Nov 12, 2019 - Nov 13, 2019
The ASCII, Association of Computer Science and Engineering department in association with ISTE organised a two day workshop on "Emerging Applications of Machine Leaning using Python" on 12th and 13th November 2019. The students from third and final year CSE and EC participated in the workshop.
The Resource person Dr. B.H. Shekar, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Mangalore University, began the workshop by introducing the basics of Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning. The Feature extraction mechanisms explained along with implementation details. Second day, the clustering and classification techniques were discussed and students were exposed to hands-on experience to know the need of clustering and classification techniques using Python.
The valedictory program was held on 13th November, 2019, in the presence of Dr. Abdul Sharief, Principal PACE, Dr. Zahid Ansari, Dean Research PACE, Dr. Sharmila Kumari, Head of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. B.H. Shekar, Resource person, Prof. Mohammed Hussain, Placement officer and staff coordinator prof. Mohammed Hafeez M.K. The Principal Dr.Abdul Sharief graced the occasion with his presidential address, Dr. Sharmila Kumari Presented report of workshop, Dr.Zahid Ansari adreesed the participants. Ms. Suzna Khadija, 7CSE welcomed the gathering, and Ms.Inaz noori,5CSE, gave away the vote of thanks and Ms. Anaga,7CSE was the Master of Ceremony.