1. “Design and Fabrication of Improved Cyclone Separator to Control the Dust in Rice mills” in IJIRSET, Volume 6,Issue 9, September 2017.
    2. “Power Generation by Utilizing Repulsion of Permanent Magnet for Small Scale Application” in IJRET, Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2017.
    3. “Application of Infrared Sensors to Improve Safety in Saw Mill” published in IJLTEMAS page no35-37, volume VI, Issue X, Month October, year 2017.
    4. “Effect of Tubes Surface Modification on Thermal Performance of Cross Flow Heat Exchanger” in IJIRSET, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2019.

    International journals

    1. K M Chethan, Avinash, Ismail Khan “Design and Fabrication of Improved Cyclone Separator to Control the Dust in Rice Mills” IJIRSET, Vol. 6, Issue 9, September 2017.
    2. Prajwal Kumar, Ismail Khan, K M Chethan” Effect of Tubes Surface Modification on Thermal Performance of Cross Flow Heat Exchanger” IJIRSET, Vol. 8, Issue 3, March 2019.
    3. Mohammed Kareemullah, K.M. Chethan, Mohammed K. Fouzan, Maruthi B.H. Prashanth, Rayid Muneer, Abdul Razak Kaladgi “Heat Transfer Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Cooled Using Nanofluids” Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 2019, 12, 000-000.
    4. BH Maruthi Prashanth, PS Shivakumar Gouda, TS Manjunatha, IM Navaneeth, K M Chethan, “Effect of glycerin on mechanical properties of a hybrid kenaf-jute polyester composite” Engineering Research Express, IOP Publishing, Issue 2, Volume 5 2023/5/16.

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    1. Asif Afzal, Mohammed Sirajuddin, Abdul Razak R.K, Avinash, Chethan K.M “Modelling and Analysis of a Progressive Cam Tool for Blade Fuse Holder: A Case Study” international Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, ICAME'18, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1355 (2019) 012038 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1355/1/012038.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. Mohammed Faheem, Sher Afghan Khan, Ridwan, K.M. Chethan, “Experiments on Wall Pressure at Area Ratio 4.84 in a Suddenly Expanded Flow Field at Supersonic Mach Numbers” AIP Conference Proceedings 2421, 060001 (2022);

    Workshop Attend

    Sl. No

    Workshop Details




    Advance in Engineering Materials


    1 Day


    Three days International Workshop on Research, Writing and Publishing in Reputed Journals “EUREKA 19” at PACE, Mangaluru.

    August 7-9, 2019

    3 Days


    Two days workshop on “Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering” in BIT, Mangaluru.

    April 15-16, 2019

    2 Days


    One day International workshop on “Research, Writing and Publishing in Reputed Journals” at PACE, Mangaluru.


    1 Day

    FDP Attended


    Understanding and Dealing with Adolescents at PACE, Mangaluru.


    1 Day


    Recent Trend in HVAC and Refrigeration (Online)

    Dec 26-30 2023

    5 Days


    Modelling and Design for Manufacturing Excellence (MDME) using Fusion 360 in

    Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangaluru.

    Oct 09-13


    5 Days

    Awards and Achivements

    1. NSS coordinator in Bachelor of Engg, 
    2. Cultural Program Coordinator in M.Tech

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies


    Details of interactions with the Industry

    1. Coren Techno-Mech
    2. Vedenta MEP
    3. Mahindra & Mahindra


  • Mr. Kiran Kumar B

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
    read more
  • Mr. Kiran Kumar B

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)

    [email protected]
    Working in teaching field from past three years and interested in the area of MMCs, solar collectors and biomechanics.

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E in Mechanical Engineering
    Year : 2014
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M Tech (Machine Design)
    Year : :2017
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    Doctoral Degree : (Pursuing)
    Year :
    University : Nitte University

    Teaching Experience

    7 Years

    Research Experience

    1 Year

    Industry Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    E spun Nano Fibers

    Specialization PG

    Machine Design

    Skill Set

    CAE and Finite Element Analysis

    International journals

    1. B. Kirankumar and R. Ragu Chand, “Processing and mechanical characterization of Al2014-B4C aerospace composite,” Proc. 2017 Int. Conf. Smart Technol. Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017, vol. 5, no. 04, pp. 1327–1332, 2018, doi: 10.1109/SmartTechCon.2017.8358582.
    2. M. Avvad, K. K. B, M. Sheizan, A. Rashid, M. Yusuf, and M. A. Jauhar, “Experimental Study on Effective Utilization of Solar Energy using Parabolic Trough Collector for Domestic Water Heating,” vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 20–25, 2022.

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    1. Presented a paper on “Analysis of biaxial tracking system adopted solar concentrator for steam generation “at national conference held at ANVESHAN 2018, at NHCE, Bengaluru.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. Presented a paper on “Processing and Mechanical Characterization of Al2014-B4C Aerospace Composite” at International conference Smart Tech Con-2017 REVA University, Bengaluru.
    2. Presented a paper on “Effect of metal filler on mechanical performance of epoxy resin composites” at International conference on Raise-2023 at MAHE Dubai.

    Workshop Attend

    1. Attended 5 day workshop on Frontiers in design, manufacturing, and energy sustainability from NITK SURATHKAL Mangaluru (2018).
    2. Successfully completed NPTEL online course on Introduction to composites and Basics of finite element analysis from IIT Kanpur (2018).
    3. Attended 1 week FDP on Theoretical and computational Mechanics-II-2018 at NMAMIT, Nitte, Karkala (2018). 
    4. Attended 1 day workshop on NPTEL from IIT madras at MITE, Mangaluru (2017). 
    5. Attended 3 days FDP on Theoretical and computational Mechanics-I at NMAMIT, Nitte, Karkala (2017).
    6. Attended 5 days FDP on Advances in mechanical engineering for Biomedical applications at NITK Surathkal (2022).
    7. Attended 5 days FDP on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” at VTU, Chikkaballapur (2023).
    8. Attended 5 days FDP on “Robotics & Artificial Intelligence” at VTU, Chikkaballapur (2023).
    9. Attended 5 days FDP on “IMD” at AJIET, Mangalore (2023).
    10. Certified Course from Coursera for Mastering Programming with MATLAB (2023).

    Awards and Achivements

    Certified from NPTEL as top 5% for the Course Research Methodology in 2023.

    Details of membership in Professional bodies

    1. Life member of ISTE
    2. IAENG-341905

    Administrative Responsibilities

    Department library In charge.


  • Dr. Asif Afzal

    Associate Professor (On sabbatical leave)

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    read more
  • Dr. Asif Afzal

    Associate Professor (On sabbatical leave)

    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]
    Academician, active researcher with 8 years of experience in the teaching and research, with specialization in CFD

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year :
    University :
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year :
    University :

    Specialization Ph.D

    Computational fluid dynamics

    Specialization PG

    Tool Engg.

    International journals

    1. Razak RA, Afzal A, Samee AM, Ramis MK. ‘’Effect of cladding on thermal behaviour of nuclear fuel element with non-uniform heat generation’’. Progress in Nuclear Energy (ELSEVIER, Impact factor: 1.308). 2019 Mar 1; 111:1-14.
    2. Afzal A, Samee AM, Razak RA, Ramis MK. ‘Steady and Transient State Analyses on Conjugate Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer’’. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (Springer, Impact factor: 7.2). ISSN: 1134-3060, 26.1,2019.10.1007/s11831-018-09303-x
    3. Afzal, A., Samee, A. M., Razak, R. A., & Ramis, M. K. (2019). Effect of spacing on thermal performance characteristics of Li-ion battery cells. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 135(3), 1797-1811. (Springer, Impact factor: 2.2).
    4. Samee, A.M., Afzal, A., Ramis, M.K. and Razak, R.A., 2019. Optimal spacing in heat generating parallel plate channel: A conjugate approach. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 136, pp.267-277. (ELSEVIER, Impact factor: 1.508).
    5. Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, Asif Afzal and M. K. Ramis. "Investigation of dimensionless parameters and geometry effects on heat-transfer characteristics of liquid sodium flowing over a flat plate." Heat Transfer—Asian Research (SCOPUS indexed) (2018).
    6. Yashawantha K M, Asif Afzal, Ramis M K, Rheological Behavior and Thermal Conductivity of Graphite-Ethylene Glycol Nanofluid, Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM)
    7. Mohammad Samee A.D., Afzal A., Razak A., Ramis M.K. (2019). Temperature and location of hot spots variation with spacing in avertical parallel plate channel: conjugate view, International Journal of Heat and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 153-160.
    8. Asif Afzal, A.D. Mohammed Samee, R.K. Abdul Razak, M.K. Ramis Heat transfer characteristics of MWCNT nanofluid in rectangular mini channels International Journal of Heat and 
    9. Technology Vol. 36, No. 1 2018, pp: 222-228
    10. Kumar, M., Afzal, A., & M K, Ramis (2017). Investigation of physicochemical and tribological properties of TiO2 nano-lubricant oil of different concentrations. Tribologia - Finnish Journal of Tribology, 35(3), 6-15.
    11. Samee AD, Mohammad, Asif Afzal, and Abdul Razak RK. "Effect of Prandtl number on the average exit temperature of coolant in a heat-generating vertical parallel plate channel: A conjugate analysis." Heat Transfer—Asian Research 47.4 (2018): 603-619.
    12. Asif Afzal, Zahid Ansari, Ahmed Rimaz Faizabadi & M. K. Ramis, “Parallelization Strategies for Computational Fluid Dynamics Software: State of the Art Review”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering- pp.1- 27. 2016

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. KM Yashawantha, Asif Afzal, MK Ramis, Shareefraza J Ukkund “Experimental investigation on physical and thermal properties of graphite nanofluids” AIP Conference Proceedings 2039, 020057 (2018).
    2. Ramis M. K, Yashawantha K M, Asif Afzal, Faisal U Effectof Ultrasonication Duration Onstability Of Graphite Nanofluids, Proceedings Of 140th The Iier International Conference, New York, Usa, 15th -16th December 2017, Pp: 56-59
    3. Runa Nivea Pinto, Asif Afzal, Navneeth IM and Ramis M. K, “Computational Analysis of Flow in Turbines” In IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Coimbatore, India, 2016, pp 1-5, DOI:10.1109/INVENTIVE.2016.7830174
    4. Abdul Razak, Asif Afzal, Mohammed Sami, M.K. Ramis, “A Comparative study between1-d & 2-d nuclear fuel element cooled in a surrounding fluid medium, Proceedings of the International Conference on sustainable Engineering and Technology (ICONSET 2018) April 19-20,2018,ACS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India.
    5. Yathin Krishna, Abdul Razak R. K, Asif Afzal “The CFD analysis of flat plate collector- nanofluid as working medium” Proceedings of the International Conference on sustainable Engineering and Technology (ICONSET 2018) April19-20,2018,ACS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India.

    Workshop Attend

    Workshop on COMPUTATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNIQUES USING MATLAB at NIT Warangal from 09-14 July 2018.


  • Mr. Varun Hegde

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
    read more
  • Mr. Varun Hegde

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)

    [email protected]
    Academician with 08 years of teaching experience. Active researcher in the field of computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer and biofuels.

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year :
    University :
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year :
    University :

    Specialization PG

    Energy Engineering

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    1. Five days FDP at NITTE on Modeling Fundamentals and PYTHON for Numerical Simulation and Applied Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineering System Research on Computational methods in Fluid dynamics and heat transfer
    2. One week AICTE sponsored QIP short term course at IIT Roorkee on Computational methods in Fluid dynamics and heat transfer
    3. One week AICTE sponsored QIP short term course at IIT Bombay on Computational methods with applications to Fluid dynamics
    4. GIAN sponsored workshop in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur and NITC - A 2 week   workshop in Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies
    5. Two day Faculty development program on Basics of CFD modelling & ANSYS-Fluent UDF Programming held at ST Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru. 

    Details of membership in Professional bodies

    Life member-ISTE

    Details of interactions with the Industry

    1. One month Industry oriented certified course on Computational Fluid dynamics at Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Bengaluru
    2. One day training and hands on workshop on Latest Automotive diagnostics organized by Candour AutoTech & Launch 


  • Mr. Mohammed Avvad

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
    read more
  • Mr. Mohammed Avvad

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, (Ph.D)

    [email protected]
    Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 2011
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech.(Industrial Engineering and Management)
    Year : 2017
    University : National Institute of Technology Calicut

    Teaching Experience

    8 Years

    Research Experience

    2 Years

    Industry Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    Management Studies

    Specialization PG

    Industrial Engineering and Management

    Skill Set

    Excellent in Microsoft Suite (Excel, Word, Power Point, Editor)
    Statistical Packages – SPSS, Minitab, R, Python
    Optimization Softwares - LINGO, ARENA, MATLAB.

    International journals

    1. Ali Afzal, Mohammed Avvad, A study on the Fatigue behavior of Heat Treated Aluminium Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites(Al6061-SiC-Gr), Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 254-264
    2. Mohammed Aneeque, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Mohammed Avvad, Controlling The Base Pressure Of A Supersonic Body Subjected To Sudden Expansion Flow Using Micro Jet, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 240-253.
    3. Faheem, R. Muneer, M. Avvad et al., Influence of micro jets on flow development for diameter ratio of 1.6 for correctly expanded nozzles, Materials Today: Proceedings,
    4. Avvad, Mohammed, K. C. Vishwanath, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Kareemullah and I. M. Navaneeth. “Performance analysis of aerofoil blades at different pitch angles and wind speeds.” Materials Today: Proceedings (2021): n. pag.
    5. Abdul Rajak Kaldgi, Mohammed Avvad et al, Transient heat transfer analysis of dimpled rod, 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1065 012034.
    6. Abdul Razak R. Kaladgi, G. Ramachandran, Mohammed Aneeque,Fazlur Rahman, Mohammed Kareemulla, Mohammed Avvad, Navaneeth I.M., Rayid Muneer and Chandrasekhar A, “Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in Grooved Plates under Natural Convection”, International Journal of Advanced Thermofluid Research, 2019. 1(2): 15-28.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. The article titled “Omni-channel retailing: Status of channel integration and digital adoption in India” has been accepted for the presentation at the ISDSI-Global 2023 conference conducted by IIM Ranchi to be held on 26-28th December 2023.
    2.    The article titled “Omnichannel retailing in India: Which retail sector is leading the channel integration and digital adoption?” has been accepted for presentation at International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Analytics (ICONIEA) 2024 conducted by IIT Kharagpur, to be held on 16-17th February 2024.

    Workshop Attend

    1. Two Days National Level Workshop on “Research, Writing and Publishing” conducted by AITM, Bhatkal, Karnataka, India.
    2. One Week International Winter Course on “Manpower Planning Using Annualised Hours” held at NITC, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
    3. Two Days National Conference on “Healthcare Excellence through Administration and Leadership (HEAL)” held at Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
    4. One Week FDP on “Design of Experiments” conducted by TKM, Kollam, Kerala, India.
    5. Short Term Training Program on Roadmap for Effective Research using advanced Techniques and Tools (REAT 2022) (14th – 18th February, 2022).
    6. Six Days FDP on Advanced Tools for Research, conducted by SOMS, NIT Calicut from 4-9th March 2022.
    7. Digital Supply Chain Management, an AICTE sponsored Two-Week Hybrid ATAL Faculty Development Program from 19-30th September 2022.
    8. High End Workshop on Stochastic Modeling Technique\" sponsored by SERB, DST, GOI at Department of Management Studies and Industrial Engineering, IIT (ISM), Dhanbad from 20-24th February, 2023.
    9. Management Development Programme on Finance for Non-Finance Executives (MSME Funded) at School of Management Studies, NIT Calicut from 23-29th November, 2023.

    Awards and Achivements

    1. Qualified GATE 2014, 2015.
    2. Best Paper Award for the paper entitled A study on the Fatigue behavior of Heat Treated Aluminium Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites(Al6061-SiC-Gr) at the 2nd International Conference, SURF-2020, conducted during 6th-8th August 2020.
    3. Post Graduate Scholarship, Govt. of India, during August 2015 to July 2017.

    Details of interactions with the Industry

    Invited lecture on “Lean Management for Process Industries” in Cardolite Corporation, Mangalore, Karnataka.


  • Dr. Mahammad Salman Warimani

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : Ph.D in Engineering
    read more
  • Dr. Mahammad Salman Warimani

    Assistant Professor

    Ph.D in Engineering

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2009
    University : V T U Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2013
    University : V T U Belagavi
    Doctoral Degree : Emission Prediction of Multi-Cycle Pulse Detonation Engine Utilizing Alternative Fuels
    Year : 2023
    University : International Islamic University Malaysia

    Teaching Experience


    Research Experience


    Specialization Ph.D

    CFD, Combustion of high speed engines

    Specialization PG

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing

    Skill Set

    Excellent in Microsoft Suite (Excel, Word, Power Point, Editor)
    Statistical Packages – SPSS, Minitab, R, Python
    Optimization Softwares - LINGO, ARENA, MATLAB.

    International journals

    1) Internal flow dynamics and performance of Pulse detonation engine with alternative fuels 
    Warimani, M., Azami, M. H., Khan, S. A., Ismail, A. F., Saharin, S., & Ariffin, A. K. (2021). 
    Internal Flow Dynamics and Performance of Pulse Detonation Engine with Alternative Fuels. 
    Energy, Q1, Elsevier Ltd. Science Citation Index (SCI), Impact Factor (IF) 8.857.

    2) Novel Energy Recovery from an Integrated Municipal Solid Waste and Leachate Treatment System (Accepted-Under Production)
    Siti Salwa Khamis, Hadi Purwanto, Hamzah Mohd Salleh, Alya Naili Rozhan, Mohamed Abdur Rahman, Mahammadsalman Warimani, Noor Alam (2023)
    Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy
    SPRINGERNATURE, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

    3) Performance Analysis of HVAC System with Heat Recovery Wheel in Hospital Building (Accepted-Under Production)
    Noor Alam, Maqdoom Mohiuddin, Deepak Sharm,Suhas Prakashrao Patil, Mahammadsalman Warimani, Zahir Hasane, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki, Nor’azizi Othman Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics
    SPRINGERNATURE, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

    4) Study of Feasibility of Pulse Detonation Engine Powered by Alternative Fuels
    M Warimani, MH Azami, SA Khan, AF Ismail
    Int J Engineering Adv Technology 8, 291-296 (Scopus)

    5) Modelling of a three-shaft high-bypass-ratio engine performance and emission prediction using hydrogen fuel
    MZ Wan Yahya, MH Azami, M Savill, YG Li, SA Khan, MS Warimani
    BEIE&SP (Scopus)

    7) Analytical Assessment of Effect of Loss Mechanisms on PDE Performance with Variation of Refilling Beta Parameters
    (Accepted-Under Production)
    Mahammadsalman Warimani, Zakir Ilahi Chaudhary, Sher Afghan Khan, Sayed Ahmed Imran Bellary , Noor Alam , Sonachalam Muthuswamy
    Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1) Analytical Assessment of Blended Fuels on Pulse Detonation Engine Performance 
    Warimani, M., Azami, M. H., Khan, S. A., Ismail, A. F., Saharin, S., Ariffin, A. K., & Chavan, V. (2022). Analytical Assessment of Blended Fuels for Pulse Detonation Engine Performance. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 93(2), 1-16.

    2) Investigation of aircraft engine performance utilizing various alternative fuels
    M Warimani, MH Azami, M Savill, YG Li, SA Khan, AF Ismail
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 642 (1), 012008

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 3

    Research Project

    Investigation Of Thermodynamic Cycle And Propulsive Performance Of Pulse Detonation 
    Engine Utilizing Alternative Fuels (FRGS Research Project)

    Workshop Attend

    1) "Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Workshop" on 22-23
    February 23, at Shri Guru Gobind Singhji institute of BEngineering and Technology Nanded, Maharashtra.

    2)  One day orientation program for startup   organised by DBATU, Maharashtra.

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    Mechatronics and Automation
    Guest Dr. S. N. TELI
    Attiliation :Protessor, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of
    Engineering,Navi Mumbai.
    Day and Date Friday and Saturday, 16/12/22 to 17/12/22
    Time :11.30 AM to 01.00 PM and 02.30 PM to 04.00 PM
    At Arvind Gavali College of Engineering, Satara

    Awards and Achivements

    1. Participated in Workshop on Strategies to Publish in High Impact Journals and Improving Citations Impact conducted by Sunway University, Malaysia.
    2. Participated in Three minutes thesis competition at university level in IIUM, Malaysia. 
    3. Participated in Poster presentation and won silver at university level in IIUM, Malaysia. 
    4. Organized industrial visits as a part of the industry –institute interaction.
    5. Assist in setting up infrastructure of the laboratories of the Mechanical Engineering department.

    Administrative Responsibilities

    1) Worked as I/C H.O.D 
    2)Handled various portfolio for NBA and NAAC inspection

    Details of interactions with the Industry

    Invited lecture on “Lean Management for Process Industries” in Cardolite Corporation, Mangalore, Karnataka.


  • Mr. Rony Vargheese

    Assistant Professor (Contractual faculty)

    Qualification : M.Tech
    read more
  • Mr. Rony Vargheese

    Assistant Professor (Contractual faculty)


    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
    Year : 2015
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech (Machine Design)
    Year : 2019
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Teaching Experience

    2 years

    Industry Experience

    5 Years

    Specialization PG

    Machine Design

    Skill Set

    Self-learning and practically oriented

    International journals

    "Comparative Study, Design and Analysis of Multi-Leaf Spring using FEA Tool\" in IJIRSET,   Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2019.

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies



Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA):

faculty in-charge:

  • Prof. Navaneeth I M, Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Maruthi Prashanth B H, Assistant Professor
  • 3. Prof. C V Pujar, Associate Professor
Sl. No. Name Designation
1Mohammed Nihal [4PA21ME403] (VII ME)President
2Midhun K C [4PA21ME009] (V ME)Vice-president
3Muhammed Mazan [4PA20ME008] (VII ME)Secretary
4Mohammed Hafeez [4PA21ME016] (V ME)
Amil Azeez [4PA22ME005] (III ME)
Joint Secretaries
5Muhammed Meharoof [4PA20ME014] (VII ME)Sports Representative
6Adithya P N [4PA20ME001] (VII ME)Placement Representative

Robotics Club:

Faculty in-charge:

  • Prof. Kiran Kumar,
    Assistant Professor
Sl. No. Name Designation
1Sheikh Mohammed Rahil [4PA21ME405] (VII ME)President
2Hassan Ayub [4PA21ME005] (V ME)Vice-president
3Nithin M K [4PA22ME014] (III ME)Secretary

Aero Club:

Faculty in-charge:

  • Dr. Mohammed Salman W
    Prof. Mohammed Kareemullah
Sl. No. Name Designation
1Jithesh P [4PA20ME004] (VII ME)President
2Sahil Fardeen [4PA21ME023] (V ME)Vice-president
3Rizwan S [4PA22ME015] (III ME)Secretary

Auto Club:

Faculty in-charge:

  • Prof. Chethan K M,
    Assistant Professor
Sl. No. Name Designation
1Bhavish S Ail [4PA21ME401] (VII ME)President
2Fatheen Mohammed [4PA21ME004] (V ME)Vice-president
3Mohammed Nabeel [4PA22ME011] (III ME)Secretary

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Club:

Faculty in-charge:

  • Dr. Abdul Razak,
    Prof. Varun Hegde
Sl. No. Name Designation
1Mohammed Afzal C [4PA21ME402] (VII ME)President
2Suyog S Naik [4PA22ME404] (V ME)Vice-president
3Rehan M [4PA22ME008] (III ME)Secretary

Entrepreneurship Club:

Faculty in-charge:

  • Prof. Navaneeth I M,
    Prof. Mohammed Avvad
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Muhammad Noufal B [4PA21ME404] (VII ME) President
2 Muhammed Afzal Ashraf [4PA21ME013] (V ME) Vice-president
3 Mohammed Sohail [4PA22ME012] (III ME) Secretary

“During my stay at PACE, participating and organizing several intra-collegiate and inter-colligate events - technical and non-technical, have given me an opportunity to develop my leadership, team work and communication skills. Continuous guidance and motivation from teaching and non-teaching faculty helped me to work towards achieving my goals. The high standard lab facilities enriched my practical and technical knowledge”

“The life experiences, the exposures and the teachers and friends in those four years at PACE will last a lifetime. The Best Outgoing Student award and the Top Academic Performer awards I won at P.A College of Engineering helped me in my career as Engineer at Infosys (aircraft stress analysis) and later to secure a place at the Cranfield University – UK, for my master’s degree”

“PACE was a home to me for 4 wonderful years of my life. PACE taught me to live, to be humble, to work in pressure, to be an Engineer and moreover to Love. The department of Mechanical Engineer of PACE is always Vibrant in nature with highly qualified Professionals comprising of Professors to Lab Experts. By being a student of Mechanical Department of PACE one will and can feel the Royalty, as we call ourselves the ROYAL MECHS. It was the experience at PACE that helped me for securing the prestigious ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarship of European Union for Masters Program in Mechanical Engineering. At present I am working on Micro Mechanics at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland”

HMT lab

HMT lab includes estimation of heat conduction in composite wall. Natural convection, forced convenction. Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger, thermal conductivity of metal rod, Emmisivity apparatus. Vapors compression refrigeration system. Stefan Boltzmann apparatus and pin-fin apparatus. Thermal conductivity of metal rod.

Foundry and forging lab

Foundry and Forging are the most primitive techniques to bring material to required shape and size. Casting is a technique where material is treated above its melting points to bring it to molten state and poured in to mould of the required shape. Forging is a process of heating the material to a temperature above re-crystallization but below its melting temperature. With the application of pressure material formed to required shape.


The workshop imparts training in basic skills like fitting, sheet metal, welding and carpentry.

C.A.M.A. Lab

"Computer Aided Modeling and Analysis lab" is equipped with more than 30 computers installed. The Ansys APDL 15.0 software is accessed by the prefinal students for the modelling and analysis of structural and heat transfer problems, The lab is equipped with air conditioning and is highly furnished to accommodate the students in a conducive environment.

Departmental Meeting Room/Seminar Room

The state of art Meeting/Seminar equipped with Audio Visual facilities provides a venue for students and staff in conducting meeting/seminars

Machine Shop

The machine shop comprises All Gear Lathes, Milling Machines, Shaping Machines and other equipments like power hacksaw and accessories like surface gauge height gauge flat tables etc.

Departmental Library

The department is equipped with a departmental library dedicated only to Mechanical Engineering domain accommodating academic books for reference and technical magazines focusing on the current advances in the mechanical engineering domain.

Energy conversion lab

Energy conversion lab consists of following facilities. Flash and Fire point apparatus, saybolt and Redwood viscometers, Boy’s calorimeter, Four strike diesel and petrol engine test rigs, Multi cylinder four stroke petrol engine apparatus.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

It has variety of experiments like flow measuring devices venturimeter, weirs, Notches orifice meters and equipments for flow study for estimating losses in pipes. Study of impact of jets over vanes. Water turbine like Pelton wheel and Kaplan turbine, centrifugal pumps. Multistage Compressors and other equipments.

Design Lab

Strength, life, durability are the prominent words in the design field. Prominent knowledge of design of machine components will be provided through experiments like vibration monitoring equipments. Continuous shaft system, governors, photo-elasticity experimental set up etc.,

CIM and Automation Lab/Material Testing Lab

Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Lab is the integration of computers with manufacturing through the use of integrated system and data communication coupled with new managerial philosophies that improve organizational and personal efficiency. CIM improves operational control, short sum responsiveness, reduce inventory and increases machine Utilization.In CIM Lab CNC part programming is written for turning, drilling and milling operations and simulation of the same is carried out using SEENC TURN, SEENC MILL, CAPSTURN and CAPSMILL software.

The lab is equipped with air conditioning and is highly furnished to accommodate the students in a conducive environment.

Mechanical Measurements and Metrology lab

Metrology is the science of measurements. The measurement lab is equipped with measuring instrument such as pressure gauge, LVDT, thermocouple, load cell, profile projector, bevel protractor, autocollimeter, slip gauges and angle gauges etc.,


CAED lab houses computers with Solid Edge softwares which cater the needs of first year students for Computer Aided Engineering Drawing. The 3D workbench module is used by the second year Mechanical Students for Computer Aided Machine Drawing.

Research Labs

Nanotechnology Research Lab:

Nanotechnology Lab wasestablished, withadvanced equipmentfor preparation and measurement of properties of nanofluids, facilitating research scholars of the college on conducting various nanoscale heat transfer studies . This lab was established by Dr. Ramis M.K, under the fund of Seed Money Scheme for Research Assistance provided by PACE, in the year 2010.

Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab:

CFD lab was established with licensed version of sophisticated analysis softwares like ANSYS FLUENT and high end computers with air conditioned state of art facilities. This lab was established by Dr. Ramis M.K under the fund of Research Promotion Scheme of AICTE, in the year 2014.

Micro and Minichannel Lab:

The Micro and Minichannel Laboratory is being set up to promote research in the area of Micro and Minichannel Heat Transfer which will be equipped with precise instruments for measuring various flow parameters.This lab is being established by Dr. Ramis M.K under the fund of SMYSR scheme of VTU.

Career Options

Mechanical Engineering Graduates from PACE are placed in manufacturing, oil & gas, management, and maintenance industries in India and abroad. A few of them have turned out as entrepreneurs and some of them have also pursued Master’s Degree from various reputed universities in India and abroad and now active in teaching and research.



Metal casting & Welding

Mechanical Measurements and Metrology











Afzal, Asif, Abdulrajak Buradi, Ravindra Jilte, Saboor Shaik, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Muslum Arıcı, Chew Tin Lee, and Sandro Nižetić. "Optimizing the thermal performance of solar energy devices using meta-heuristic algorithms: A critical review." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 173 (2023): 112903.
Afzal, Asif, Roji George Roy, Chacko Preno Koshy, Y. Alex, Mohamed Abbas, Erdem Cuce, Abdul Razak RK, Saboor Shaik, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Characterization of biodiesel based on plastic pyrolysis oil (PPO) and coconut oil: Performance and emission analysis using RSM-ANN approach." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023): 103046.
Kodi, Raghunath, Charankumar Ganteda, Abhishek Dasore, M. Logesh Kumar, G. Laxmaiah, Mohd Abul Hasan, Saiful Islam, and Abdul Razak. "Influence of MHD mixed convection flow for maxwell nanofluid through a vertical cone with porous material in the existence of variable heat conductivity and diffusion." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 44 (2023): 102875.
Afzal, Asif, R. K. Abdul Razak, A. D. Mohammed Samee, Rahul Kumar, Ümit Ağbulut, and Sung Goon Park. "A critical review on renewable battery thermal management system using heat pipes." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023): 1-40.
Dansana, Debabrata, S. Gopal Krishna Patro, Brojo Kishore Mishra, Vivek Prasad, Abdul Razak, and Anteneh Wogasso Wodajo. "Analyzing the impact of loan features on bank loan prediction using R andom F orest algorithm." Engineering Reports (2023): e12707.
Murthy, Bharath Vedashantha, Virupaxi Auradi, Madeva Nagaral, Manjunath Vatnalmath, Nagaraj Namdev, Chandrashekar Anjinappa, Shanawaz Patil et al. "Al2014–Alumina Aerospace Composites: Particle Size Impacts on Microstructure, Mechanical, Fractography, and Wear Characteristics." ACS omega 8, no. 14 (2023): 13444-13455.
Alur, S. A., M. M. Shivashimpi, K. M. Akkoli, N. R. Banapurmath, D. Sakthivel, Yogesh Diliprao Sonawane, Saiful Islam, Prabhakar Sharma, Mohammad Amir Khan, and Abdul Razak. "Optimization and modelling of EGR rate and MIS for POME fuelled CRDI diesel engine." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (2023): 103170.
Vaddar, Lokesh, Basava Thatti, Bijjam Ramgopal Reddy, Suneetha Chittineni, Nandipati Govind, Miditana Vijay, Chandrashekar Anjinappa, Abdul Razak, and ChanduVeetil Ahamed Saleel. "Glass Fiber-Epoxy Composites with Carbon Nanotube Fillers for Enhancing Properties in Structure Modeling and Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence Technique." ACS Omega (2023).
Santhosh, N., B. A. Praveena, Reema Jain, Mohd Abul Hasan, Saiful Islam, Mohammad Amir Khan, Abdul Razak, and Md Daniyal. "Analysis of friction and wear of aluminium AA 5083/WC composites for building applications using advanced machine learning models." Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14, no. 9 (2023): 102090.
Vatnalmath, Manjunath, Virupaxi Auradi, Bharath Vedashantha Murthy, Madeva Nagaral, A. Anbarasa Pandian, Saiful Islam, Mohammad Shahiq Khan, Chandrashekar Anjinappa, and Abdul Razak. "Impact of bonding temperature on microstructure, mechanical, and fracture behaviors of TLP bonded joints of Al2219 with a Cu interlayer." ACS omega 8, no. 29 (2023): 26332-26339.
Somayaji, Ananthakrishna, Madeva Nagaral, Chandrashekar Anjinappa, Meshel Q. Alkahtani, Ravikiran Kamath Billady, Nithin Kumar, Virupaxi Auradi et al. "Influence of graphite particles on the mechanical and wear characterization of Al6082 alloy composites." ACS omega 8, no. 30 (2023): 26828-26836.
Raksha, M. S., Madeva Nagaral, Satish Babu Boppana, Chandrashekar Anjinappa, Mohammad Shahiq Khan, Mohammed Osman Abdul Wahab, Saiful Islam et al. "Impact of Boron Carbide Particles and Weight Percentage on the Mechanical and Wear Characterization of Al2011 Alloy Metal Composites." ACS Omega (2023).
Devarajan, Karunakaran, Venkatachalapathy Vellaiyappan Sangli Karuppanan, Thirumalaikumarasamy Duraisamy, Srinivasa Kumar Bhavirisetty, Gundagani Laxmaiah, Pankaj Kumar Chauhan, Abdul Razak, Mohammad Asif, and Emanoil Linul. "Experimental investigation and characterization of friction stir spot-welded dissimilar aluminum copper metallic lap joints." ACS omega 8, no. 39 (2023): 35706-35721.
Boateng, Henry Tiboah, Ravindra D. Jilte, and Asif Afzal. "Numerical investigation of a cylindrical lithium-ion battery pack with integrated phase change material and coolant circulating channels." Journal of Energy Storage 73 (2023): 109441.
Afzal, Asif, Abdulrajak Buradi, Ravindra Jilte, Vikram Sundara, Saboor Shaik, Ümit Ağbulut, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Use of modern algorithms for multi-parameter optimization and intelligent modelling of sustainable battery performance." Journal of Energy Storage 73 (2023): 108910.
Afzal, Asif, Ravindra Jilte, Mohammed Samee, Umit Ağbulut, Saboor Shaik, Sung Goon Park, and Mamdooh Alwetaishi. "Melting numerical simulation of hydrated salt phase change material in thermal management of cylindrical battery cells using enthalpy-porosity model." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 59 (2023): 103395.
Nath, Dhruv Chakravarty, Indranil Kundu, Ayushi Sharma, Pranav Shivhare, Asif Afzal, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, and Sung Goon Park. "Internet of Things integrated with solar energy applications: a state-of-the-art review." Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023): 1-56.
Qazani, Mohammad Reza Chalak, Navid Aslfattahi, Vladimir Kulish, Houshyar Asadi, Michal Schmirler, Zafar Said, Asif Afzal, HM Dipu Kabir, and Müslüm Arıcı. "An optimised deep learning method for the prediction of dynamic viscosity of MXene-based nanofluid." Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 45, no. 8 (2023): 428.
Murugesan, Parthasarathy, P. V. Elumalai, Dhinesh Balasubramanian, S. Padmanabhan, N. Murugunachippan, Asif Afzal, Prabhakar Sharma et al. "Exploration of low heat rejection engine characteristics powered with carbon nanotubes-added waste plastic pyrolysis oil." Process Safety and Environmental Protection 176 (2023): 1101-1119.
Afzal, Asif, R. K. Abdul Razak, A. D. Mohammed Samee, Rahul Kumar, Ümit Ağbulut, and Sung Goon Park. "A critical review on renewable battery thermal management system using heat pipes." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023): 1-40.
Gad, M. S., Ümit Ağbulut, Asif Afzal, Hitesh Panchal, S. Jayaraj, Naef AA Qasem, and A. S. El-Shafay. "A comprehensive review on the usage of the nano-sized particles along with diesel/biofuel blends and their impacts on engine behaviors." Fuel 339 (2023): 127364.
Jilte, Ravindra, Asif Afzal, Umit Agbulut, Ahmad Aziz Alahmadi, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, and Ali Nasser Alzaed. "A study on a milk chiller latent storage system with phase change material encapsulated spherical balls." Journal of Energy Storage 61 (2023): 106783.
Kumar, Raj, Rahul Nadda, Sushil Kumar, Shaik Saboor, C. Ahamed Saleel, Mohamed Abbas, Asif Afzal, and Emanoil Linul. "Convective heat transfer enhancement using impingement jets in channels and tubes: A comprehensive review." Alexandria Engineering Journal 70 (2023): 349-376.
Shaik, Saboor, Abin Roy, Müslüm Arıcı, Karolos J. Kontoleon, Asif Afzal, and Dong Li. "Air-conditioning cost savings, CO2 emission benefits and return on investment by using waste in porotherm bricks in hot-arid and warm-temperate climates." Energy and Buildings 286 (2023): 112955.
Khan, Osama, Mohd Zaheen Khan, Md Toufique Alam, Amaan Ullah, Mohamed Abbas, C. Ahamed Saleel, Saboor Shaik, and Asif Afzal. "Comparative study of soft computing and metaheuristic models in developing reduced exhaust emission characteristics for diesel engine fueled with various blends of biodiesel and metallic nanoadditive mixtures: an ANFIS–GA–HSA approach." ACS omega 8, no. 8 (2023): 7344-7367.
Collective influence and optimization of 1-hexanol, fuel injection timing, and EGR to control toxic emissions from a light-duty agricultural diesel engine fueled with diesel/waste cooking oil methyl ester blends, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 172 (2023), DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2023.02.054.
Santhosh, N., Asif Afzal, Ümit Ağbulut, Ahmad Aziz Alahmadi, Ashwin C. Gowda, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Saboor Shaik, and Anh Tuan Hoang. "Poultry fat biodiesel as a fuel substitute in diesel-ethanol blends for DI-CI engine: Experimental, modelling and optimization." Energy 270 (2023): 126826.
Joshi, Anant, Shivakumar Gouda, I. Sridhar, MA Umar Farooq, Vinayak Uppin, and BH Maruthi Prashanth. "Matrix Hybridization Effects on Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Glass Epoxy Laminates using Nano and Micro fillers." Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 17, no. 65 (2023): 59-73.
Prashanth, BH Maruthi, PS Shivakumar Gouda, T. S. Manjunatha, I. M. Navaneeth, and K. M. Chethan. "Effect of glycerin on mechanical properties of a hybrid kenaf-jute polyester composite." Engineering Research Express 5, no. 2 (2023): 025034.
Badyankal, Pramod V., PS Shivakumar Gouda, T. S. Manjunatha, BH Maruthi Prashanth, and B. H. Shivayogi. "Realization of mechanical and tribological properties of hybrid banana, sisal, and pineapple fiber epoxy composites using naturally available fillers." Engineering Research Express 5, no. 1 (2023): 015070.
Khamis, Siti Salwa, Hadi Purwanto, Hamzah Mohd Salleh, Alya Naili Rozhan, Mohamed Abdur Rahman, Mahammadsalman Warimani, and Noor Alam. "Novel energy recovery from an integrated municipal solid waste and leachate treatment system." Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy (2023):
Warimani, Mahammadsalman, Sayed Ahmed Imran Bellary, Shivagond Teli, Sher Afghan Khan, and Lokpriya Gaikwad. "Performance characteristics of combustion and emission in pulse detonation engine." (2023).
Arief, Rudi Kurniawan, Armila Armila, Arie Liswardi, Hanafi Yahya, Mahammad Salman Warimani, and Perdana Putera. "Coconut Shell Carbonization Process Using Smokeless Kiln." Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology 7, no. 2 (2023): 82-90.
Hegde, S., C G, Dr. R., S N, Dr. N., & Pai M, Dr. P. (2023). Implementation of Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon in Traditional Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System to Enhance the Performance and Efficiency. In Indian Journal of Production and Thermal Engineering (Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 1–9). Lattice Science Publication (LSP).
Prashanth Pai M., Ramachandra C. G., Raghavendra M. J., & Yathin Krishna. (2023). A Case Study to Determine OEE – A KPI Representing the Overall Productivity of a Machine. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 71(3), 359–366.
Sandesh Hegde, Dr. Ramachandra C G and Dr. Prashanth Pai M, “Application of the Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon in the Savonius Type Traditional Vawt Structure to Improve the Efficiency at Various Wind Speed Conditions”, Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (Special Issue 10), 2503 – 2509, DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si10.00300.
K, Bhavith, Prashanth Pai M, Sudheer M, Ramachandra C G, Maruthi Prashanth B H, and Kiran Kumar B. 2023. "The Effect of Metal Filler on the Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin Composites" Engineering Proceedings 59, no. 1: 200.
Waghmode SB, Kallol AN, Shivakumar S, et al. Effect of externally applied magnetic field on the tool wear and surface morphology of Inconel 718 in turning operation. Engineering Reports. 2024; 6(1):e12700. doi: 10.1002/eng2.12700.
J.M. Babu, K. Sunil Kumar, R. Ramesh Kumar, Ümit Ağbulut, Abdul Razak, Deepak Thakur, Vikram Sundara, Mohammad Asif, Production of HHO gas in the water-electrolysis unit and the influences of its introduction to CI engine along with diesel-biodiesel blends at varying injection pressures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 52, Part D, 2024, Pages 865-885, ISSN 0360-3199,
Pramod V Badyankal, T S Manjunatha, P S Shivakumar Gouda, Maruthi Prashanth B H and C S Srinivasa, “An inquisition on alkaline treated Banana/Sisal/Pineapple fiber epoxy composites for light to moderate load applications”, 2024 Eng. Res. Express 6 015507, DOI 10.1088/2631-8695/ad299d.


DC Ribu, R Rajesh, D Thirumalaikumarasamy, Abdul Razak, CA Saleel, “Experimental investigation of erosion corrosion performance and slurry erosion mechanism of HVOF sprayed WC-10Co coatings using design of experiment approach” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 18 (2022), 293-31
Afzal A, Kumar R, Jilte RD, et al. Numerical analysis and machine learning for battery thermal performance cooled with different fluids. Int J Energy Res. 2022; 46(15): 21452-21466. doi:10.1002/er.7921
R. Ramesh Kumar, Abdul Razak, Saad Alshahrani, Abhishek Sharma, Deepak Thakur, Saboor Shaik, C Ahamed Saleel, Asif Afzal, Vibration analysis of composite exhaust manifold for diesel engine using CFD, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 32, 2022, 101853, ISSN 2214-157X,
Raj Kumar, Rahul Nadda, Sushil Kumar, Abdul Razak, Mohsen Sharifpur, Hikmet S. Aybar, C Ahamed Saleel, Asif Afzal, Influence of artificial roughness parametric variation on thermal performance of solar thermal collector: An experimental study, response surface analysis and ANN modelling, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 52, Part A, 2022, 102047, ISSN 2213-1388,
Anurag Shrivastava, J. Prakash Arul Jose, Yogini Dilip Borole, R. Saravanakumar, Mohsen Sharifpur, Hossein Harasi, R.K. Abdul Razak, Asif Afzal, A study on the effects of forced air-cooling enhancements on a 150 W solar photovoltaic thermal collector for green cities, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 49, 2022, 101782, ISSN 2213-1388,
Khandal SV, Ağbulut Ü, Afzal A, Sharifpur M, Abdul Razak K, Khalilpoor N. Influences of hydrogen addition from different dual-fuel modes on engine behaviors. Energy Sci Eng. 2022; 10: 881–891. doi:10.1002/ese3.1065.
Warimani, Mahammadsalman, Muhammad Hanafi Azami, Sher Afghan Khan, Ahmad Faris Ismail, Sanisah Saharin, Ahmad Kamal Ariffin, and Vijaykumar Chavan. "Analytical Assessment of Blended Fuels for Pulse Detonation Engine Performance." Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 93, no. 2 (2022): 1-16.
BH, Maruthi Prashanth, PS Shivakumar Gouda, T. S. Manjunatha, Abhilash Edacheriane, and M. A. Umarfarooq. "Prominence of quantitative fiber loading on free vibration, damping behavior, inter‐laminar shear strength, fracture toughness, thermal conductivity, and flammability properties of jute–banana hybrid fiber phenol‐formaldehyde composites." Polymer Composites 43, no. 5 (2022): 3313-3325.
Afzal, Asif, Ahmad Aziz Alahmadi, R. K. Abdul Razak, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Ali Nasser Alzaed, and Saboor Shaik. "Machine learning prediction and study of hotspots and hotspots location for sustainable battery energy system." International Journal of Energy Research 46, no. 15 (2022): 21045-21065.
Kothiwale, G. R., K. M. Akkoli, B. M. Doddamani, S. S. Kattimani, Ü. Ağbulut, A. Afzal, A. R. Kaladgi, and Z. Said. "Impact of injector nozzle diameter and hole number on performance and emission characteristics of CI engine powered by nanoparticles." International journal of Environmental Science and Technology 20, no. 5 (2023): 5013-5034.
Maduru, Venkata Ramana, Saboor Shaik, Erdem Cuce, Gorantla Kirankumar, Arumugam Chelliah, Asif Afzal, and Chinmay Prasad Mohanty. "Analysis of effective parameters of building’s glazing on energy savings and carbon emission mitigation prospective." International Journal of Ambient Energy 43, no. 1 (2022): 8959-8970.
Das, Pritam Kumar, Santosh Kumar Dash, Ranjan Ganguly, Apurba Kumar Santra, Elumalai Perumal Venkatesan, Ali A. Rajhi, Saboor Shaik, and Asif Afzal. "Effect of particle loading and temperature on the rheological behavior of Al2O3 and TiO2 nanofluids." Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44, no. 3 (2022): 7062-7079.
Viswanathan, Vinoth Kannan, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Pushparaj Thomai, Ümit Ağbulut, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Zafar Said, Saboor Shaik, and Asif Afzal. "Hybrid optimization and modelling of CI engine performance and emission characteristics of novel hybrid biodiesel blends." Renewable Energy 198 (2022): 549-567.
Bakır, Hüseyin, Ümit Ağbulut, Ali Etem Gürel, Gökhan Yıldız, Uğur Güvenç, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, Anh Tuan Hoang, Balakrishnan Deepanraj, Gaurav Saini, and Asif Afzal. "Forecasting of future greenhouse gas emission trajectory for India using energy and economic indexes with various metaheuristic algorithms." Journal of Cleaner Production 360 (2022): 131946.
Kumar, Raj, Rahul Nadda, Sushil Kumar, Abdul Razak, Mohsen Sharifpur, Hikmet S. Aybar, C. Ahamed Saleel, and Asif Afzal. "Influence of artificial roughness parametric variation on thermal performance of solar thermal collector: An experimental study, response surface analysis and ANN modelling." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022): 102047.
Sheik, Mohammed Anees, M. K. Aravindan, N. Beemkumar, Prem Kumar Chaurasiya, Ravindra Jilte, Saboor Shaik, and Asif Afzal. "Investigation on the thermal management of solar photovoltaic cells cooled by phase change material." Journal of Energy Storage 52 (2022): 104914.
Khan, Osama, Mohd Zaheen Khan, Emran Khan, Bhupendra Kumar Bhatt, Asif Afzal, Ümit Ağbulut, and Saboor Shaik. "An enhancement in diesel engine performance, combustion, and emission attributes fueled with Eichhornia crassipes oil and copper oxide nanoparticles at different injection pressures." Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44, no. 3 (2022): 6501-6522.
Huddar, Vivekanand B., Abdul Razak, Erdem Cuce, Sudarshana Gadwal, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Asif Afzal, C. Ahamed Saleel, and Saboor Shaik. "Thermal performance study of solar air dryers for cashew kernel: a comparative analysis and modelling using response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN)." International Journal of Photoenergy 2022 (2022).
PB, Senthilkumar, Asif Afzal, C. Ahamed Saleel, Erdem Cuce, Shaik Saboor, and Tanya Gera. "The influence of exhaust gas recirculation on the characteristics of compression ignition engines powered by tamanu methyl ester." International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 17 (2022): 856-869.
Sharma, Vishal, Rajeev Kamal Sharma, RK Abdul Razak, Deepak Thakur, Zafar Said, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, C. Ahamed Saleel, and Asif Afzal. "An investigation of pine needles fluidization, combustion performance, and fly ash behavior in fluidized bed combustor." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147, no. 22 (2022): 12595-12615.
Shaik, Saboor, Venkata Ramana Maduru, Gorantla Kirankumar, Müslüm Arıcı, Aritra Ghosh, Karolos J. Kontoleon, and Asif Afzal. "Space-age energy saving, carbon emission mitigation and color rendering perspective of architectural antique stained glass windows." Energy 259 (2022): 124898.
Belhocine, Ali, and Asif Afzal. "Computational finite element analysis of brake disc rotors employing different materials." Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 20, no. 3 (2022): 637-650.
Sharma, Prabhakar, Zafar Said, Anurag Kumar, Sandro Nizetic, Ashok Pandey, Anh Tuan Hoang, Zuohua Huang et al. "Recent advances in machine learning research for nanofluid-based heat transfer in renewable energy system." Energy & Fuels 36, no. 13 (2022): 6626-6658.
Sandesh Hegde, Dr. Ramachandra C G, Dr. Nagesh S N, Dr. Prashanth Pai M, “The Implementation of A Magnetic Propelling Phenomenon in A Traditional Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System to Enhance its Performance even in Lower Wind Speed Condition”, Neuro Quantology, September 2022, Volume 20, Issue 9, Pages 3758-3765, doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.9.NQ44430.
Sandesh Hegde, Dr. Ramachandra C G, Dr. Nagesh S N, Dr. Prashanth Pai M, “Performance And Efficiency Enhancement of Traditional Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System By Implementing The Permanent Magnet Propelling Phenomenon”, Specialusis Ugdymas, VOL. 1 NO. 43 (2022).
Sandesh Hegde, Dr. Ramachandra C G, Dr. Nagesh S N, Dr. Prashanth Pai M, Dr. Raghavendra M J, “Improvement of Performance and Efficiency of Modified Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by Implementing A Magnetic Propelling Phenomenon of Permanent Magnets”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Volume: 06, Issue: 07, July – 2022, ISSN: 2582-3930.
Raja, Vijayanandh, Raj Kumar Gnanasekaran, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Parvathy Rajendran, Sher Afghan Khan, and Mohammad Asif. "Multi-Disciplinary Computational Investigations on Asymmetrical Failure Factors of Disc Brakes for Various CFRP Materials: A Validated Approach." Symmetry 14, no. 8 (2022): 1616.
Mohammed Avvad, Kiran Kumar B, Mohammed Sheizan, Abdul Rashid, Mohammed Yusuf Hyman, and Mohammed Ali Jauhar, “Experimental Study on Effective Utilization of Solar Energy using Parabolic Trough Collector for Domestic Water Heating”, International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE), Vol. 7, Issue 1, January 2022, ISSN (Online) 2456-1290, pp. 20-25.
I. M. Navaneeth, Suhas Poojary, A. Chandrashekar, Abdul Razak, Nasim Hasan, Abdulaziz Ibrahim Almohana, "Damped Free Vibration Analysis of Woven Glass Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Laminates", Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2022, Article ID 6980996, 13 pages, 2022.
Sher Afghan Khan; Zakir Ilahi Chaudhary; Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig; Ridwan; K. M. Chethan; Mohammed Faheem, “Experiments on wall pressure at area ratio 4.84 in a suddenly expanded flow field at supersonic Mach numbers”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2421, 060001 (2022),


1. Manjunath, Y. J., H. P. Thirthaprasada, A. Chandrashekar, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, V. Mohanavel, Asif Afzal, M. C. Manjunatha, and Dadapeer Basheer. "Tensile and wear properties of repetitive corrugation and straightened Al 2024 alloy: an experimental and RSM approach." Materials Research Express 8, no. 12 (2021): 126512.
2. Tamilselvi, S., S. Gunasundari, N. Karuppiah, Abdul Razak RK, S. Madhusudan, Vikas Madhav Nagarajan, T. Sathish, Mohammed Zubair M. Shamim, C. Ahamed Saleel, and Asif Afzal. "A review on battery modelling techniques." Sustainability 13, no. 18 (2021): 10042.
3. Afzal, Asif, Javed Khan Bhutto, Abdulrahman Alrobaian, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, and Sher Afghan Khan. "Modelling and computational experiment to obtain optimized neural network for battery thermal management data." Energies 14, no. 21 (2021): 7370.
4. Dadhich, Yogesh, Reema Jain, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Thermally radiated Jeffery fluid flow with nanoparticles over a surface of varying thickness in the influence of heat source." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28 (2021): 101549.
5. Afzal, Asif, Md Tariqul Islam, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, A. Muthu Manokar, Olusegun D. Samuel, M. A. Mujtaba, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, H. Fayaz, and Hafiz Muhammad Ali. "Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of inserted helical tube three-fluid heat exchanger using graphene/water nanofluid." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2021): 1-14.
6. Afzal, Asif, K. M. Yashawantha, Navid Aslfattahi, R. Saidur, R. K. Abdul Razak, and Ram Subbiah. "Back propagation modeling of shear stress and viscosity of aqueous Ionic-MXene nanofluids." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 145 (2021): 2129-2149.
7. Afzal, Asif, AD Mohammed Samee, R. D. Jilte, Md Tariqul Islam, A. Muthu Manokar, and Kaladgi Abdul Razak. "Battery thermal management: An optimization study of parallelized conjugate numerical analysis using Cuckoo search and artificial bee colony algorithm." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 166 (2021): 120798.
8.     Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Asif Afzal, A Muthu Manokar, Deepak Thakur, Umit Agbulut, Saad Alshahrani, Ram Subbiah”Integrated Taguchi-GRA-RSM optimization and ANN modelling of thermal performance of zinc oxide nanofluids in an automobile radiator” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,Volume 26,Pages 101068,Elsevier.
9.     Asif Afzal, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, RD Jilte, Muhammad Ibrahim, Rahul Kumar, MA Mujtaba, Saad Alshahrani, C Ahamed Saleel, “Thermal modelling and characteristic evaluation of electric vehicle battery system”,2021/8/1,Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,vol 26 , p101058, Elsevier.
10.  Kumar, S. Veeresh, Kaladgi Abdul Razak, H. K. Madhusudhana, Abdulrajak Buradi, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Preparation of dye (Bala gidda) for DSSC application." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6153-6157.
11.  Goudar, Hiregoudar Yerrana, Abdul Razak R. Kaladgi, B. G. Veena, Abdulrajak Buradi, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Performance of new dyes along with some semi conductive oxides (ZnO) and analysis of the same." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6158-6167.
12.  Avvad, Mohammed, K. C. Vishwanath, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Kareemullah, and I. M. Navaneeth. "Performance analysis of aerofoil blades at different pitch angles and wind speeds." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6249-6256.
13.  Chandrashekar A, BV Chaluvaraju, Asif Afzal, Denis A Vinnik, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Sagr Alamri, Vineet Tirth,”Mechanical and corrosion studies of friction stir welded nano Al2O3 reinforced Al-Mg matrix composites: RSM-ANN modelling approach”,2021/4,symmetry, vol 13 , issue 4,p 537 , Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
14.  Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, Faheem Akhtar, S. P. Avadhani, Abdulrajak Buradi, Asif Afzal, Abdul Aziz, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Heat transfer enhancement of rectangular fins with circular perforations." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6185-6191.
15. Rethnam, George SN, Subramanian Manivel, Vijay K. Sharma, Chidurala Srinivas, Asif Afzal, Abdul Razak RK, Sagr Alamri, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Parameter study on friction surfacing of AISI316Ti stainless steel over EN8 carbon steel and its effect on coating dimensions and bond strength." Materials 14, no. 17 (2021): 4967.
16. Afzal, Asif, Ümit Ağbulut, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, RK Abdul Razak, Abdulrajak Buradi, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Blends of scum oil methyl ester, alcohols, silver nanoparticles and the operating conditions affecting the diesel engine performance and emission: an optimization study using Dragon fly algorithm." Applied Nanoscience 11 (2021): 2415-2432.
17. Kumar R, Nadda R, Kumar S, Kumar K, Afzal Asif, Razak KA, et al. Heat transfer and friction factor correlations for an impinging air jets solar thermal collector with arc ribs on an absorber plate. Sustain Energy Technol Assessments 2021; 47:101523.
18. Sathish, Thanikodi, Abdul Razak R. Kaladgi, V. Mohanavel, K. Arul, Asif Afzal, Abdul Aabid, Muneer Baig, and Bahaa Saleh. "Experimental investigation of the friction stir weldability of AA8006 with zirconia particle reinforcement and optimized process parameters." Materials 14, no. 11 (2021): 2782.
19.  Santhosh Nagaraja, Kempaiah Ujjaini Nagegowda, Anand Kumar V, Sagr Alamri, Asif Afzal, Deepak Thakur, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Satyam Panchal, Ahamed Saleel C, “Influence of the fly ash material inoculants on the tensile and impact characteristics of the aluminum AA 5083/7.5 SiC composites”,2021/1, Materials, vol 14 ,issue 9,Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
20. Goswami, Shankha Shubhra, Dhiren Kumar Behera, Asif Afzal, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Sher Afghan Khan, Parvathy Rajendran, Ram Subbiah, and Mohammad Asif. "Analysis of a robot selection problem using two newly developed hybrid MCDM models of TOPSIS-ARAS and COPRAS-ARAS." Symmetry 13, no. 8 (2021): 1331.
21. Janardhana, Kedri, S. Sridhar, Chandra K. Dixit, M. Deivakani, S. Tamilselvi, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Asif Afzal, and Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig. "ANFIS modeling of biodiesels' physical and engine characteristics: A review." Heat Transfer 50, no. 8 (2021): 8052-8079.
22. Afzal, Asif, Awatef Abidi, Mohammed Samee Ad, Abdul Razak Rk, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, and Ahamed C. Saleel. "Effect of parameters on thermal and fluid-flow behavior of battery thermal management system." Thermal Science 25, no. 5 Part B (2021): 3775-3787.
23. Kaldgi, Abdul Rajak, Abdul Rajak Buradi, K. C. Vishwanath, N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Avvad, A. Chandrasekhar, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of Dimpled Rod" In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 1065, no. 1, p. 012034. IOP Publishing, 2021.
24. Kalagi, Ganesh, Abdulrajak Buradi, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, H. K. Madhusudhana, H. Udaya Prasanna, Raja Yateesh Yadav, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Erosion wear behavior of glass fiber hybridized flax and sisal fabric hybrid composites with taguchi experimental design." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 5901-5906.
25. Krishnamurthy, Adarsh, Kaladgi Abdul Razak, Balachandra S. Halemani, Abdulrajak Buradi, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Performance enhancement in tribological properties of lubricants by dispersing TiO2 nanoparticles." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6180-6184.
26. Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, I. M. Navaneeth, Asif Afzal, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Avala Raji Reddy, and Abdulrajak Buradi. "Experimental design and fabrication of portable hybrid wind and solar energy system." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2358, no. 1. AIP Publishing, 2021,
27. Kareemullah, Mohammed, Asif Afzal, K. Fazlur Rehman, Vishwanath KC, Hurmathulla Khan, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, and Abdul Razak Kaladgi. "Preparation and physicochemical properties evaluation of epoxidized neem oil-based bio-lubricant." Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 21, no. 3 (2021): 942-951.
28. Sathish, T., V. Mohanavel, Asif Afzal, M. Arunkumar, M. Ravichandran, Sher Afghan Khan, Parvathy Rajendran, and Mohammad Asif. "Advancement of steam generation process in water tube boiler using Taguchi design of experiments." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 27 (2021): 101247.
29. Patil, Vishalagoud S., Farheen Bano, R. V. Kurahatti, Arun Y. Patil, G. U. Raju, Asif Afzal, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, Ravinder Kumar, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "A study of sound pressure level (SPL) inside the truck cabin for new acoustic materials: An experimental and FEA approach." Alexandria Engineering Journal 60, no. 6 (2021): 5949-5976.
30. Afzal, Asif, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, Ali Belhocine, Mohammed Kareemullah, Nazia Hossain, Saad Alshahrani, Ahamed Saleel C, Ram Subbiah, Fazil Qureshi, and Muhammad Abbas Mujtaba. "Thermal performance of compression ignition engine using high content biodiesels: a comparative study with diesel fuel." Sustainability 13, no. 14 (2021): 7688.
31. Arunkumar, Munimathan, Vinayagam Mohanavel, Asif Afzal, Thanikodi Sathish, Manickam Ravichandran, Sher Afghan Khan, Nur Azam Abdullah, Muhammad Hanafi Bin Azami, and Mohammad Asif. "A study on performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine using Ricinus Communis (castor oil) ethyl esters." Energies 14, no. 14 (2021): 4320.
32. Mysore, Tajammul Hussain M., Arun Y. Patil, G. U. Raju, N. R. Banapurmath, Prabhakar M. Bhovi, Asif Afzal, Sagr Alamri, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Investigation of mechanical and physical properties of big sheep horn as an alternative biomaterial for structural applications." Materials 14, no. 14 (2021): 4039.
33. Kumbar, Shobha Suresh, Dipak Ashok Jadhav, Chetan S. Jarali, Dhananjay B. Talange, Asif Afzal, Sher Afghan Khan, Mohammad Asif, and Mohd Zulkifly Abdullah. "Enhancement in cathodic redox reactions of single-chambered microbial fuel cells with Castor oil-emitted powder as cathode material." Materials 14, no. 16 (2021): 4454.
34. Akhtar, Mohammad Nishat, T. Sathish, V. Mohanavel, Asif Afzal, K. Arul, M. Ravichandran, Inzarulfaisham Abd Rahim, S. S. N. Alhady, Elmi Abu Bakar, and Bahaa Saleh. "Optimization of process parameters in CNC turning of aluminum 7075 alloy using L27 array-based Taguchi method." Materials 14, no. 16 (2021): 4470.
35. Afzal, Asif, C. Ahamed Saleel, Suvanjan Bhattacharyya, N. Satish, Olusegun David Samuel, and Irfan Anjum Badruddin. "Merits and limitations of mathematical modeling and computational simulations in mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic: A comprehensive review." Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 29, no. 2 (2022): 1311-1337.
36. Kumbar, Shobha Suresh, Dipak Ashok Jadhav, Chetan S. Jarali, Dhananjay B. Talange, Asif Afzal, Sher Afghan Khan, Mohammad Asif, and Mohd Zulkifly Abdullah. "Enhancement in cathodic redox reactions of single-chambered microbial fuel cells with Castor oil-emitted powder as cathode material." Materials 14, no. 16 (2021): 4454.
37. Akhtar, Mohammad Nishat, T. Sathish, V. Mohanavel, Asif Afzal, K. Arul, M. Ravichandran, Inzarulfaisham Abd Rahim, S. S. N. Alhady, Elmi Abu Bakar, and Bahaa Saleh. "Optimization of process parameters in CNC turning of aluminum 7075 alloy using L27 array-based Taguchi method." Materials 14, no. 16 (2021): 4470.
38. Afzal, Asif, C. Ahamed Saleel, Suvanjan Bhattacharyya, N. Satish, Olusegun David Samuel, and Irfan Anjum Badruddin. "Merits and limitations of mathematical modelling and computational simulations in mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic: A comprehensive review." Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 29, no. 2 (2022): 1311-1337.
39. Saleel, C. Ahamed, Saad Ayed Alshahrani, Asif Afzal, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Sarfaraz Kamangar, and TM Yunus Khan. "Flow control in microfluidics devices: electro-osmotic Couette flow with joule heating effect." Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment 1, no. 2 (2021): 146-160.
40. Sathish, Thanikodi, Vinayagam Mohanavel, Khalid Ansari, Rathinasamy Saravanan, Alagar Karthick, Asif Afzal, Sagr Alamri, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Synthesis and characterization of mechanical properties and wire cut EDM process parameters analysis in AZ61 magnesium alloy+ B4C+ SiC." Materials 14, no. 13 (2021): 3689.
41. Aneeque, Mohammed, Saad Alshahrani, Mohammed Kareemullah, Asif Afzal, C. Ahamed Saleel, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, Nazia Hossain, Ram Subbiah, and Mohamed H. Ahmed. "The combined effect of alcohols and Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel using response surface methodology optimization." Sustainability 13, no. 13 (2021): 7345.
42. Meignanamoorthy, M., Manickam Ravichandran, Vinayagam Mohanavel, Asif Afzal, T. Sathish, Sagr Alamri, Sher Afghan Khan, and C. Ahamed Saleel. "Microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of boron carbide reinforced aluminum alloy (al-Fe-Si-Zn-Cu) matrix composites produced via powder metallurgy route." Materials 14, no. 15 (2021): 4315.
43. Afzal, Asif, Zahid Ansari, Saad Alshahrani, Arun K. Raj, Mohamed Saheer Kuruniyan, C. Ahamed Saleel, and Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar. "Clustering of COVID-19 data for knowledge discovery using c-means and fuzzy c-means." Results in Physics 29 (2021): 104639.
44. Said, Zafar, Prabhakar Sharma, L. Syam Sundar, Asif Afzal, and Changhe Li. "Synthesis, stability, thermophysical properties and AI approach for predictive modelling of Fe3O4 coated MWCNT hybrid nanofluids." Journal of Molecular Liquids 340 (2021): 117291.
45. Sharath, Ballupete Nagaraju, Channarayapattana Venkataramaiah Venkatesh, Asif Afzal, Navid Aslfattahi, Abdul Aabid, Muneer Baig, and Bahaa Saleh. "Multi ceramic particles inclusion in the aluminium matrix and wear characterization through experimental and response surface-artificial neural networks." Materials 14, no. 11 (2021): 2895.
46. Krishnakumar, Sandeep, TM Yunus Khan, C. R. Rajashekhar, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, Asif Afzal, and Ashraf Elfasakhany. "Influence of graphene nano particles and antioxidants with waste cooking oil biodiesel and diesel blends on engine performance and emissions." Energies 14, no. 14 (2021): 4306.
47. Warimani, Mahammadsalman, Muhammad Hanafi Azami, Sher Afghan Khan, Ahmad Faris Ismail, Sanisah Saharin, and Ahmad Kamal Ariffin. "Internal flow dynamics and performance of pulse detonation engine with alternative fuels." Energy 237 (2021): 121719.
48. Prashanth, Maruthi, PS Shivakumar Gouda, T. S. Manjunatha, N. R. Banapurmath, and Abhilash Edacheriane. "Understanding the impact of fiber orientation on mechanical, interlaminar shear strength, and fracture properties of jute–banana hybrid composite laminates." Polymer Composites 42, no. 10 (2021): 5475-5489.
49. Maruthi Prashantha, B. H., T. S. Manjunatha, P. S. Shiva Kumar Gouda, and Abhilash Edacherian. "Improved mechanical properties of jute-banana fiber phenol formaldehyde composites through low-cost portable hot pressing machine." Materials Performance and Characterization 10, no. 1 (2021): 49-65.
50. Afzal, Asif, A. D. Mohammed Samee, R. K. Abdul Razak, and M. K. Ramis. "Thermal management of modern electric vehicle battery systems (MEVBS)." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 144 (2021): 1271-1285.
51. Delvi, Hamza Afser, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Faheem, and Sher Afghan Khan. "Influence of microjets on flow development at supersonic mach numbers with sudden expansion." In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 1057, no. 1, p. 012051. IOP Publishing, 2021.
52. Khan, Sher Afghan, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Rayid Muneer, J. I. Suheel, and Mohammed Faheem. "Benefit of Mach number and expansion level on the flow development in a cylindrical tube diameter of 18 mm." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 6220-6226.
53. Faheem, Mohammed, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Aneeque, and Sher Afghan Khan. "Effect of expansion level on the flow development with sudden expansion at high Mach numbers." Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021): 2714-2725.
54. Faheem, Mohammed, Rayid Muneer, Hamza Afser Delvi, and Sher Afghan Khan. "Impact of expansion level on flowfield with sudden expansion at supersonic regimes." Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021): 2775-2782.
55. Faheem, Mohammed, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Avvad, Mohammed Aneeque, and Sher Afghan Khan. "Influence of microjets on flow development for diameter ratio of 1.6 for correctly expanded nozzles." Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021): 2549-2556.
56. Mohammed Aneeque, Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Mohammed Avvad, “Controlling The Base Pressure Of A Supersonic Body Subjected To Sudden Expansion Flow Using Micro Jet ”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 240–253, Apr. 2021.
57. Ali Afzal, Mohammed Avvad, "a)." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12, no. 10 (2021): 254-264.
58. Pai, M.P., Ramachandra, C.G., Srinivas, T.R., Raghavendra, M.J. (2021). Factors Influencing the Non-implementation of TPM in the Selected Manufacturing Industries: A Statistical Approach. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
59. M J Raghavendra, C G Ramachandra, T R Srinivas and M Prashanth Pai, 2021, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1013 012001, DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/1013/1/012001.
60. Aravind Karthik, Dundesh S Chiniwar, Mayukh Das, Prashanth Pai M, Phalguni Prabhu, Prashant A Mulimani, Kaustubh Samanth and Nithesh Naik, “Electric Propulsion for Fixed Wing Aircrafts – A Review on Classifications, Designs, and Challenges”, Engineered Science, 2021, 16, 129-145, DOI:10.30919/es8d573.
61. Yathin Krishna, Shashikantha Karinka, Mohd Faizal Fauzan, Prashanth Pai Manihalla, “An Experimental and Mathematical investigation of optimal tilt angle and effects of reflectors on PV energy production”, MATEC Web Conf. 335 03020 (2021), DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/202133503020.
62. Y Krishna, M Faizal, R Saidur, P P Manihalla and S Karinka, 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1921 012063, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012063.
63. Yashawantha, K. M., Afzal Asif, G. Ravindra Babu, and M. K. Ramis. "Rheological behavior and thermal conductivity of graphite–ethylene glycol nanofluid." Journal of Testing and Evaluation 49, no. 4 (2021): 2906-2927.


1. Afzal, Asif, Zahid Ansari, and M. K. Ramis. "Parallelization of numerical conjugate heat transfer analysis in parallel plate channel using OpenMP" Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45 (2020): 8981-8997.
2. Afzal, Asif, AD Mohammed Samee, RK Abdul Razak, and M. K. Ramis. "Steady and transient state analyses on conjugate laminar forced convection heat transfer." Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 27, no. 1 (2020): 135-170.
3. Kaladgi, Abdul Razak & Mukhtar, Arafat & Afzal, Asif & Kareemullah, Mohammed & Ramis, M. (2020). Numerical Investigation of Beta Ratio and Reynolds Number Effect on Coefficient of Discharge of Venturimeter. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 884. 012116. 10.1088/1757-899X/884/1/012116.
4. Khan, Hurmathulla, Mohammed Kareemullah, H. C. Ravi, K. Fazlur Rehman, R. Harish Kumar, Asif Afzal, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, and H. Fayaz. "Combined effect of synthesized waste milk scum oil methyl ester and ethanol fuel blend on the diesel engine characteristics." Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 101 (2020): 947-962.
5. Prashanth Pai Manihalla; Ramachandra Chamarajanagara Gopal; Srinivas Tirupathi Ranganatha Rao; Rishi Jayaprakash, “A survey approach to study the influence of management factor in implementing TPM in selected SMEs”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2236, 050001 (2020)
6. Prashanth Pai Manihalla, Ramachandra Chamarajanagar Gopal, Yathin Krishna, Anitha Kamath, “Determining the optimal inspection frequency of a critical machine in a manufacturing unit–A case study”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2236, 050007 (2020),
7. Prashanth Pai Manihalla, Yathin Krishna, Nagaraja Anand Naik, Naveen Kumar, Rakshith Rakshith, Rakshith Billava Ramappa, “Design and fabrication of an electromechanical system to clean the blackboard”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2236, 050006 (2020),
8. M. J. Raghavendra; C. G. Ramachandra; T. R. Srinivas; M. Prashanth Pai, “Tool Wear Behaviors of CVD-Coated Carbide Inserts During Dry Machining of Titanium Grade-5 (Ti-6Al-4V) Materials”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2204, 040024 (2020),
9. Chandrakant Vitthal Pujar, Prashanth Pai Manihalla, “An experimental investigation of mechanical properties of Al-7.25Si-0.45Mg alloy”, AIP Conf. Proc. 2236, 040006 (2020),
10. Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Afzal, Asif & Kareemullah, Mohammed. (2020). Waste coconut oil methyl ester with and without additives as an alternative fuel in diesel engine at two different injection pressures. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 1-19. 10.1080/15567036.2020.1769775.
11. Attia MEH, Driss Z, Kabeel AE, Afzal A, Manokar AM, Sathyamurthy R. Phosphate bed as energy storage materials for augmentation of conventional solar still productivity. Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2021; 40:e13581.
12. Abbas, Muhammad Mujtaba & Cho, Haeng & Masjuki, H.H. & Kalam, M. A. & Farooq, Muhammad & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Gul, Mustabshirha & Ahmed, Waqar & Afzal, Asif & Baig, Shahid & Raju, V.Dhana & Yaqoob, Haseeb & Syahir, A.Z.. (2020). Effect of alcoholic and nano-particles additives on tribological properties of diesel–palm–sesame–biodiesel blends. Energy Reports. 7. 10.1016/j.egyr.2020.12.009.
13. Jilte, Ravindra & Afzal, Asif & Panchal, Satyam. (2020). A novel battery thermal management system using nano-enhanced phase change materials. Energy. 219. 119564. 10.1016/
14. Ali, Muhammad & Anwar, Zahid & Abbas, Muhammad Mujtaba & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Badruddin, Irfan & Safaei, Mohammad Reza & Iqbal, Asim & Afzal, Asif & Razzaq, Luqman & Khidmatgar, Abdulqhadar & Goodarzi, Marjan. (2020). Two-phase frictional pressure drop with pure refrigerants in vertical mini/micro-channels. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 23. 100824. 10.1016/j.csite.2020.100824.
15. Afzal, Asif & Ramis, M.K. (2020). Multi-objective optimization of thermal performance in battery system using genetic and particle swarm algorithm combined with fuzzy logics. Journal of Energy Storage. 32. 101815. 10.1016/j.est.2020.101815.
16. Mokashi, Imran & Afzal, Asif & Khan, Sher & Abdullah, Nur & Azami, Muhammad & Jilte, Ravindra & Samuel, Olusegun. (2020). Nusselt number analysis from a battery pack cooled by different fluids and multiple back-propagation modelling using feed-forward networks. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 161. 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2020.106738.
17. Afzal, Asif & Mokashi, Imran & Khan, Sher & Abdullah, Nur & Azami, Muhammad & Azami, Bin. (2020). Optimization and analysis of maximum temperature in a battery pack affected by low to high Prandtl number coolants using response surface methodology and particle swarm optimization algorithm. 10.1080/10407782.2020.1845560.
18. Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Afzal, Asif & Safaei, Mohammad Reza & Manokar, A. & Elseesy, Ahmed & Mujtaba, M. & Samuel, Olusegun & Badruddin, Irfan & Ahmed, Waqar & Shahapurkar, Kiran & Goodarzi, Marjan. (2020). Investigation on the effect of cottonseed oil blended with different percentages of octanol and suspended MWCNT nanoparticles on diesel engine characteristics. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 147. 10.1007/s10973-020-10388-5.
19. KM Chethan, K Fazlur Rehman, IM Navaneeth, Maruthi Prashanth BH, “Application of Cyclone Separator for Effective Dust Removal in Paddy Pouring Station”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER), EverScience Publications, Volume 8, Issue 8, August (2020).
20. Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Abbas, Muhammad Mujtaba & Safaei, Mohammad Reza & Afzal, Asif & Raju, V.Dhana & Ahmed, Waqar & Banapurmath, Nagaraj & Hossain, Nazia & Baig, Shahid & Badruddin, Irfan & Goodarzi, Marjan & Shahapurkar, Kiran & Taqui, Syed. (2020). Effect of Sr@ZnO nanoparticles and Ricinus communis biodiesel-diesel fuel blends on modified CRDI diesel engine characteristics. Energy. 10.1016/
21. Marikatti, Mahantesh & Banapurmath, Nagaraj & Yaliwal, V. & Y H, Basavarajappa & Elahi, Manzoore & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Pedro, Fausto & García Márquez, Fausto Pedro & Mujtaba, M & Hussain, Fayaz & Naik, Bharat & T.M., Yunus Khan & Afzal, Asif & Elseesy, Ahmed. (2020). Hydrogen Injection in a Dual Fuel Engine Fueled with Low-Pressure Injection of Methyl Ester of Thevetia Peruviana (METP) for Diesel Engine Maintenance Application. Energies. 13. 5663. 10.3390/en13215663.
22. Afzal, Asif & Abidi, Awatef & Samee, Mohammad & Kaladgi, Abdul Razak & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Saleel C, Ahamed. (2020). Effect of Parameters on Thermal and Fluid-Flow Behavior of Battery Thermal Management System. Thermal Science. 25. 10.2298/TSCI191206290A.
23. Samuel, Olusegun & Waheed, Adekojo & Taheri-Garavand, Amin & Verma, Tikendra & Dairo, Olawale & Bolaji, Bukola & Afzal, Asif. (2020). Prandtl number of optimum biodiesel from food industrial waste oil and diesel fuel blend for diesel engine. Fuel. 285. 119049. 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119049Get.
24. Afzal, Asif & Khan, Sher & Islam, Md & Jilte, Ravindra & Khan, Ambareen & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi. (2020). Investigation and back-propagation modeling of base pressure at sonic and supersonic Mach numbers. Physics of Fluids. 32. 1-17. 10.1063/5.0022015.
25. Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Banapurmath, Nagaraj & Afzal, Asif & Hossain, Nazia & Abbas, Muhammad Mujtaba & Mhd. Haniffa, Mhd. Abd. Cader & Naik, Bharat & Ahmed, Waqar & Sabzoi, Nizamuddin & Mujawar, Mubarak. (2020). Study of diesel engine characteristics by adding nanosized zinc oxide and diethyl ether additives in Mahua biodiesel-diesel fuel blend. Scientific Reports. 10. 10.1038/s41598-020-72150-z.
26. Hussain, Fayaz & Elahi, Manzoore & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Afzal, Asif & Abbas, Muhammad Mujtaba & Rizwanul Fattah, I. M. & Naik, Bharat & Mulla, Mohammed & Badruddin, Irfan & T.M., Yunus Khan & Raju, V.Dhana & Gavhane, Rakhamaji & Rahman, S M Ashrafur. (2020). Enhancement in Combustion, Performance, and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Ce-ZnO Nanoparticle Additive Added to Soybean Biodiesel Blends. Energies. 13. 4578. 10.3390/en13174578.
27. Samylingam, Lingenthiran & Aslfattahi, Navid & Saidur, R & Yahya, Syed Mohd & Afzal, Asif & Rahat, Dr & Tan, K & Kadirgama, Kumaran. (2020). Thermal and energy performance improvement of hybrid PV/T system by using olein palm oil with MXene as a new class of heat transfer fluid. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 218. 110754. 10.1016/j.solmat.2020.110754.
28. Afzal, Asif & Ansari, Zahid & Ramis, M. (2020). Parallel performance analysis of coupled heat and fluid flow in parallel plate channel using CUDA. Computational and Applied Mathematics. 39. 10.1007/s40314-020-01244-1.
29. Mokashi, Imran & Khan, Sher & Abdullah, Nur & Azami, Muhammad & Afzal, Asif. (2020). Maximum temperature analysis in a Li-ion battery pack cooled by different fluids. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 141. 10.1007/s10973-020-10063-9.
30. Samuel, Olusegun & Okwu, Modestus & Joel, Oluwayomi & Taghinezhad, Ebrahim & Afzal, Asif & Kaveh, Mohammad. (2020). Optimizing biodiesel production from abundant waste oils through empirical method and grey wolf optimizer. Fuel. 281. 118701. 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118701.
31. Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Nik-Ghazali, Nik-Nazri & Akram, Naveed & Al-Rashid, Muhammad & Badruddin, Irfan & Khan, Hurmathulla & Kallannavar, Vinayak & Shahapurkar, Kiran & Afzal, Asif & Farade, Rizwan & Taqui, Syed & Ukkund, Shareefraza. (2020). The potential of nanoparticle additives in biodiesel: A fundamental outset. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2247. 030003. 10.1063/5.0003775.
32. Saleel C, Ahamed & Afzal, Asif & Badruddin, Irfan & T.M., Yunus Khan & Kamangar, Sarfaraz & Abdelmohimen, Mostafa & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Hussain, Fayaz. (2020). Numerical investigation on pressure-driven electro osmatic flow and mixing in a constricted micro channel by triangular obstacle. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 10.1108/HFF-06-2020-0349.
33. Kumar, Rahul & Kumar, Veera & Butt, Mohammad & Seikh, Nazir & Khan, Sher & Afzal, Asif. (2020). Thermo-mechanical Analysis and Estimation of Turbine Blade Tip Clearance of a Small Gas Turbine Engine under Transient Operating Conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 179. 115700. 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115700.
34. Khan, Hurmathulla & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Kumar, Rajagopal & Safaei, Mohammad Reza & Farooq, Muhammad & Khidmatgar, Abdulqhadar & Banapurmath, Nagaraj & Farade, Rizwan & Abbas, Muhammad Mujtaba & Afzal, Asif & Ahmed, Waqar & Goodarzi, Marjan & Taqui, Syed. (2020). Effect of Nano-Graphene Oxide and n-Butanol Fuel Additives Blended with Diesel-Nigella sativa Biodiesel Fuel Emulsion on Diesel Engine Characteristics. Symmetry. 12. 961. 10.3390/sym12060961.
35. Samuel, Olusegun & Afzal, Asif & Saleel C, Ahamed & Badruddin, Irfan & T.M., Yunus Khan & Kamangar, Sarfaraz & Mallick, Zulquernain & Samuel, Olusegun & Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi. (2020). Human thermal comfort in passenger vehicles using an organic phase change material– an experimental investigation, neural network modelling, and optimization. Building and Environment. 180. 107012. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107012.
36. Belhocine, Ali & Afzal, Asif. (2020). A predictive tool to evaluate braking system performance using a fully coupled thermomechanical finite element model. International Journal for Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM). 14. 225–253. 10.1007/s12008-020-00650-32.
37. Afzal, Asif & Samee, Mohammad & Kaladgi, Abdul Razak & Ramis, M. (2020). Thermal management of modern electric vehicle battery systems (MEVBS). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 144. 10.1007/s10973-020-09606-x.
38. Belhocine, Ali & Afzal, Asif. (2020). Finite element modelling of thermomechanical problems under the vehicle braking process. Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design. 3. 10.1007/s41939-019-00059-w.
39. Belhocine, Ali & Afzal, Asif. (2020). Computational finite element analysis of brake disc rotors employing different materials. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 30. 637-650. 10.1080/14484846.2020.1733275.
40. Afzal, Asif & Samee, Mohammad & Kaladgi, Abdul Razak & Khan, Sher & Khan, Hurmathulla. (2020). Optimum spacing between grooved tubes: An experimental study. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 34. 469-475. 10.1007/s12206-019-1244-7.
41. Raghavendra M. J., Ramachandra C. G., T. R. Srinivas, Prashanth Pai M, “Tool Wear Behaviors of CVD-Coated Carbide Inserts During Dry Machining of Titanium Grade-5(Ti-6Al-4V) Materials”, International Journal of Electro Mechanics and Mechanical Behaviour, Vol 6, No. 1, (2020).
42. Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi & Kalam, M. A. & Sajid, Muhammad Usman & Afzal, Asif & Banapurmath, Nagaraj & Akram, Naveed & Mane, Suresh & Saleel C, Ahamed. (2020). Thermal analyses of minichannels and use of mathematical and numerical models. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications. 77. 1-41. 10.1080/10407782.2019.1701883.

International Journal Publications

Asif Afzal, Mohammed Sami Abdul Razak, and Ramis. M.K, “Steady and Transient State Analysis on Conjugate Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer”, Archives of Computational Method, ISSN 1134-3060, Springer Link (ISI Indexed, Impact Factor 7.242 ), 2019, DOI 10.1007/s11831-018-093 03-x (Cited By 3)
RK Abdul Razak, Asif Afzal, AD Mohammed Samee, MK Ramis “Effect of cladding on thermal behavior of nuclear fuel element with non-uniform heat generation” Progress in Nuclear Energy, ISSN: 0149-1970 Elsevier (ISI Indexed, Impact Factor 1.668) 2019, Volume 111, Pages 1-14 DOI 10.1016/j.pnucene.2018.10.013 (Cited By 2)
ADM Samee, A Afzal, MK Ramis, R K A Razak “Optimal spacing in heat generating parallel plate channel: A conjugate approach”, Volume 136, February 2019, Pages 267-277, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, ISSN: 1290-0729 Elsevier (ISI Indexed, Impact Factor 3.623) 2019. DOI 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2018.10.025 (Cited By 1)
A Mohammad Samee A.D., Afzal A., Razak A., Ramis M.K. (2019). “Temperature and location of hot spots variation with spacing in a vertical parallel plate channel conjugate view”, International Journal of Heat and Technology, ISSN: 0392-8764 (SCOPUS indexed, Impact Factor 1.051 ). Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 153-160. DOI:10.18280/ijht.370119
Mohammed Kareemullah, K.M. Chethan, Mohammed K. Fouzan, B.V. Darshan, Abdul Razak Kaladgi1, Maruthi B.H. Prashanth, Rayid Muneer and K.M. Yashawantha “Heat Transfer Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Cooled Using Nanofluids” Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 2212-7976, 2019, 12, 000-000
Mohammed Faheem, Mohammed Kareemullah, Abdul Aabid, Imran Mokashi, S. A. Khan “Experiment on of Nozzle Flow with Sudden Expansion at Mach 1.1” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S8, August 2019, (SCOPUS Indexed) Cited by 2.
Mohammed Kareemullah, K.M. Chethan, Mohammed K. Fouzan, B.V. Darshan, Abdul Razak Kaladgi1, Maruthi B.H. Prashanth, Rayid Muneer and K.M. Yashawantha “Heat Transfer Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Cooled Using Nanofluids” Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, ISSN ‎1874-477X, 2019, 12, 000-000 (SCOPUS indexed).
Swetha S, Abdul Sharief, S. K. Maharana, “Understanding of Ice Accumulation and Accretion over an Airfoil”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Vol. 8 Issue-3, 2019, (SCOPUS Indexed).
Hamza Afser Delvi , Mohammed Faheem,* , Sher Afghan Khan, Kiran Kumar M , Mohammed Kareemullah “Effect of Ethanol-Gasoline Blends on Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 62, ISSN 2289-7879, Issue 2 (2019) 209-220. (SCOPUS Indexed).

International Journal Publications

R.K. Abdul Razak, Asif Afzal, A.D. Mohammed Samee, Ramis MK, “Heat transfer characteristics of MWCNT nanofluid in rectangular mini channels.” Heat Transfer‐Asian Research, ISSN 1099-2871, 2018; 1‐18. (SCOPUS indexed) Cited by 7.
Prashanth Pai M and Dr. Ramachandra C G, “A Study on Usage of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Selected SMEs”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ISSN 0921-5093, 376 (2018) 012117 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012117 (SCOPUS Indexed) Cited by 2.
Mohammed Sirajuddin, Asif Afzal, “Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Gas Turbine Casing to Enhance Fatigue Life”, Journal of Modelling Measurement and Control Series B, ISSN 1259-5969, (2018), Vol. 86; No. 3; pp 679-705, (SCOPUS Indexed) Cited by 1.
A Afzal, ADM Samee, RKA Razak, MK Ramis “Effect of spacing on thermal performance characteristics of Li-ion battery cells” Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-15
Mohammed Sirajuddin, Asif Afzal, Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Gas Turbine Casing to EnhanceFatigue Life, Journal of Modelling Measurement and Control Series B, (2018), Vol. 86; No. 3; pp 679-705
Shaima M. D'Souza, M. K.  Ramis  , B. K. Sarojini,  “Studies on the properties of  nano metal oxides  doped DNA - CTMA matrix”, Materials Today proceedings 5(2018) 2582-2587
Ahmed, Rounaq, P. SrinivasaPai, N. S. Sriram, and VasudevaBhat. "Comparison of wavelet based denoising schemes for gear condition monitoring: An Artificial Neural Network based Approach." In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 310, no. 1, p. 012010. IOP Publishing,(5)2018 2582-2587.
R Ahmed, S P Pai and NS Sriram, " Gear fault classification using health index: A comparison of approaches” Published by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Volume 8, Number 3, July 2018, pp. 65-73(9)
Mohammad Samee AD, Asif Afzal, Abdul Razak RK, Ramis MK, “Effect of Prandtl number on the average exit temperature of coolant in a heat‐generating vertical parallel plate channel: A conjugate analysis” Heat Transfer—Asian Research 47 (4), 603-619
Asif Afzal, A.D. Mohammed Samee, R.K. Abdul Razak, M.K. Ramis “Heat transfer characteristics of MWCNT nanofluid in rectangular mini channels” International Journal of Heat and Technology Vol. 36, No. 1, March, 2018, pp. 222-228

International Conference Publications

Rudresh “Optimization of Machining Parameters in CNC Turning of Stainless Steel (EN19) by TAGUCHI’S Orthogonal Array Experiments”. International conference on “Emerging Research Trends in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICERTMCE -2017)”
Abdul Razak. Kaladgi, Mohammed Imran, M. K. Ramis,"Comparative Heat Transfer Analysis of Rectangular Minichannel using CNT".Nanofluid.Proceedings of the 1 st International and 18 th ISME Conference February 23 rd – 25 th , 2017, NIT Warangal, Warangal.

International Journal Publications

Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, AD Mohammed Samee, and M. K. Ramis. "Numerical investigation of Prandtl number effect on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics in nuclear reactors". International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology10.1 (2017).
Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, AD Mohammed Samee, and M. K. Ramis. "Influence of Prandtl number on heat transfer of a flat vertical plate". Communicated to International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology10.1 (2017).
Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, AD Mohammed Samee, and M. K. Ramis. “Thermal analysis of a rectangular plate using CFD". Communicated to International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology10.1 (2017).
Rudresh "Materials Today: Proceeding" by Elsevier Publisher which is indexed in Scopus and Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S) (Thomson Reuters, Web of Science)

National Conference Publications

M.K Ramis, “Temperature Dependent Investigation on Dynamic Viscosity of Graphite Nanoparticles Dispersed with EG”Proceedings of the Second-Indo-Canadian Symposium on Nano Science and Technology (ICSNST),National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, India,2016, pp. 35.
Rudresh “Innovation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management” National conference on NCISM – 2016, ISBN: 978-93- 84935-72-6. Page no: 97-99.

International Conference Publications

Abdul Razak, Mohammed Sami, M.K. Ramis,“Numerical analysis of a rectangular plate cooled in a surrounding medium”,Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology and Science (ICETETS), Tanjavur, 2016, pp.753-756.
A.R Shebeer, MuhammedJaved, Mohammed Rayees K, Jawad K T K, Mohammed Ashar and M.K. Ramis,“Effect of Nano- TiO2 Loading on Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Nitrile Rubber (NBR) Compounds”,Proceedings of International Conference on Technological Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing for Industrial Environment (TAMMIE),Coimbatore,2016, pp. 3; ISBN 978-93-85477-74-4
Runa Nivea Pinto, Asif Afzal, Navneeth IM and Ramis M. K, “Computational Analysis of Flow in Turbines” In IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Coimbatore, India, 2016, pp 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/INVENTIVE.2016.7830174
International conference on “Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences (ICRAES-2016)” ISSN: 2319-1163. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 05 Special Issue: 16/ICRAES-2016/Sep-2016.

International Journal Publications

Mujeebullah K. G., Abdul Sharief, “Evalutaion of Thermal Properties and Life Time of Multilayed Thermal Barrier Coating Obtained from Suspension Plasma Spray”, Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 7(11), November 2016.
Mujeebullah K. G., Abdul Sharief, “Effect of grit blasting and intermediate layer of MoSiO 2 on Life Time of Thermal Barrier Coating”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3(9), September 2016.
Mujeebullah K. G., Abdul Sharief, “Isothermal Behaviour of Multilayer Thermal Barrier Coating with Porocity Former”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, Vol. 5(11), September 2016
Runa Nivea Pinto, Asif Afzal, Loyan Vinson D’Souza, Zahid Ansari & A. D. Mohammed Samee, "Computational Fluid Dynamics in Turbomachinery: A Review of State of the Art",Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer, Nertherlands, pp 1-13, DOI 10.1007/s11831-016-9175-2
Asif Afzal, Zahid Ansari, Ahmed RimazFaizabadi& M. K. Ramis, “Parallelization Strategies for Computational Fluid Dynamics Software: State of the Art Review”, Archives of Computational Methodsin Engineering, SpringerNertherlands, - pp.1- 27,2016. DOI 10.1007/s11831-016-9165-4.
R.K Abdul Razak. , A.D Mohammed Sami. and M.K Ramis., “Thermal Performance Characteristics of Liquid Sodium as a Coolant Flowing Past a Rectangular Nuclear Fuel Element”, International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, Inderscience-(Scopus Indexed Journal ), pp. 2016
K.N VijayaSankar, VenkateshBadiyaGond, UpendraMasti Gouda, T.S RizwanMoideen, K.V Shaham, “Development and Performance Study of Solar Copra Dryer with Evacuated Tube Collector,” International Journal Of Modern Engineering Research(IJMER) ISSN: 2249-6645, Vol. 6 , No.2 , February 2016 ,61
Shahabaz S M, Nagaraj Shetty, Sharma S.S, Rakesh Kumar, “Analysis of Delamination in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite using Finite Element Method”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-8753, Vol. 5, No 9, May 2016
Avinash, Austin D’Souza, Deepak Prabhakar, RanjithR”Transient Vibration anlalysis of Refinery Steam Turbines” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-8753, Vol. 5(9), May 2016.
Asif Afzal, Zahid Ansari, Ahmed Rimaz Faizabadi & M. K. Ramis, “Parallelization Strategies for Computational Fluid Dynamics Software: State of the Art Review”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (ISI Journal) - pp. 1- 27 2016. DOI 10.1007/s11831-016-9165-4.
R.K Abdul Razak. , A.D Mohammed Sami. and M.K Ramis., “Thermal Performance Characteristics of Liquid Sodium as a Coolant Flowing Past a Rectangular Nuclear Fuel Element”, International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, Inderscience-(Scopus Indexed Journal ), pp. 2016
K.N Vijaya Sankar, Venkatesh Badiya Gond, Upendra Masti Gouda, T.S Rizwan Moideen, K.V Shaham, “Development and Performance Study of Solar Copra Dryer with Evacuated Tube Collector,” International Journal Of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) ISSN: 2249-6645, Vol. 6 , No.2 , February 2016 ,61

National Conference Publications

K. S Shankar, VighneshaNayak, P Mohanan, “Analysis of Effect of Steam Induction on the Performance and Emissions of an S.I Engine Fueled with LPG Compared to E20” Proceedings of the 24 th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (24 th NCICEC), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 30 th Oct.-1 st Nov. 2015, pp. UPES/NCICEC/0086
G S Karthik, KJ Yogesh Kumar, V Seshadri “Effect of Non-Standard Pipe Diameter on Discharge Coefficient of an Orifice Plate Assembly Using CFD” presented at National conference “Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering” NATCON-15 held at Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagar, and 21st May 2015
Arafat muktar, R.K Abdul Razak,“Effect of beta ratio on the discharge of venturimeter”,Proceedings ofnational Conference On Recent Advances in Fluid mechanics, National institute of technology, Suratkal,, India , 2015, pp.468-471.
ShashikanthaKarinka, Yathin K, Sathyapriya C.R , “Use of mobile learning in academics - a myth or a reality – an analysis through review and case study”,Proceedings of National conference on Building Knowledge Centres, 2015, pp. 105-116 Paper ID: icbkc25.
National conference on “Innovation & sustainability in management: Challenges and opportunities” NCISM – 2015. ISBN: 978-93-5254-128-7. Page no: 168-173.

International Conference Publications

VighneshaNayak,K. S Shankar, P Dinesha, P Mohanan (july 2015), “Performance and Emission Characteristics of LPG- Gasoline Dual Fuel on A Multi-Cylinder MPFI Gasoline Engine”, Proceedings of 10 th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19 – 22, 2015, Paper # 173.
Yathin K, Yoshinobu Yoshihara, Nobuyuki Higa, ShashikanthaKarinka ,“Simulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell using solid porous Electrolyte”. Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE -2015) 8th – 9th May, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-84935-30-6.

International Journal Publications

P. Dinesha, VighneshaNayak, K.S. Shankar, P. Mohanan (March 2015), “Studies on the environmental emission and performance of a single cylinder CI engine with enhanced intake air oxygen combustion”, Biofuels, Vol, 5(6), pp.1- 9DOI:10.1080/17597269.2015.1016374.
G S Karthik, K J Yogesh Kumar, V Seshardri, “Prediction of Performance Characteristics of Orifice Plate Assembly for Non- Standard Conditions Using CFD”.International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321- 0869.Vol-3 Issue-5, pp.163-167, May 2015.
Zahid Ansari, Asif Afzal, MoominMuhiuddeen , SudarshanNayak, “Literature Survey for the Comparative Study of Various High Performance Computing Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – vol 27, pp. 2 .September, 2015.
K M Yashawantha, M K Ramis,Jawaz Pasha, “The Effect of Sonication Time on Alumina Nanofluids with Paradoxical Behavior,”, Nano Trends: A Journal of Nanotechnology and Its Applications, ISSN: 0973-418X, vol.16 no. 3, pp. 31-40, Jan 2014-15.
FaheemAkthar,R K Abdul Razak and Mohammed Samee, Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Dimple Surfaces Under Natural Convection—An Experimental Study, IJMERR, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2015.
FaheemAkthar,R K Abdul Razak and Mohammed Samee, "Heat Transfer Augmentation Using Dimples In Forced Convection an Experimental Approach" IJMERRVol. 4, No. 1, January 2015.
Hasibur Rahman Sardar, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Forced Convection Heat Transfer Analysis through Dimpled Surfaces with Different Arrangements’ American Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.37-45,2015.
Hasibur Rahman Sardar, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Forced Convection Heat Transfer Analysis of Square Shaped Dimples on Flat Plates’ American Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp.66-70,2015.
Amjad Khan, Mohammed Zakir Bellary, Mohammad Ziaullah, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, An Experimental Approach to Determine the Effect of Different Orientation of Dimples on Flat Plates’ American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp.29-33,2015.
Amjad Khan, Mohammed Zakir Bellary, Mohammad Ziaullah, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Flat Plates Using Dimples’ American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.34-38,2015.
Sushma S, Faheem Akthar and Abdul Razak R K “Effect of pongamia and jatropha blend on the performance of diesel engine,” International Journal Mechanical & robotics Engg Vol. 4, No. 1, pp463-466, 2015.
P. Dinesha, Vighnesha Nayak, K.S. Shankar, P. Mohanan (March 2015), “Studies on the environmental emission and performance of a single cylinder CI engine with enhanced intake air oxygen combustion”, Biofuels, Vol, 5(6), pp.1-9DOI:10.1080/17597269.2015.1016374.
G S Karthik, K J Yogesh Kumar, V Seshardri, “Prediction of Performance Characteristics of Orifice Plate Assembly for Non-Standard Conditions Using CFD”. International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869. Vol-3 Issue-5, pp.163-167, May 2015.
Zahid Ansari, Asif Afzal, Moomin Muhiuddeen , Sudarshan Nayak, “Literature Survey for the Comparative Study of Various High Performance Computing Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – vol 27, pp. 2 .September, 2015.
K M Yashawantha, M K Ramis,Jawaz Pasha, “The Effect of Sonication Time on Alumina Nanofluids with Paradoxical Behavior, ”, Nano Trends: A Journal of Nanotechnology and Its Applications, ISSN: 0973-418X, vol.16 no. 3, pp. 31-40, Jan 2014-15.
Faheem Akthar, R K Abdul Razak and Mohammed Samee, Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Dimple Surfaces Under Natural Convection—An Experimental Study, IJMERR, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2015.
aFaheem Akthar, R K Abdul Razak and Mohammed Samee, "Heat Transfer Augmentation Using Dimples In Forced Convection an Experimental Approach" IJMERRVol. 4, No. 1, January 2015

National Conference Publications

Rudresh National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering Management” NCETEM – 2014, ISBN: 978-93-83842- 91-9. Page no: 64-65.

International Conference Publications

SrinathPai, Abdul Sharief, Shiva Kumar, Shree Prakash “A Study on Increased Fuel Injection Pressure Role in Promoting Biodiesel Blends Usage in a Diesel Engine - A Review” ,Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICRTET’2014) Organized By: SNJB's Late Sau. K. B. Jain College Of Engineering, Chandwad ISBN No.: 978-93-5107-222-5, Date :28-30 March, 2014
SrinathPai, Dr Abdul Sharief, Dr Shiva Kumar, Dr RamachandraC.G. and Dr Sreeprakash B “Study of fuel injection pressure and injection timing effect on a diesel engine performance and emission”, International Journal of science and technology, ISSN 2249-0604, Vol No 4 issue No III , July-sept 2014.

International Journal Publications

R.K Abdul Razak, Mohammed Samee, and M. K Ramis, “A Study on Critical Radius and Crossover Radius of Insulation for Various Heat Transfer Problems,” American Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 149-156, 2014.
Abdul Rahiman, R.K Abdul Razak.,Mohammed Samee, M K Ramis , “CFD Analysis of Flow Field in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine with Different Manifolds, ” American Journal of Fluid Dynamics,vol 4 (3) : pp. 102-113,2014.
Mohammed Zubair, FarusilNajeeb, Mousim Mohamed, Ayman Saeed, M. K Ramis, M.S Abdul Mujeeb, B. K. Sarojini, “Analysis of Chitosan Polymer Doped with Nano Al 2 O 3 and Nano CuO”, American Journal of Polymer Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 40-4, 2014DOI: 10.5923/j.ajps.20140402.03
C Mazin, AboobackerThanshif, Anandapadmanabhan, Ashfaq, Abdul Mujeeb, Anupam Glorious Lobo, “Study on the Effect of Nano TiO 2 on Mechanical Properties of Chitosan,” American Journal of Polymer Science, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 40-45, 2014 DOI: 10.5923/j.ajps.20140402.03
. Abdul Rahiman, Abdul Razak.R.K, Mohammed Samee, M. K Ramis, “CFD Analysis of Flow Field in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine with Different Manifolds,”American Journal of Fluid Dynamics, vol.4 no.3, pp. 102-113, 2014. DOI:10.5923/j.ajfd.20140403.03
R. K Abdul Razak., Mohammed Samee, and M. K Ramis, “A Study on Critical Radius and Crossover Radius of Insulation for Various Heat Transfer Problems,”,American Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 149-156,2014, DOI:10.7726/ajhmt.2014.1012.
A Nashith, PSanjid.,MShamsudheen.,RRasheeque., M. K Ramis, A. RShebeer.“Effect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) on Hardness and Microstructure of Pure Aluminum,”International Journal of Materials EngineeringVol 4, no 3, pp: 119-122, 2014.
Mohammed Zubair, FarusilNajeeb, Mousim Mohamed, Ayman Saeed, M K Ramis, M S Abdul Mujeeb, B. K Sarojini,, “Analysis of Chitosan Polymer Doped with Nano Al 2 O 3 and Nano CuO, ,”American Journal of Polymer Science ,Volume 4, Number 2, pp:40-45,2014
Mujeebulla Khan Guttal and Abdul Sharief “Experimental Techniques to find thermal residual stress in composite Materials- A study of Literature Review”, International Journal of Engineering sciences and research technology,ISSN: 2277-9655 , Nov 2014.\
SrinathPai, Dr Abdul Sharief, Dr Shiva Kumar, Dr RamachandraC.G. and Dr Sreeprakash B “Study of fuel injection pressure and injection timing effect on a diesel engine performance and emission”, International Journal of science and technology, Vol No 4 issue No III , ISSN 2249-0604, July--sept 2014.
”SrinathPai, Dr Abdul Sharief, Dr Shiva Kumarm Dr SreeprakashBm I “High Injection Pressure Impact on a Direct Injection Diesel Engine” International Journal of science and technology, ISSN 2278-0181,Vol No 3 issue No 8 , Aug 2014.
SrinathPai, Abdul Sharief, Shiva Kumar, Shree Prakash “A Study on Increased Fuel Injection Pressure Role in Promoting Biodiesel Blends Usage in a Diesel Engine - A Review”B,Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICRTET’2014) Organized By: SNJB's Late Sau. K. B. Jain College Of Engineering, ChandwadISBN No.: 978-93-5107-222-5, Date :28-30 March, 2014
Mohammed Zubair, Farusil Najeeb, Mousim Mohamed, Ayman Saeed, M. K Ramis, M.S Abdul Mujeeb, B. K. Sarojini, “Analysis of Chitosan Polymer Doped with Nano Al2O3 and Nano CuO”, American Journal of Polymer Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 40-4, 2014 DOI: 10.5923/j.ajps.20140402.03
C Mazin, Aboobacker Thanshif, Anandapadmanabhan, Ashfaq, Abdul Mujeeb, Anupam Glorious Lobo, “Study on the Effect of Nano TiO2 on Mechanical Properties of Chitosan,” American Journal of Polymer Science, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 40-45, 2014 DOI: 10.5923/j.ajps.20140402.03
Abdul Rahiman, Abdul Razak.R.K, Mohammed Samee, M. K Ramis, “CFD Analysis of Flow Field in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine with Different Manifolds,” American Journal of Fluid Dynamics, vol.4 no.3, pp. 102-113, 2014. DOI:10.5923/j.ajfd.20140403.03
R. K Abdul Razak., Mohammed Samee, and M. K Ramis, “A Study on Critical Radius and Crossover Radius of Insulation for Various Heat Transfer Problems,”, American Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 1 No. 3 pp. 149-156,2014, DOI:10.7726/ajhmt.2014.1012.
A Nashith, P Sanjid., M Shamsudheen., R Rasheeque., M. K Ramis, A. R Shebeer. “Effect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) on Hardness and Microstructure of Pure Aluminum,” International Journal of Materials Engineering Vol 4, no 3, pp: 119-122, 2014.
Mujeebulla Khan Guttal and Abdul Sharief “Experimental Techniques to find thermal residual stress in composite Materials- A study of Literature Review”, International Journal of Engineering sciences and research technology,ISSN: 2277-9655 , Nov 2014.
”Srinath Pai, Dr Abdul Sharief, Dr Shiva Kumarm Dr Sreeprakash Bm I “High Injection Pressure Impact on a Direct Injection Diesel Engine” International Journal of science and technology, ISSN 2278-0181,Vol No 3 issue No 8 , Aug 2014.
Srinath Pai, Abdul Sharief, Shiva Kumar, Shree Prakash “A Study on Increased Fuel Injection Pressure Role in Promoting Biodiesel Blends Usage in a Diesel Engine - A Review” B,Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICRTET’2014) Organized By: SNJB's Late Sau. K. B. Jain College Of Engineering, Chandwad ISBN No.: 978-93-5107-222-5, Date :28-30 March, 2014

National Conference Publications

BhimaoPatil, VighneshaNayak,K. S Shankar, Mohanan P, Performance and emission characteristics of MPFI multi-cylinder gasoline engine using LPG with vaporized water methanol induction”, Proceedings of the International conference on Alternative Fuels for I.C Engines (ICAFICE 2013), Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Rajasthan, India, 6 th -8 th Feb. 2013, pp. 331-336.
K. S Shankar, VighneshaNayak, P Mohanan , “Experimental study of inlet manifold steam induction on the performance and emissions of a LPG Fueled SI Engine at Wide Open Throttle”, Proceedings of the 23 rd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (23 rd NCICEC) SVNIT-Surat, Gujarat, India, 13 th -16 th December, 2013, pp. 2013NCICEC0121.
VighneshaNayak,K. S Shankar, P Mohanan , “Comparison of Performance and Emission Characteristics on LPG Fueled Multi-cylinder SI Engine with Steam and Water Methanol Induction”, Proceedings of the 23 rd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (23 rd NCICEC) SVNIT-Surat, Gujarat, India, 13 th -16 th December, 2013, pp. 2013NCICEC0111.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief, “Effect of Reinforcement on Thermal Behaviour of Al 2024 alloy -Beryl Metal Matrix Composites”,3 rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Processing Technology, RAMPT’13, 7 th -9 th January, 2013, National Engineering College, K.R.Nagar, Kovilpatti, Tamilnadu, India.

International Conference Publications

K. S Shankar, PMohanan “Performance and Emission Studies of a LPG Fueled Spark Ignition Engine with Steam Induction”, Proceedings of 9 th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju Hilton, Gyeongju, Korea, May 2013, Session 38, pp. 19-22.
K. S Shankar, P Mohanan, “Combustion and emission studies of a LPG fueled spark ignition engine with steam induction”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines, MNIT, Jaipur, India, 6-8 February, 2013, pp.86-91.
H.B Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief ,“Effect of Heat Treatment on Abrasive Wear Behavior of Al 2024–Beryl Particulate Composites”,International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME-2013), G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology, 4 th - 5 th Jan, 2013,VallabhVidyanagar, Gujarat, India.

International Journal Publications

Tabreez Ahmed, M.A.Murtaza, Mohammed Faheem, “Case Study & Stress Analysis Of A 3 Roller Bar Bending Machine”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) , ISSN 2249-6890 , Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp.57-68, Aug 2013,
Mohammed Faheem, L.R Arun “Non-Linear Transient and Structural Analysis of Rotor Assembly of a Micro Gas Turbine”,International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) ,ISSN: 2319- 8753,Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013,
Kuldeep B, Arun L.R, Mohammed Faheem, “Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Rod Using Alfasic Composites”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJIRSET) ,,ISSN: 2319-8753,Vol. 2, Issue6, June 2013.
Mohammed Thamees, Mohammed Shaheer, Shebeer. A. Rahim, Jawaz Pasha, M. K. Ramis, “Heat transfer enhancement using alumina nanofluids effect of sonication time on unsteady cooling,”Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol 3 ,no 3,pp: 40-47,2013.
M.A.Dafedar ,Mujtabalayeeq I , MohemmedTaherM , MohammadIdressurfShahid, “Heat Transfer Enhancement Through Different Circular Diametrical Dimple Surface Under Forced Convection –An Experimental Approach”IJRET, Volume: 02 Issue: 07 Jul-2013.
M.A.Dafedar, Nazim M, Fakruddin Y, Chirag P “Heat Transfer Augmentation through different geometries of dimpled surface under natural convection an experimental approach”IJRET,Vol 2, Issue 06, June 2013.
Tabreez Ahmed, M.A.Murtaza, Mohammed Faheem, “Case Study & Stress Analysis Of A 3 Roller Bar Bending Machine”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) , ISSN 2249-6890 , Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp.57-68, Aug 2013,
Mohammed Faheem, L.R Arun “Non-Linear Transient and Structural Analysis of Rotor Assembly of a Micro Gas Turbine”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) , ISSN: 2319-8753,Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013,
Kuldeep B, Arun L.R, Mohammed Faheem, “Analysis And Optimization Of Connecting Rod Using Alfasic Composites”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) , , ISSN: 2319-8753,Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013.
Mohammed Thamees, Mohammed Shaheer, Shebeer. A. Rahim, Jawaz Pasha, M. K. Ramis, “Heat transfer enhancement using alumina nanofluids effect of sonication time on unsteady cooling,” Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol 3 ,no 3,pp: 40-47,2013.
M.A.Dafedar , Mujtabalayeeq I , Mohemmed TaherM , MohammadIdress urf Shahid, “Heat Transfer Enhancement Through Different Circular Diametrical Dimple Surface Under Forced Convection –An Experimental Approach” IJRET, Volume: 02 Issue: 07 Jul-2013.
M.A.Dafedar, Nazim M, Fakruddin Y, Chirag P “Heat Transfer Augmentation through different geometries of dimpled surface under natural convection an experimental approach” IJRET,Vol 2, Issue 06, June 2013.
Fares abdulla, Mohammed Nazar, Nageem Shafi, Abdulla M.,Abin Rasheed, M.K. Ramis, “Heat Transfer Characteristics of A Nuclear Fuel Rod Cooled In A Surrounding Medium –A Comparitive Study Between 1-D& 2-D Analysis,”International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 4 .no.10 , pp 4404-10,2012.
Ramis M.K, Jawaz Pasha, Shebeer A Rahim, “Heat Transfer Enhancement Using CuO Nanofluids -The Effect of Sonication Time on the Paradoxical Behaviour,” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 4 .no.7, pp 3514-3520.2012.
M.P Mafeed, Salman Ali M, Prabin C, M.K Ramis, M.A Ali Baig and S.A Khan, “Optimum Length for Pin Fins Used in Electronic Cooling,” Applied Mechanics and Materials,ISSN: 0XXX-418X(Scopus Indexed Journal ), vol. 110, no. 3, pp 1667-1673, March 2012 .
Waseem Ahmed, Suma Bhat, Mohammed Isham, Ramis M. K, Shamsheer Ahmed, “Pre-parallelization exercises in budget-constrained HPC projects: a case study in CFD,” International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol.1, pp. 93-95 2010.
M.K. Ramis, G. Jilani, “ Heat and fluid flow characteristics of liquid sodium flowing past a nuclear fuel element with non-uniform energy generation,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier ISSN: 0017-9319 (ISI Journal ), vol. 53, no.9-10, pp. 1682-1690, April 2010, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2010.01.021
M.K. Ramis, G. Jilani, “ Numerical study of a nuclear fuel element dissipating fission heat into its surrounding fluid medium,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (ISI Journal ), Vol 52, Issues 21-22, pp. 5005-5012. October 2009,
M.K. Ramis, G. Jilani, S. Jahangeer, “Conjugate conduction-forced convection heat transfer analysis of a rectangular nuclear fuel element with non-uniform volumetric energy generation, ” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer(ISI Journal ), Vol 51, Issues 3-4, pp. 517-525. February 2008,
8S. Jahangeer, M.K. Ramis and G. Jilani, Conjugate heat transfer analysis of a heat generating vertical plate ,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (ISI Journal ), Vol 50, Issues 1-2, Pages 85-93 ,January 2007.
M.K. Ramis, G. Jilani, Heat transfer analysis of rectangular fuel element cooled in surrounding medium, Energy Heat and Mass Transfer ISSN: 00XX-1234 (Scopus Indexed Journal), vol. 29, pp. 271-288. April 2007
K. S Shankar, Mohanan P, “MPFI gasoline engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics with LPG injection”, International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Vol. 2, pp.761-770 Issue 4, 2011.
K. S Shankar, Mohanan P, “The effect of LPG injection on Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics of a MPFI Engine”, Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of CArs (MECCA), No. 3+4, Vol. 8, pp. 40-48, Dec 2010.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief, “Effect of Solutionizing and Ageing on Hardness of Al2024-Beryl Particulate Composite”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 81-90, ISSN: 2180-1053, 2012.
H.B Bhaskar. and Abdul Sharief, “Effect of Solutionizing on Dry Sliding Wear of Al2024-Beryl Metal Matrix Composite”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, e-ISSN: 2231-8380; Volume 3, pp. 281-290, December 2012.
H.B Bhaskar. and Abdul Sharief, “Tribological Properties of Aluminium 2024 alloy–Beryl Particulate MMC’s”, Bonfring International journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol.2, No.4, pp.143-147, December 2012.
H.B Bhaskar. and Abdul Sharief “Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium/ Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Composite using Taguchi Method”, , Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol.11, pp. 679-684, 2012 .
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief “The Optimization of Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium / Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Composite using Taguchi Approach”, , International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 64-67, ISSN: 2248-9622, 2012.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief, “Sand Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Aluminium-Beryl Metal Matrix Composite using Taguchi Technique”, FS Journal of Research in Basic and Applied Sciences, Research Article, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.1-3, ISSN: 2279-0586, 2012.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief “Mechanical Properties of Aluminium/ Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Particulate Composite”, , International Journal of Advance Materials Science. Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 333-340, ISSN 2231-1211, 2011
Prashanth Pai M, Ramachandra C G and Pujar C V, “Preventive Maintenance Modeling of a Rubber Compound Processing Machine in a Small-Medium Enterprise”, Two Day International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (RTIMES_2023) organized by Mechanical/Marine/ Aeronautical/Automobile Engineering Departments, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangalore, on 26th and 27th May, 2023.
K. Bhavith, Prashanth Pai M, Sudheer M, Ramachandra C G, Maruthi Prashanth B H and Kiran Kumar B, “Effect of Metal Filler on Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin Composites”, Two Day International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering (RaiSE 2023), organized by MAHE, Dubai, on 4th and 5th October, 2023.
Prashanth Pai M, Ramachandra C G, Raghavendra M J and Shashank S, “A Case Study on the Condition Monitoring of a Critical Machine in a Production Unit”, International Conference on Applications in Computational Engineering and Sciences (IConACES 2023) organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT Chennai, and Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia, on 15th December, 2023.
Navaneeth I M, Suhas P, Maruthi Prashanth B H, Prashanth Pai M, Chethan K M and Abdul Razak, ”Mechanical and Wear Studies on epoxy composites with glass fibre reinforcement and carbon powder fillers”, 5 th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (SME-2023), organized by NMAMIT, NItte, Karkala, on 19 and 20 th December, 2023.
Maruthi Prashanth B H, Prashanth Pai M, Pujar C V, Navaneeth I M, Chethan K M and Kiran Kumar B, “Understanding the Influence of Amino Resin Percentage on the Hybrid Abaca- Kenaf Polyester Composite’s Mechanical Properties”, 5 th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (SME- 2023), organized by NMAMIT, NItte, Karkala, on 19 and 20 th December, 2023.
Mohammed Avvad, “Omni-channel Retailing: Status of channel integration and digital adoption in India”, ISDSI-Global 2023 Conference organized by the IIM Ranchi, on 26-28th December, 2023.
Adithya Rai B, Bhavith K, Hasan Fayaz T and Jnanesh, ““Preventive Maintenance Modelling of Intermixer and Dump Mill in a Tyre Manufacturing Unit”, ‘Jnanasangama-2023’ – A National Level Conference held on 5th May 2023 at Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Nehru Nagar, Puttur, Karnataka.
Prashanth Pai M, Ramachandra C G, Raghavendra M J and Yathin Krishna, “A Case Study to Determine OEE-A KPI Representing the Overall Productivity of a Machine”, International Conference on "Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences" [ICRAES- 2022], organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, on 13th and 14th October, 2022.
Razak, Abdul, Akshay Hiremath, N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, G. A. Manjunath, Anuj Burle, A. Chandrashekar, Asif Afzal, and C. Ahamed Saleel, "Augmentation of Heat Transfer Over Dimple Surface in Forced Convection—An RSM and ANN Modelling Approach, Biennial International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME 2022): Advances in Fluid and Thermal Engineering, organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, on 3-5 August, 2022.
Sher Afghan Khan; Zakir Ilahi Chaudhary; Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig; Ridwan; K. M. Chethan; Mohammed Faheem, “Experiments on wall pressure at area ratio 4.84 in a suddenly expanded flow field at supersonic Mach numbers”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research In Mechanical Engineering (2nd ICARME – 21), 29–30 April, 2021, Bangalore, India.
Warimani, M., Azami, M. H., Khan, S. A., Ismail, A. F., Saharin, S., Ariffin, A. K., & Chavan, V. (2022), Analytical Assessment of Blended Fuels for Pulse Detonation Engine Performance, 5 th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAAE 2021), on 22-23 June, 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kaladgi, Abdul Razak, Faheem Akhtar, S. P. Avadhani, Abdulrajak Buradi, Asif Afzal, Abdul Aziz, and C. Ahamed Saleel, "Heat transfer enhancement of rectangular fins with circular perforations”, 1 st International Conference on “Technology Innovation in Mechanical Engineering” (TIME-2021), Sagar Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal, India, during 10-11 May, 2021.
Abdul Rajak Kaldgi, Abdul Rajak Buradi, K C Vishwanath, N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Avvad, A Chandrasekhar, Asif Afzal and C Ahamed Saleel, “Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of Dimpled Rod”, 1 st International Conference on Frontiers in Engineering Science and Technology (ICFEST 2020), 18-19 December, 2020, Mangalore, India.
Prashanth Pai M, Ramachandra C G, T R Srinivas and Ramesha S, “Overall Equipment Effectiveness of a Mechanical Press in a Manufacturing Unit- A Case Study”, Global Conference on “Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering” (GCASSTE- 2020), organized by Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodabidri, during 30-31, January, 2020.
Abdul Razak Kaladgi, K. C. Vishwanath, P. Madhu, A. Chandrashekar and B. V. Chaluvaraju, “Effect of copper oxide nano fluids as coolant on thermal performance of spiral heat exchanger”, International Conference on Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (ICTMES 2020) 6th-7th August 2020, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
M. Prashanth Pai, C. G. Ramachandra, T. R. Srinivas, and M. J. Raghavendra “Factors Influencing the Non-implementation of TPM in the Selected Manufacturing Industries – A Statistical Approach”, International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICOFTIME2020), organized by Presidency University, Bengaluru, India in association with UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during 11-12, September, 2020.
Abdul Rajak Kaldgi, Abdul Rajak Buradi, K C Vishwanath, N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, Rayid Muneer, Mohammed Avvad, A Chandrasekhar, Asif Afzal and C Ahamed Saleel, “Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of Dimpled Rod”, 1 st International Conference on Frontiers in Engineering Science and Technology (ICFEST 2020), 18-19 December, 2020, Mangalore,
B. H. Maruthi Prashanth,T. S. Manjunath, P. S. Shivakumar Gouda, Sudheer S. Sajjan, and S. Ramesh“Physico-mechanical response of phenolic resin composites reinforced with jute and banana fibers” ,AIP Conference Proceedings , Volume 2057, Issue 1 ,10.1063/1.5085587
LingrajKalyana, ShivakumarMetia,, P.S. ShivakumarGoudab, Kiran Kattimania,B.H.MaruthiPrashanth, Umar Farooq M A “Mechanical and physical behavior of banana fibre pre-preg laminates using phenol formaldehyde” International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (SME 2019)
Hamza Afser Delvi , Mohammed Faheem,* , Sher Afghan Khan, Kiran Kumar M , Mohammed Kareemullah “Effect of Ethanol-Gasoline Blends on Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 62, Issue 2 (2019) 209-220.
Mohammed Faheem, Mohammed Kareemullah, Abdul Aabid, Imran Mokashi, S. A. Khan “Experiment on of Nozzle Flow with Sudden Expansion at Mach 1.1” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S8, August 2019
Prashanth Pai M, Nagaraja A Naik, Naveen Kumar, Rakshith and Rakshith B R, “Design and Fabrication of an Electromechanical System to Clean the Blackboard”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTime 2019), organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru, 9 and 10 August 2019
Ramis M. K, Yashawantha K M, Asif Afzal, Faisal U Effectof Ultrasonication Duration Onstability Of Graphite Nanofluids, Proceedings Of 140th The Iier International Conference, New York, Usa, 15th -16th December 2017, Pp: 56-59
KM Yashawantha, Asif Afzal, MK Ramis, Shareefraza J Ukkund “Experimental investigation on physical and thermal properties of graphite nanofluids” AIP Conference Proceedings 2039, 020057 (2018).
AbdulRazak,MohammedSami,M.K.Ramis,“AComparativestudybetween1-d & 2-d nuclear fuel element cooled in a surrounding fluid medium,Proceedings of the International Conference on sustainableEngineering and Technology (IconSET 2018)April19-20,2018,ACSCollege of Engineering, Bangalore, India.
Yashawantha K M, Ramis M K, Asif Afzal, Shareefraja J. Ukkund, Experimental Investigation on Physical and Thermal properties of Graphite Nanofluids. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Technology (IConSET 2018) during 19th – 20th April 2018 to be held at ACS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India (AIP conference proceedings accepted).
Abdul Razak RK, Asif Afzal, Mohammed Samee AD, MK Ramis ”A comparative study between 1-D & 2-D nuclear fuel element cooled in a surrounding fluid medium” AIP Conference Proceedings 2039, 020055 (2018);
MP Pai, CG Ramachandra, TR Srinivas “A Study on Usage of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Selected SMEs” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 376, conference, 2018.
M PrashanthPai, CG Ramachandra, TR Srinivas, MJ Raghavendra “A Study on Usage of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Selected SMEs”IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (1), 012117
MJ Raghavendra, CG Ramachandra, TR Srinivas, MP Pai “Optimization of Surface Roughness in Turning Operation in Machining of TI-6AL-4V (Titanium Grade-5)” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (1), 012118
MP Pai, CG Ramachandra, TR Srinivas, MJ Raghavendra “Reliability Assessment and Study of Quality Control Tools on Intermixer and Dump Mill of a Tyre Manufacturing Industry” MATEC Web of Conferences 144, 05001.
Yathin Krishna, Abdul Razak R. K, Asif Afzal “The CFD analysis of flat plate collector-nanofluid as working medium” AIP Conference Proceedings 2039, 020062 (2018).
Abdul Razak RK, Asif Afzal, Mohammed Samee AD, MK Ramis ”A comparative study between 1-D & 2-D nuclear fuel element cooled in a surrounding fluid medium” AIP Conference Proceedings 2039, 020055 (2018);
KM Yashawantha, Asif Afzal, MK Ramis, Shareefraza J Ukkund “Experimental investigation on physical and thermal properties of graphite nanofluids” AIP Conference Proceedings 2039, 020057 (2018).
Rudresh “Optimization of Machining Parameters in CNC Turning of Stainless Steel (EN19) by TAGUCHI’S Orthogonal Array Experiments”. International conference on “Emerging Research Trends in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICERTMCE -2017)”
Abdul Razak. Kaladgi, Mohammed Imran, M. K. Ramis,"Comparative Heat Transfer Analysis of Rectangular Minichannel using CNT".Nanofluid.Proceedings of the 1st International and 18thISME Conference February 23rd – 25th, 2017, NIT Warangal, Warangal.
Prashanth Pai M, Manjunath B, Sufiyan Shaikh, Navajasharief G, “Design and Analysis of a Multi-nut Operating Tool”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTIME-2017), St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, 4-5 August 2017. [PUBLISHED].
Prashanth Pai M & Syed Zeashan, Subhan Ali “Antifriction Bearing Diagnostics in a Manufacturing Industry – A Case Study”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTIME-2016), St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, 6 August 2016. 
Abdul Razak, Mohammed Sami, M.K. Ramis,“Numerical analysis of a rectangular plate cooled in a surrounding medium”, Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology and Science (ICETETS), Tanjavur, 2016, pp.753-756.
A.R Shebeer, Muhammed Javed, Mohammed Rayees K, Jawad K T K, Mohammed Ashar and M.K. Ramis, “Effect of Nano-TiO2 Loading on Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Nitrile Rubber (NBR) Compounds”, Proceedings of International Conference on Technological Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing for Industrial Environment (TAMMIE),Coimbatore,2016, pp. 3; ISBN 978-93-85477-74-4
M.K Ramis, “Temperature Dependent Investigation on Dynamic Viscosity of Graphite Nanoparticles Dispersed with EG” Proceedings of the Second-Indo-Canadian Symposium on Nano Science and Technology (ICSNST), National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, India,2016, pp. 35.
Vighnesha Nayak, K. S Shankar, P Dinesha, P Mohanan (july 2015), “Performance and Emission Characteristics of LPG-Gasoline Dual Fuel on A Multi-Cylinder MPFI Gasoline Engine”, Proceedings of 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19 – 22, 2015, Paper # 173.
K. S Shankar, Vighnesha Nayak, P Mohanan, “Analysis of Effect of Steam Induction on the Performance and Emissions of an S.I Engine Fueled with LPG Compared to E20” Proceedings of the 24th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (24th NCICEC), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 30th Oct.-1st Nov. 2015, pp. UPES/NCICEC/0086
G S Karthik, KJ Yogesh Kumar, V Seshadri “Effect of Non-Standard Pipe Diameter on Discharge Coefficient of an Orifice Plate Assembly Using CFD” presented at National conference “Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering” NATCON-15 held at Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagar, and 21st May 2015
Arafat muktar, R.K Abdul Razak, “Effect of beta ratio on the discharge of venturimeter”, Proceedings of national Conference On Recent Advances in Fluid mechanics, National institute of technology, Suratkal, , India , 2015, pp.468-471.
Srinath Pai, Abdul Sharief, Shiva Kumar, Shree Prakash “A Study on Increased Fuel Injection Pressure Role in Promoting Biodiesel Blends Usage in a Diesel Engine - A Review” , Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICRTET’2014) Organized By: SNJB's Late Sau. K. B. Jain College Of Engineering, Chandwad ISBN No.: 978-93-5107-222-5, Date :28-30 March, 2014
Srinath Pai, Dr Abdul Sharief, Dr Shiva Kumar, Dr RamachandraC.G. and Dr Sreeprakash B “Study of fuel injection pressure and injection timing effect on a diesel engine performance and emission”, International Journal of science and technology, ISSN 2249-0604, Vol No 4 issue No III , July-sept 2014
K. S Shankar, P Mohanan “Performance and Emission Studies of a LPG Fueled Spark Ignition Engine with Steam Induction”, Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju Hilton, Gyeongju, Korea, May 2013, Session 38, pp. 19-22.
K. S Shankar, P Mohanan, “Combustion and emission studies of a LPG fueled spark ignition engine with steam induction”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines, MNIT, Jaipur, India, 6-8 February, 2013, pp.86-91.
Bhimao Patil, Vighnesha Nayak, K. S Shankar, Mohanan P, Performance and emission characteristics of MPFI multi-cylinder gasoline engine using LPG with vaporized water methanol induction”, Proceedings of the International conference on Alternative Fuels for I.C Engines (ICAFICE 2013), Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Rajasthan, India, 6th-8th Feb. 2013, pp. 331-336.
K. S Shankar, Vighnesha Nayak, P Mohanan , “Experimental study of inlet manifold steam induction on the performance and emissions of a LPG Fueled SI Engine at Wide Open Throttle”, Proceedings of the 23rd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (23rd NCICEC) SVNIT-Surat, Gujarat, India, 13th -16th December, 2013, pp. 2013NCICEC0121.
Vighnesha Nayak, K. S Shankar, P Mohanan , “Comparison of Performance and Emission Characteristics on LPG Fueled Multi-cylinder SI Engine with Steam and Water Methanol Induction”, Proceedings of the 23rd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (23rd NCICEC) SVNIT-Surat, Gujarat, India, 13th -16th December, 2013, pp. 2013NCICEC0111.
H.B Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief ,“Effect of Heat Treatment on Abrasive Wear Behavior of Al 2024–Beryl Particulate Composites”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME-2013), G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology, 4th - 5th Jan, 2013, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India.
7. H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief, “Effect of Reinforcement on Thermal Behaviour of Al 2024 alloy -Beryl Metal Matrix Composites”, 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Processing Technology, RAMPT’13, 7th-9th January, 2013, National Engineering College, K.R.Nagar, Kovilpatti, Tamilnadu, India.
A Mishal, M. K. Vasil, M. P. Anas, K Nabeel, M.K Ramis, Shabeer. Rahim, A. R. Faizabadi, Energy Enhancement using Nanofluids -A Study on Unsteady State Heat Transfer,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications March 4-7, 2012 United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE,2012,pp.
M.P Mafeed, Salman Ali, C Prabin, M.K. Ramis, M.A Ali Baig, S.A Khan,“Optimum length for pin fin used in electronic cooling,”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies,Singapore, May 2011, pp. 593-597
M.N Praneeth, M.I Anees, S Aswin, B Sandesh and M.K Ramis,“Numerical Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Nuclear Fuel Rods”, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Mechanical and electrical Technology,Singapore,2010,pp. 238-244.
M.K Ramis, S Jahangeer, , G Jilani.,“Numerical Analysis of a Nuclear Fuel Element Cooled in a Surrounding Medium”,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates,2005,pp.
M.K Ramis, S Jahangeer., G Jilani,“Numerical Analysis of a Nuclear Fuel Element Cooled in a Surrounding Medium”,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates,2005,pp.
M.K Ramis and G Jilani., “ Heat transfer Characteristics of a Rectangular Fuel Element Cooled in the Surrounding Medium”, Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment, New Delhi, 2004,pp.63-69
M.K Ramis and G Jilani, , “Modeling and Simulation of a Rectangular Fuel Element Cooled in the Surrounding Medium”, Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment, New Delhi, 2004, pp.78-85.
M.K Ramis and G Jilani, ,“Thermal Performance Characteristics of a Nuclear Fuel Element Dissipating Heat in a Surrounding Medium”, Proceedings of ESDA04 7th Biennial Conference on Energy Systems Design and Analysis, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2004, pp.247-252
A.B Labeeb., U Shameem., M.K Ramis., G Jilani., “Modeling and Simulation of Nuclear Fuel Rod Cooled by a Surrounding Fluid Medium” International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, India
M.K Ramis, and G Jilani, ,“Modeling and Simulation of a Rectangular Fuel Element Cooled in the Surrounding Medium”, Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment, New Delhi, 2004,pp.78-85.
M.K Ramis, and G Jilani, , “Thermal Performance Characteristics of a Nuclear Fuel Element Dissipating Heat in a Surrounding Medium”, Proceedings of ESDA04 7th Biennial Conference on Energy Systems Design and Analysis, Manchester, United Kingdom,2004 pp.247-252.
Harish Kumar, K. Pruthviraj Jois, M Prashanth Pai, Chandrakanth V Pujar, K. S Shankar (Jan. 2012), “Engine Performance Studies with Diesel Vapour Induction in a Stationary Diesel Engine”, Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee International Conference on Recent Advances and Challenges in Energy-2012 (RACE-2012), Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, India, ISSN 0974-5904, January 4th–6th, 2012, Vol 05 No 01 SPL, pp 182-187.
M Prashanth Pai, M S Prabhuswamy, Chandrakant V Pujar, K. S Shankar (May 2011), “Failure Data Analysis and Preventive Maintenance of Three Roll Calendar in a Tyre Industry”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE-11), NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka, India, 4th-5th May 2011, ISBN: 978-93-81195-07-9, pp. 743-747.
K. S Shankar, P Dinesha, P Mohanan, “Performance and Emission analysyis of a Stationary Single Cylinder Diesel Engine with Diesel Vapour Induction”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering 2011, International Islamic University Malaysia, May 2011.
K. S Shankar, A. S Vishal, P Mohanan, “MPFI Gasoline Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics with LPG Injection”, Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion (8th ASPACC), Hyderabad, India, Sl. No. 213, pp. 340; (pp.1390-1397 in CD)
M Natesh, K. S Shankar, Y Suresh Kumar, P Mohanan, “Experimental Analysis of Diesel Vapour Induction on Four Stroke Single Cylinder C.I.Engine”, Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion (8th ASPACC), Hyderabad, India, Dec. 2010 Sl. No. 88, pp. 169; (pp.520-529 in CD).
Prakash H Jadhav, George Varghese, K. S Shankar, P Mohanan , “Analysis of A C.I Engine Fuelled With WCO Biodiesel Oxygenated with Diethyl Ether and NOX Reduction Using EGR Technique”, Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion (8th ASPACC), Hyderabad, India, Sl. No. 159, pp. 267; (pp.1024-1029 in CD).
K. S Shankar, P Mohanan, “Effect of operating variables on the cycle-by-cycle combustion variations and emissions of a multi-cylinder S. I. Engine fueled with blends of gasoline with ethanol”, Proceedings of the International Conference on ‘Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (FIME 2010), National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Karnataka, India.
K. S Shankar, Vijay Desai, P Mohanan, “The effect of injection pressure on the performance and emission characteristics of a biodiesel fueled direct injection single cylinder 4-S diesel engine”, Proceedings of the International Conference & XX National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (ICONICE-2007), JNTU, Hyderabad, India, pp. 27-33.
C. V Sudhir, B Raghavendra Bhat, K. S Shankar, P Mohanan , “Performance and emission studies of esterified sunflower oil fueled biodiesel engine under different injection pressures”, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Energy Research & Development (ICERD-3), State of Kuwait, pp. 266-276.
M Prashanth Pai, K. S Shankar, C V Pujar, “Development and Characterization of Biofibres Sandwich Structure”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials for Advanced Technology (NETMAT) K.V.G College of Engineering, Kurunjibhag, Sullia, Karnataka, March 20-21, 2012, pp. 18.
K. S Shankar, Vighnesha Nayak, P Mohanan, “Performance and Emission Characteristics of a MPFI Engine with E15, E20 and LPG Injection”, Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (22nd NCICEC) NIT-Calicut, Kerala, India, 10th -13th December, 2011, Paper No: 1-030, pp. 109-115.
K. S Shankar, G. N. Kumar, P Mohanan, “Experimental Analysis of Single Cylinder C.I Engine with Diesel Vapour Induction and EGR”, Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (22nd NCICEC) NIT-Calicut, Kerala, India, 10th -13th December, 2011, Paper No: 1-024, pp. 59-65.
Vighnesha Nayak, K. S Shankar, Y Suresh Kumar , P Mohanan, “Performance analysis and emission characteristics of LPG injected MPFI four cylinder petrol engine using steam induction”, Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (22nd NCICEC) NIT-Calicut, Kerala, India, 10th -13th December, 2011, Paper No: 1-029, pp. 157-162.
M Prashanth Pai, K. S Shankar, Chandrakant V Pujar, Prajwal, Faheem Mukthar, “Preventive Maintenance of Critical Machines”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Modern Trends in Science and Technology (MTST-’11), Dr. M.V. Shetty Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, 14th-15th October 2011, pp.40.
M Prashanth Pai, K. S Shankar, Chandrakant V Pujar, Mohammed Yaasir, Muhammed Thazim G (Oct. 2011), “Condition Monitoring of Rolling Element Bearings in a Critical Machine”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Modern Trends in Science and Technology (MTST-’11), Dr. M.V. Shetty Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, 14th-15th October 2011, pp. 34.
K. S Shankar, Vighnesha Nayak, George Varghese, P Mohanan, “MPFI Gasoline Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics with Ethanol-Gasoline Blends and LPG Injection”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Alternate Sources of Energy and Pollution Control (RASE),KVG College of Engg., Sullia Karnataka, 13th & 14th May 2011.
M Prashanth Pai, K S Shankar, Chandrakant V Pujar, Y R Vinod Kumar, “A Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Heat Treated Al-Si-Mg Alloy (A356.0)”, Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AIM ENGG-2011), Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, 3rd-5th January 2011, pp. 62.
K. S Shankar, Haridas Rathod, P Mohanan, “Cyclic combustion variations of a multi-cylinder S.I. engine fueled with blends of gasoline with ethanol”, Proceedings of the XXI National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (20th NCICEC), BIET, Davangere, Karnataka, India, pp. 137-142.
K. S Shankar, B Raghavendra Bhat, C. V Sudhir, P Mohanan “Effect of blend ratios of Coconut Methyl Ester & Diesel on the performance and emissions of I. C engine”, Proceedings of the 19th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (19th NCICEC), Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India, pp. 59-63.
C. V Sudhir, B Raghavendra Bhat, K. S Shankar, P Mohanan ,“Experimental investigations on the performance and emission characteristics of a C.I Engine with blends of esterified sunflower oil”, Proceedings of National Conference Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (README’ 05), P. A .College of Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, pp. 16
M. A. Baig, Mohammed Rafeeq, Asif Afzal and S. A. Khan, “Performance Analysis of Different Types of Solar Waters Heaters under Varying Load Demands”, National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy, held at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar during 12-13th April, 2012.
M Prashanth Pai, M J James, “Case based perspectives on addressing high employeeAttrition in BPO industry”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Economic Revival: Business Perspectives and Opportunities, Department of MBA, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, 29th & 30th April 2010, pp 44-45.
M Prashanth Pai, K C Anish, “Efficiency Improvement of Gas Turbines using Inlet Air Cooling Method”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (README-‟05), P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka, 1st-3rd December 2005, pp 116.
M Prashanth Pai, C V Pujar, Attel Manjunath, “Solution to bridge the gap between Power supply and demand: Small Hydro Power”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (README-‟05), P.A.College of Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka, 1st-3rd December 2005, pp 117
K.C Anish, S.M Thajuddeen, M.K Ramis, G Jilani., “Comparative Study of One and Two-dimensional Conduction Models of a Salt-gradient Solar Pond”,Proceedings ofInternational Conference On Recent Advances in Heat Transfer (ICRAHT), Karunya University, Coimbatore,, India , 2006, pp.365-37.
Arees Qamareen, M.K Ramis, Chandrasekhar K.G and S.A Khan, “Control of Nozzle Flows under the Influence of Favorable Pressure Gradient”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering AIM, 2005, Hyderabad, India, 2005, pp. 128-132.
Ahmed Saleel, C and M.K Ramis, “Biodiesel-A Promising Alternative for India”, Proceedings of National Seminar on Trends in Energy Engineering and Manufacturing Technology, Bhatkal, Karnataka, India, 2004, pp.
S.A Khan, Ahmed Saleel, C and M.K Ramis, “Flow and Noise Characteristics of Supersonic Jets”, Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics NSA2004, Mysore, India Paper No. MA-03, 2004, pp. 1-10.
H. B Bhaskar. and Abdul Sharief “Effect of Reinforcement on Mechanical Properties of Aluminium / Beryl Particulate Composite”, , International Conference on “Mechanical Engineering and Technology”(iCoMEt’12), on 20th & 21st Jan 2012, St. Joseph's College of Engineering & Technology, Palai, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
Abdul Sharief, B.S. Samaga, A.J.Antony “Heat transfer correlation in CI Engine using intake jet velocity” SAE Power trains, fuels and lubricants congress” Paper Number 2008-01-1816 at Shaghai, China, June 23-25 2008
Abdul Sharief, A.J.Antony “Study of Heat Transfer in Motored Compression Ignition Engine”, International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering ICAME-2007 at MIT , Manipal, Karnataka, India , 24-26 October 2007.
Abdul Sharief, A.J.Antony ‘Study of Heat Transfer Correlation in Compression Ignition Engine” International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies Team Tech- 2007, at IISc Banglore, Karnataka India, October 2007
Abdul Sharief, A.J.Antony “Computer simulation of Instantaneous Heat Transfer Coefficients in CI engines” International Conference on Emerging Adaptive Systems and Technologies (EAST-2005) at NICE , ,Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu-India. Dec 16-17,2005
Abdul Sharief, A.J.Antony “Analysis of heat transfer to cooling water in an IC Engine” International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies Team Tech- 2007, at IISc Banglore, Karnataka India 2-4 Nov 2004
Abdul Sharief, A.J.Antony “New Equation for Heat Transfer in Compression Ignition Engine using Intake Jet Velocity”, International Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering, Shaheed Udam Singh College of Engineering and Technology Tangori (Mohali), India 23-25 January 2008.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief “Role of Reinforcement on Mechanical Properties of Al2024-Beryl Particulate Metal Matrix Composite”, National Conference on Evolving Techniques in Mechanical Engineering, (ETME’12), on 23rd & 24th August 2012, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering and Technology, Thirupachur, Thiruvallur, Tamilnadu, India.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief “Sand Abrasive Wear Behaviour Of Aluminium 2024 Alloy –Beryl Particulate Metal Matrix Composites”, , National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, (AIM-2012), on 11th and 12th October 2012, Vasavi College of Engineering, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh. India.
Abdul Sharief, D.Ramesh, R.P.Swamy and T.K.Chandrashekar, H.B Bhaskar “Mechanical Properties of Al/Frit and Al/Beryl Metal Matrix Composites”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and their Impact on Indian Industries” on 20th & 22nd September 2012, PDA College of Engineering, Gulbarga, Karnataka.
H.B Bhaskar, Abdul Sharief and T.K. Chandrashekar “Hardness and Tensile Strength of Aluminium Matrix – Beryl Reinforcement Composites”, , National Conference on “Developments in Composite Materials and Processes” (DCMP-2011) on 7th to 9th, April 2011, Don-Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief, “Mechanical Properties of Aluminium 2024-T6 Reinforced with SiCp Composites”, National Conference on “Advances and Challenges in Mechanical Engineering” (ACME–2011) on 20th & 21st, April 2011, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Thudupathi, Erode, Tamilnadu, India.
H.B. Bhaskar and Abdul Sharief “Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium 2024 alloy –Beryl Particulate Metal Matrix Composites”, International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management studies (ICCOMIM-2012), on 11th to 13th July 2012, M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka.

Research Facilities

Name of the Facility, Department Major Equipment/Software Specification Description of Facility
Mini and Micro Channel Lab (Funded by VGST SMYSR Scheme)Constant Temperature BathTemperature Ranges: 0-200° with pump capacity of 0-10 LPM & Pressure of 145 m bar, with control of Temp.To maintain constant temperature
Pressure TransducerRange: 0-500 psig, Positive Sensitivity: 2mV/PSI, Pressure Hysteresis: ± % FSO RSS max 0.50To measure pressure of Nanofluids in the micro-channel
Flow Control ValveWith Pump & Power supply Programmable syringe pump.To control the flow rate
Flow Meter with Pulse Pick UpMeasuring Range: 0.05 - 150 gm (0-560 LPM) maximum operating. Pressure -350 psig & Temp. up to 120°CTo measure the flow rate
Differential Pressure TransducersRange: + 0.08 PSID FS to 3200 PSI FS. Accuracy: ± 0.25 % FS. Over Pressure: 200% FS up to 4,000 PSI.To measure the inlet & outlet pressure
Heavy Duty Hot WireThermo Anemometer, Temp. range: 0-200°C,To measure accurately air flow rate
CFD research Lab(Funded by AICTE RPS Scheme)Ansys Fluent V15Version 15, single user, unlimited nodesTo carry out the simulation
ServerDell Vostro 270SFF desktop PC Intel Core i5 3470 3.6Ghz Processor 8GB DDR 3 Memory [ 4GB X 2] 1TB SATA Hard Disk Drive
WorkbenchIntel Based assembled PC Intel Core i3 3240 3.4Ghz Processor 4GB DDR 3 Memory 500GB SATA Hard Disk Drive
Nanomaterials Research Lab(Funded by VGST SMYSR Scheme)Ultrasonic CleanerModel 405, Hwashin Technology Co., KoreaFor sonication of nanoparticles and prepare well dispersed Nanofluids.
Thermal conductivity Measurement ApparatusTo measure thermal conductivity of different materials
TiO2 NanoparticlesSigma Aldrich Limited, USA. 10 nm to 100 nmFor preparation of Nanofluids at various concentrations.
Al2O3 NanoparticlesSigma Aldrich Limited, USA.10 nm to 100 nmFor preparation of Nanofluids at various concentrations
Multi-walled Carbon NanotubeNanoshel LLC United StatesFor preparation of Nanofluids at various concentrations
Magnetic Heater/AgitatorMagnetic Heater/AgitatorFor heating & agitation
Engine Research Laboratory CRDI Engine
  • Engine: Make Kirloskar, Single cylinder, 4 stroke, water cooled, stroke 110 mm, bore 87.5 mm, 661 cc. Power 3.5 KW, 1500 rpm, CR range 12-18.
  • Dynamometer Type: eddy current, water cooled with loading unit
  • ECU: Model Nira i7r (with solenoid injector driver) with programmable ECU software
  • and Calibration cable
  • Common rail: with pressure sensor and pressure regulating valve
  • EGR: SS, Water cooled
  • Injector: Type Solenoid driven
  • Piezo-sensor: Make PCB USA,
  • Combustion: Range 350 Bar with low noise cable
Performance, Combustion and Emission testing of Diesel and biodiesel fuels
Bomb Calorimeter- Digital Model with printer & PC interface
  • Compliance Standards IS 1360 part II: 1970
  • Thermometer having accuracy of 0.01°C, (01)
  • Insulating base (01)
  • Water Jacket (01)
  • Combined lid for calorimeter vessel & water jacket (01)
  • Stirrer (01 set)
  • Connecting lead for calorimeter bomb (01)
  • Fine adjustment valve with built in pressure gauge (01)
  • Connecting tube to connect bomb, pressure gauge and fine regulating valve (01)
  • Safety relief valve fitted on gas filling tube adapter (01)
It is used for determination of calorific value of liquid & Solid fuels.
Kinematic Viscosity Bath
  • Dual Display Microprocessor Based Digital Temp. Controller with PT–100 sensor
  • Temperature range from 5° C above ambient to 120° C. Control
  • Accuracy ± 0.1°C (at 40°C). Complete with Low wattage lighting Attachment
  • Universal Viscometer Holder, Viscometer Tray. Built in Digital Stop watch
  • Calibration certificate with traceability.
  • Working on 230 V single phase
Used for determination of kinematic and intrinsic viscosity of Petroleum products, Bitumen, emulsion and allied materials at constant temperatures in accordance with ASTM D 445/IS:1206 and other equivalent methods
Cleveland Flash & Fire Point apparatus
  • Electrically heated model – 01
  • Energy regulator – 01
This apparatus is used for the determination of flash point and fire point of petroleum products open cup flash between 79°C - 400°C as per specification IP 36 and IS: 1448 (P: 69) 2019
AVL 437C Smoke Meter
  • Smoke meter with Speed 2000
  • Oil Temperature
  • Display unit
  • Power supply cord
Smoke meter is used to detect smoke emission from the vehicles.
Cloud and Pour Point Apparatus
  • Insulation: PUF insulation
  • Temperature: With minimum temperature of ‑30°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: Within ± 1°C
  • Temperature Resolution: 0.1°C
Cloud and Pour Point Apparatus is used for determination of the highest temperature at which haziness in oil is observed (cloud point) or the lowest temperature at which movement of the oil is observed (pour point) of petroleum product.
Emission gas analyser
  • Gas analyser - 01
  • Probe - 01
Used to measure exhaust gases caused by combustion, which includes Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), HC infrared (NDIR) measurement, Fuel Dependent Hydrocarbons (HC) and Oxygen (O2).


An expert talk on "Young Innovators: Exploring the World of Entrepreneurship" by Mr. Abubakar Shameez, Co-Founder of Ohsoul, Mangalore, was organized on October 11, 2023. The speaker explained the important qualities of an entrepreneur and ignited the young minds to develop entrepreneurial skills. The discussion encouraged students to delve into the world of innovation and entrepreneurship.

A webinar on "Career Growth and Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering" by Dr. Thyagaraj, SJCIT, Bangalore, was organized on October 11, 2023. The event aimed at guiding and inspiring Mechanical Engineering students on their career paths. The distinguished speaker, with vast industry experience, shared invaluable insights into the dynamic field of Mechanical engineering.

Adithya P N, Jithesh P, Mohammed Mazan and Mohammed Ziyan have participated in the one day workshop on ‘PCB Fabrication’ at Yenepoya MedTech Facility, Yenepoya Technology Incubator, Deralakatte, Mangalore, on October 14, 2023. The students gained practical experience by working with Printed Circuit Board fabrication equipment, learnt from industry experts and experienced practitioners who shared their expertise on the fundamentals of PCB fabrication, explored real-world examples and case studies that demonstrate the successful applications of PCB fabrication in various industries and connected with professionals and like-minded individuals in the field of PCB fabrication.

A webinar on "Skill Sets and Job Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering" by Mr. Anand Kumar V, Placement Director & Head – Corporate Relations/Career Development Cell, Gopalan College of Engineering & Management, Bangalore, was organized on October 20, 2023, aiming to provide students with valuable insights into the evolving landscape of the mechanical engineering industry and the skills required to excel in it.

A training programme for III year mechanical engineering students on BIM REVIT was conducted by Mr. Abdul Majeed and Mr. Kunal Bhute from deltaT MEP Technical Academy, Bangalore, from 30.10.2023 to 11.11.2023 (2 weeks). Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure. The BIM software is used to automate all aspects of building design, analysis and documentation. The REVIT helps to gain expertise in MEP drawing, design visualization and 3D modeling. The basic knowledge of CAD is sufficient to carry out schematic designs, system analysis, construction documentation and design visualization involving a wide range of systems including HVAC, ductwork, piping and electrical circuits.

An Awareness Programme on ‘Outcome Based Education (OBE)’ by Dr. Krishnaprasad N, Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, PACE, was organized for the faculty members and students on 7th November 2023. The speaker created an awareness among the stakeholders on OBE, Teaching-Learning process, vision, mission, COs, POs, PEOs, PSOs, Direct and Indirect Assessment, Feedback system, Accreditation and its benefits, etc.

An expert talk on "Navigating the Path to Mechanical Excellence" by Mr. James M.V, Managing Director, Geo Technical Enterprise Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, was organized on December 13, 2023. This event aimed to provide Mechanical Engineering students with industry-relevant insights, enriching their understanding of the journey towards mechanical excellence and bridging the gap between academia and industry.

A technical talk on ‘Exploring the Career Paths in Mechanical Engineering Using Design and Analysis Tools’ by Mr. Rashwin and Mr. Prajwal, the officials from the CADD Centre, Bendorwell, Mangalore, was organized on December 13, 2023. They briefed about the Mechanical CAD softwares such as AutoCAD 2D, CATIA, SolidWorks, NX CAD, CREO, Fusion 360, Inventor, Ansys WB, Ansys Fluent, Revit MEP, PDMS & Hypermesh and also the Project Management Tools such as PPM concept, Microsoft Project, Primavera and SAP. The session emphasized the vital role played by the design and analysis softwares in mechanical engineering and enlightened the participants in finding their career growth using these softwares.

An invited talk on "Decoding Success, Navigation to Civil Service Exams" by Mr. Muhammad Safeer U A and Mr. Syed Zeeshan, notable alumni of PACE, was organized on 22nd Feb 2024. Mr. Safeer emphasized the significance of participating in civil service and other entrance examinations, while Mr. Zeeshan provided guidance on the application process and other procedures required to take these exams.


An invited talk on “Solar Photovoltaic Technology” by Mr. Vittal Bhat M, Assistant Professor, Department of E&C Engg., PACE, Mangalore, was organized on 24th November 2022. The key points of discussion include- importance of renewable energy sources to reduce carbon footprints, solar energy as an effective source of power generation using photovoltaic technology, connection of solar panels in different configurations to obtain the desired output and site survey prior to the installation of solar panels.

A 12 weeks training programme on “Python Programming - Basics and Fundamentals” by Prof. Varun Hegde and Prof. Mohammed Kareemullah, Assistant Professors, Mechanical Engineering Department, PACE, was organized during September to November 2022 for the final year ME students. Both theory and hands-on sessions were included in the training programme. The trainers explained the fundamentals of python programming to build the programming skills.

A 2 weeks training programme on “Object Oriented Programming using Python” by Prof. Varun Hegde and Prof. Mohammed Kareemullah, Assistant Professors, Mechanical Engineering Department, PACE, was organized in the month of December 2022 for the final year ME students. Both theory and hands-on sessions were included in the training programme.

An invited talk on “Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering” by Mr. Sufiyan Ahmed U K, Founder and Managing Director, ‘The Mechanic’ and ‘Oxyline Technologies’, Uppala, Kasargod (PACE Alumnus), was organized on 10th December 2022. The talk focused on the different areas in which a mechanical engineer can become a successful entrepreneur, and stressed the need of time-sense, patience, punctuality, hardworking and communication skills & a positive attitude along with technical proficiency to become a successful entrepreneur.

A technical talk on "Application of Agile Methodology in Project Management" by Mr. Nazem, Project Manager, Thought focus, Bangalore, was organized on 2nd March 2023. Agile methodology for project management, its importance, applications and recent research developments were discussed in the talk.

A demonstration session of the “Kitchen Waste Compost System” by Mr. C V Pujar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PACE, was organized on 15th March 2023. The highlights of the session include importance of waste management, conversion of kitchen waste into compost and the need to create awareness on waste reduction through social connect & responsibility programmes.

An expert talk on ‘Equal Channel Angular Pressing of Aluminium and Its Alloys’ by Dr. James Valder, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore, was organized on May 04, 2023. The speaker highlighted the various research works carried out in this area and also pointed out the opportunities to carryout future research.

An Invited talk and interactive session on ‘Career Opportunities in Oil and Gas Sector’ by Mr. Ibrahim Thajir and Mr. Salman Farish (PACE Alumni), from Expertise Contracting Company, Saudi Arabia, was organized on 24th May 2023. The talk focused on job opportunities for mechanical engineers in petrochemical sector in the areas of erection, maintenance and process handling, safety precautions and the prerequisite knowledge base required to find a career in the oil and gas sector.

A Webinar on ‘The Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers in Aerospace Domain’ by Dr. Madeva Nagaral, Manager (Design), Aircraft Research and Design Centre, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore, was organized on June 7, 2023, The speaker urged the students to develop a thorough knowledge in strength of materials, design of machine elements, Finite Element Analysis, failure modes, etc., to grab ample opportunities available for mechanical engineers in the areas of aircraft research and design.


An invited talk on “Opportunities in AEC Industry” by Mr. E. Sunil Kumar, Director and Mr. Chaitanya Nanguluri, Associate, Vedanth MEP Training Institute, Bangalore, was organized on 10th December 2021. The basic requirements and opportunities for mechanical engineers in the field of Architectural, Engineering and Construction, especially in the Middle East were highlighted. The talk covered important areas such as HVAC, Fire- fighting, PHE and Electrical Systems.

A training programme on “Python Programming-Basics and Fundamentals” by Dr. Asif Afzal, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, PACE, was organized for the final year Mechanical Engineering students during October to December 2021. Both theory and hands-on sessions were included in the training programme.

A two weeks training programme on “Object Oriented Programming using Python” by Dr. Asif Afzal, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, PACE, was organized for the final year Mechanical Engineering students during January 2022. Both theory and hands-on sessions were included in the training programme.

An invited talk on ‘Career Opportunities in Merchant Navy’ by Mr. Raj Mohan M, Dean, R.L. Institute of Nautical Sciences, Madurai, was organized on Thursday, 19th May 2022. Mr. Raj Mohan explained how merchant navy could be an attractive career option and the career prospects at sea for the mechanical and electrical engineers. He compared the career prospects for a mechanical/electrical engineer and a marine engineer in terms of job position, age limits and monetary benefits.

An invited talk on ‘NextGen Supply Chain Management’ by Prof. Mohammed Avvad, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PACE, Mangalore, was organized on 28th May, 2022. Prof. Avvad explained the basic concepts of supply chain management (SCM) and also gave an overview of NextGen supply chain management. He informed the students to carry out research work by integrating SCM with the latest technology developments such as blockchain, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

An invited talk on ‘Application of Minitab Software for Optimization Problems’ by Dr. Raghavendra M J, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SIT, Mangaluru, was organized on Tuesday, 31st May 2022. The resource person explained the concept of optimization and various statistical tools available to carry out data analysis. He gave an in-depth view of the Minitab software, its salient features and how effectively it can be used in statistical data analysis.

An invited talk on ‘Career Opportunities in Indian Navy’ by Mr. Vinayak M Kalas, Assistant Commandant, Indian Navy, was organized on 22nd July 2022. Mr. Vinayak is the PACE Alumnus (2009 batch-Mechanical Engineering) and is currently posted in ICGS Vikram Ship, New Mangalore division, India. The resource person explained how Indian Navy could be an attractive career option for the mechanical engineers and also will be a chance to serve the Nation.


Mechanical Engineering Association(MEA),PACE organised an invited talk on "FUEL CELLS" for 3rd year mechanical students on 21st March 2016 at 3:25pm in Multipurpose Hall.Mr. Yathin Krishna, Project associate of Prof. Yoshinobu Yoshishara Ritsumeikan university, Japan, delivered the talk.. The talk Highlighted how "FUEL CELLS" can be utilised for increasing efficiency, reducing pollution & as an alternative for IC Engine in the near future.

On February 23rd, Mr. Mithun from the Petrocon Institute of Piping Engineering, Mangalore was invited to P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore to deliver a lecture on “Opportunities in Piping Industries” which was organized by the Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA) in the Multi-Purpose Hall. The audience were final year Mechanical Engineering Students.The program started with an initial address of Dr Ramis M K, who emphasized on the need of acquiring a skill in any of the industry oriented domains during their course, which will help the students to place themselves by the time they are out. During the seminar, Mr. Mithun threw a limelight on various aspects of piping courses offered by the Petrocon Institute of Piping Engineering and the opportunities that are available in piping industries after completion of the course. Side by side he gave a brief introduction on how the softwares and training manuals are exercised during the period of training. Some of them included applying parameters as per rules and regulations given by certain institutions like ASME & ASTM, development of piping layout, development of GA Drawings, Piping isometrics etc. The lecture turned out to be very beneficial to the students present over there, many of whom decided to malign their interests in this section of engineering.

Mechanical Engineering Association organized an Invited Talk on "ELECTRIC CURRENT INDUCED LONG RANGE FLOW OF LIQUID METALS-TAKING SERENDIPITY TO TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FLOW" on 6th -February 2016. Speaker of the day was "DR PRAVEEN KUMAR"(Asst. Professor at Dept of Materials Engineering; IISc Bangalore). The program was hosted by Mr. Ahad of VI Sem. Dr Sharief (Principal), Dr. Ramis M.K (Vice Principal), Dr. Zahid Ansari (Dean-Research) were the other dignitaries present. The talk highlighted the importance of serendipity in technological development and discoveries.The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Muhammad ibn Abdul Nasar of VI Sem.

On February 3rd, a renowned personality and former Principal Dr. S.A. Khan visited P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore to deliver an Invited Talk on “Recent Advancements In Defence and Space Resources”. Dr. S.A. Khan who is currently a Professor at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lampur has also worked in Defence Research And Development Organisation (DRDO). During his seminar, he threw a limelight on concept of micro-jets to control the base pressure and jet noise, missile modifications for enhanced performance, unguided rockets etc. Dr. Khan also gave a brief overview of his contribution to the DRDO such as the alterations he made in the missile and rocket to adapt longer trajectories. At the end, he talked about his ongoing research at IIUM, and developments being made with the rise in modern era of science and technology. The programme was then followed by Principal Dr. Abdul Sharief‘s speech. He thanked Dr. Khan for giving his valuable time out of his busy schedule and parting with his great knowledge. The Director of Academics Prof. SurfrazHashim, Dean Research Dr. Zahid Ansari also gave their concluding remarks. The Vice Principal & HOD of Mechanical Department Dr. Ramis M.K. finally thanked the esteemed guest for sparing his time and knowledge for the sake of students present over there.

A series of workshops entitled “Catalyst: preparing for the capstone project” were conducted by Dr. Zahid Ansari, Dean (Research), P.A. College of Engineering from 14th to 20th October 2015, to motivate the final year students of CSE/ISE, E&C,EEE, Bio-Tech, Civil and Mechanical engineering departments, to do the quality project and unleash their skills. The series of program culminated on 20th October 2015 with the last workshop at Mechanical department with wise words for the students to improve the quality and bring innovation by the HOD Mechanical and Vice-Principal Dr. Ramis M.K.. The Valedictory of the program witnessed the words of Principal Dr. Abdul Sharief for the funding aspects and IT tools, in presence of Vice-principal Dr. Ramis M.K, Director (Academics) Prof SurfrazHashim J, Dean (Research), Dr. Zahid Ansari and Prof. Ahmed Rimaz R. Faizabadi.

A three day workshop on Industrial Automation was held on 2nd,3rd and 4th of October 2015 for the pre-final and the final year. The training was conducted by Mr. Himanshu Kumar, INDWELL Institute of technology.

Mechanical Engineering Association [MEA] of PACE organized Techxpo 2015, an Automobile Engineering Show (Technically Oriented Exhibition, Seminar and Workshop) on May 8th and 9th, 2015. The main intention of the event was to exhibit the advances in the automobile industry and provide a platform for technically inclined students /others to interact, sharpen and share their ideas. The seminars, workshops, stalls and exhibits during the program focused on this theme. The audience were students from 25 engineering colleges, around Mangalore, mechanics, technicians and automobile consultants in this region. Also the venue provided an opening for people interested in the latest technologies in automotive industry, to study and explore the market. The total number of participants were in the range of 1000+, which included students from other engineering colleges, invitees from garages in and around Mangalore. Indoor Exhibits on Latest Technologies in Automotive Industry, Outdoor Exhibits and Stalls on Modified and Vintage Cars, High Performance Lubricants and Turbine Technology was the major attraction of the event. The. Free Auto Diagnostic Scanning for New Generation Cars (Cars with OBD 2) was a major event open for the public.. Mr. Sushil Chandra Mannagudda (GM, MRPL) inaugurated the function and the Technovation Award and Techxhibit Award was distributed for the best project and best car, respectively by Mr. U.T Khader, Honble Minister for Health, Govt. of Karnataka, during the valedictory function. The bike stunt show cased by Zero Gravity was the major attraction witnessed by thousands of audience during the valedictory function.

LAUNCH, the leaders in automotive diagnostics, and Mobil 1, the world’s largest synthetic oil and Candour Auto Tech (CAT), a team of passionate automobile engineers who are specialised in vehicle diagnostics were the official partners of the event. Mr. Schichun Tao (Sales Director, Asia Pacific, Middle East, North Africa and Latin America, Launch Tech Pvt. Limited),Mr. Joy Yan (Sales Manager, Launch Tech Pvt. Limited, India), Mr. Sasi Menon (Retail Head, Mobil 1) and Mr. Shamnas Mohammed (Technical Expert and Managing Director, Candour Auto Tech Pvt. Limited) were the representatives of the official partners who were actively present throughout the program. The following seminars were conducted during the event.

  • Seminar - 1 : High Performance Lubricants-Technology Behind by Mr. Sasi Menon (Retail Head, Mobil 1
  • Seminar-II : Seminar on Automobile Diagnostics - The Evolution, by Mr. Schichun Tao (Sales Director, Launch Tech Pvt. Limited)
  • Seminar-III : Automative Diagnostics - The Future Mr. Shamnas Mohammed (Technical Expert and Managing Director, Candour Auto Tech Pvt. Limited)

ENTICE 2015, inter-college technical fest organized by MEA was conducted simultaneously with TECHXPO-2015. Its main aim was to give students a platform to showcase their technical talents. The events included Paper Presentation, Technical Quiz, Technical Dumb Charades and Robo Wars.


A three day workshop/training on STAR CCM software was conducted by CD Adapco, giants in the field of CFD software during 6th,7th and 8th of January 2015 for pre final year and final year students.

A seminar on diagnostic techniques in automotive industry was conducted by Mr. Shamnas, consultant to automotive industries on 5 November 2014. The session was for the 3rd and the 4th year students.

Two weeks certified training program was conducted by Manjunatha design and solutions on “CATIA-Version 5.0 – Basics, Designing, Modeling and Analysis” during January 1-15, 2014 for pre-final year and final year students.

FDP on Advances in CFD and Nanotechnology, 7- 9th April 2011, P. A College of Engineering, Sponsored by VTU-VGST (Govt. Of Karnataka)

Invited talks

  • Talk on “Igniting the Minds” at ATM Bhatkal on 30th March 2015.
  • Talk on “Recent Trends in Thermal Design of Energy Systems, January 05-16 2004, NIT Calicut was delivered by Dr. Ramis M.K


MoU Between  Dental Materials Lab, Yenepoya Dental College, Yenepoya University and Material Testing Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.A College of Engineering

An MoU was signed between  Dental Materials Lab, Yenepoya Dental College, Yenepoya University and Material Testing Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.A College of Engineering on 17th October 2018 about sharing of expertise and infrastructure in developing materials for application in dentistry and other fields.The teams led by  Dr Ramis M K, Professor and Head Department of Mechanical Engineering and Prof Jayaprakash, Department of Dental Materials will work together on developing materials out of nanoparticles for various applications.  Dr. B H Sripathi Rao, Principal, Dr Nandish Bhat  Professor and Head, Department of Dental Materials, Prof.  Prof Jayaprakash, Department of Dental Materials representing Yenepoya Dental College, Dr Abdul Sharief, Principal, Dr Ramis M K,  Vice Principal & Head Department of Mechanical Engineering  representing P.A College of Engineering were present during the function.

Department of Mechanical Engineering signed an MOU with Kamati Green Tech LLP Bangalore, a company on Solar and other Renewable Energy Utilization, on 21.10.2015. Mr K. Nazeem CEO Kamati Green Tech LLP and Dr Ramis M.K, Principal Investigator through the MoU agreed upon mutual sharing of man power and technology for harnessing the renewable energy sources.

Funded Projects

  • Received an amount of Rs 4,00000(Four Lacs) from VGST under SMYSR scheme for the set up of a Lab for the investigation of “ Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Parallel Plate Channel with Volumetric Energy Generation” during 2014-2015 and the project ongoing.
  • Received an amount of Rs 7,00000 (Seven Lacs) from AICTE under RPS scheme for the set up of a CFD Lab to for the investigation of “ Heat and Fluid Flow Analysis of a Nuclear Fuel Element” during 2013-2014 and the project ongoing.
  • Received an amount of Rs 50000 (Fifty Thousand) from P. A College of Engineering for the study on “Effect of Nanoparticles on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Various Heat Transfer Problems” during 2010-2011

Research Interested Groups

Research Theme Few UG/Research Projects Undertaken
Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD Analysis of Flow meters
CFD Simulation of Supersonic Flows
Conjugate Heat Transfer of Parallel Plate Channel /PCB’s
Parallelization Strategies for Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems
Heat Transfer Heat Transfer Analysis in Dimpled Rod, Mini-channel Radiator, Rectangular Mini Channels, Spiral and Helical Heat Exchanger
Improving of Heat Transfer from a molding block in an industrial oven
Nanofluids Heat transfer characteristics of rectangular, square, circular and trapezoidal channels with Nano-fluids.
Heat transfer enhancement in conventional equipment using Nano fluids.
Thermal property Analysis of Tio2 Nanofluids
Design and Production. Design, Fabrication, Modelling/Analysis of power hammer, press tools, wheel chair, Hydraulic pipe bender, Brake disc rotor, Compound tool vee cap, etc.
Material Science and Metallurgy Mechanical Characterization of various composite materials with different combinations of matrix and reinforcement.
Internal Combustion Engines and Biofuels Comparative study on the engine performance using various biodiesel blends.
Performance of IC Engine with the biodiesel produced from milk diary wash scum.

Research Guidance

Name of the researcherYear of Reg.StatusSupervisor/ Co-SupervisorResearch AreaUniversity
Srinatha Pai 4PA11PMN01 (Ph.D.)2011Awarded (2019)Dr. Abdul ShariefStudy of Performance and emissions of a single Stroke Diesel Engine Using Extra High Pressure Fuel Injection SystemVTU
Mujibulla Khan 4PA12PMM01 (Ph.D.)2012Awarded (2018)Dr. Abdul ShariefThermal Stresses on Composite Materials with Aluminium Subtracted Coated with Functionally Graded MaterialVTU
Shwetha S 4PA15PMJ01 (Ph.D.)2015Awarded (2022)Dr. Abdul ShariefNumerical Analysis of Heat Transfer of Water inside a pipe exposed to a Parabolic Trough Solar Thermal CollectorsVTU
Manjunath. S. V 4PA15PMJ02 (Ph.D.)2015Awarded (2022)Dr. Abdul ShariefAnalysis of turbulent wind effects on low-rise roof-mounted photovoltaic solar panels in multiple arrangementsVTU
Abdul Razak 4PA11PMN03 (Ph.D.)2011Awarded (2019)Dr. Ramis M KThermal performance & fluid flow characteristic of a rectangular plate, with heat generation, dissipating heat in to a surrounding fluid medium.VTU
Mohammad Samee A Dafedar 4PA11PMN02 (Ph.D.)2011Awarded (2019)Dr. Ramis M KHeat Transfer Analysis of Rectangular Plates Cooled by Various CoolantsVTU
Yashwanth K M M.Sc.(Engg.) 4PA13MMN012013Awarded (2019)Dr. Ramis M KExperimental investigation on viscosity and thermal conductivity of Graphite nano fluidsVTU
Asif Afzal 4PA16PMJ01 (Ph.D.)2016Awarded (2020)Dr. Ramis M KThermal management of Li-ion battery cells – A comprehensive conjugate numerical analysis of performance characteristics, optimization and parallelization VTU
Mohammed Kareemullah 4PA18PME01 (Ph.D.)2018On-goingDr. Ramis MKPerformance characteristics of CRDI engine using milk scum biodiesel: An experimental study and modelling using Intelligent AlgorithmsVTU
Rayid Muneer 4PA20PME01 (Ph.D.)2020On-goingDr. Ramis MKElectro spun nano polymer composites for antibacterial applicationsVTU
Navaneeth I M N22PHDEM204 (Ph.D.)2022On-goingDr. A K Somayaji Dr.Abdul RazakEffect of addition of alloying elements on microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminium LM6 alloyNitte University
Kiran Kumar B N22PHDEM203 (Ph.D.)2022On-goingDr. Narasimha M Dr. Ramis M KPreparation and characterization of electro spun nano fibres Nitte University

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