Jun 30, 2020 - Jun 30, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering organised Webinar Week 2020 (29th June 2020 ? 4th July 2020) under the banner of FORCE (Fraternity Of Rising Civil Engineers). The 2nd day webinar was conducted on 30th June 2020 on ZOOM platform along with video live streaming on YouTube. Er. Anil Baliga was the resource person to speak on the topic ?How to Make Better Concrete?. Students and faculty from various colleges from different parts of Karnataka and other states attended the program. Er. Shrikant Moger, Asst. Prof. Civil Engineering PACE, was the host and coordinator of the 2nd day webinar, delivered the welcome speech and introduced the topic. Dr. Palakshappa K, Professor & HOD, Civil Engineerin, introduced the resource person. After the intial speech there was a power point presentation by Er. Anil Baliga in which he explained about the topic very effectively which was very easily understandable. He spoke on different types of concrete, mixing, mixing propotion, advantages, disadvantages, tools, different machineries used for making and handling of concrete and failure of concrete structures
After the presentation during the question and answer session the speaker of the webinar clarified all the queries raised by the audience. The program was concluded with vote of thanks by final year Civil Engineering student, Mr. Nishad.
Watch Video on You Tub Link :