Apr 11, 2019 - Apr 11, 2019
An invited talk on Securing yourself in cyberspace was jointly organized by ISTE Chapter and Computational & Simulation Club (CSC) of Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, P.A. College of Engineering Mangaluru on 11th April 2019 in the multipurpose hall. Dr. Mohammed Misbahuddin, Joint Director, C-DAC, Bengaluru was the chief guest and key speaker. In his talk Dr. Misbahuddin highlighted the easier, faster and personalized access to the internet through the use of mobile phones. He explained the dark spots on the cyberspace such as increasing cyber-crimes and stealthier malwares which are difficult to detect, analyze and mitigate. He stressed the need of cyber security awareness to counter cyber-crimes and the safe use of internet.
The programme was presided by the PrincipalDr. Abdul Sharief. Vice principal and HOD of Mechanical Engineering-Dr. Ramis M K, Academic Director-Dr. SurfrazHasim J, Dean Research-Dr. Zahid Ansari, HOD of Computer Science-Dr. Sharmila Kumari, ISTE PACE Chapter Coordinator - Prof. PrashanthPai M and Staff Coordinator for CSC- Prof. Abdul RazakK were present during the occasion.
Prayer was led by Prof. Aneeque of MechanicaL Engineering Department. Mr. Zaleef welcomed the gathering and Mr. Mir Aqib Hussain proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Niveditha briefed the roles of ISTE and activities of Computational & Simulation Club. Mr. Mohammed Rashad compered the programme.