Oct 27, 2018 - Oct 27, 2018
An awareness program on completive exams and GATE was
organized for pre final year students on 27th October 2018. . Graduate Aptitude
Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination that primarily tests the
comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering
and Technology. It is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and
seven IITs (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT
Madras and IIT Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board - GATE,
Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),
and Government of India.
Varun Hegde, Assistant Professor in department of Mechanical Engineering PACE,
motivated the students to take up the GATE Exam and explained the various job
opportunities, higher education opportunities associated with the
examination. The training ended with interactive session between the
students and faculty.