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International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication 2024 (Semi-Comm Tech Summit-24) held under the umbrella of ICEST-24

The inauguration of the International Conference in, Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication 2024 (Semi-Comm Tech Summit-24) a part of ICEST 24 International Conclave on Science and technology 24 scheduled for April 23 & 24, occurred on April 23, 2024, at 9:30 am in the Multipurpose Hall at P. A. College of Engineering, Mangalore. The ceremony commenced with an Invocation by Abdul Abdu Samad, , followed by a welcome speech by Dr. Shareefraju J. Ukkund, the Convener of ICEST-24. Dr. Sharmila Kumari, Vice Principal of PACE, delivered the preamble address, emphasizing the significance of the event and the research environment it fosters. Mr. Abdullah Ibrahim, Managing Trustee & GC Member, highlighted the commitment of PACE Group to research and its impact, emphasizing the presence of numerous faculty PhD holders from various research centers at PACE. The Chief Guest, Mr. Sohan M., Senior Manager at Infosys, Mangalore, emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in technological advancements, given the diverse range of conferences under ICEST-24. The keynote address, delivered by Dr. P. Nagabhushan, VC of Vignan University, AP, focused on the 5As in engineering and the convergence of various AML fields through ICEST. Dr. Nagabhushan also discussed the significance of artificial intelligence and identified critical factors for the engineering battle in the tech field. ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings were released, and Guests of Honors, Dr. Salimullah Khan, Principal of PACP, and Dr. K. P. Soofie, Principal of PAPT, addressed the audience. Dr. Ramis M. K., General Chair of ICEST-24 and Principal of PACE, highlighted the significance of the event in his presidential remarks. Other dignitaries included Dr. Sayyad Ameen Ahmed, Dean of Student Affairs, and Mr. Haris T. D., Purchase Manager at PAET. The program was attended by HoDs of various departments, faculty members, students, and delegates from other institutions.

The keynote speaker Dr. Nagabhushan Vice chancellor Vignan University was introduced by Prof. Ismail Shaffi Head Department of Physics & Chair ICIBS-24. The inaugural ceremony concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. Krishna Prasad N., HOD of Biotechnology Department. The International Conference on Semi-Comm Tech Summit -2024 unfolded over two days, featuring a comprehensive exploration of advancements and innovations in various tracks related to semiconductor, communication technology, and emerging fields. The conference provided a platform for researchers, academics, and industry experts to exchange ideas, present their research findings, and discuss the latest trends shaping the future of technology.

Keynote Speaker Day 1: Dr. A. R. Vijay Babu, Associate Preofessor, Vignan University gave a talk on the topic “Performance of an air breathing PEM fuel cell used in fuel cell vehicles from in-situ measurements of operational parameter “. He elucidated the potential of fuel cell technology to revolutionize the automotive industry by providing sustainable and efficient power solutions. Dr. Babu’s insights sparked discussions on the feasibility and challenges associated with widespread adoption of fuel cell-powered EVs.
Paper Presentations: Following the lunch break, external participants, research scholars, and final year students actively engaged in presenting their research findings during the allocated track 1-3 slots, which continued until 4:30 PM. The paper presentations were proceeded with six parallel tracks, each focusing on specific domains of semiconductor technology and related fields. A total of 20 papers were submitted, covering diverse topics ranging from communication networks and security to power and energy systems. Registered participants showcased their research findings and engaged in fruitful discussions with peers and experts in their respective tracks.

The six tracks were:
Communication Networks & Security
Embedded Systems
Signal Processing
Electromagnetics & Antenna Design
Power and Energy Systems

The second day featured continued paper presentations across the six tracks, providing participants with a platform to delve deeper into specialized areas of research and development. Additionally, panel discussions were conducted to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogues and explore synergies between different tracks. Experts and researchers exchanged insights, addressed key challenges, and identified future research directions to drive progress in semiconductor technology and related fields.

Keynote Address Day 2:
Dr. B Aziz Musthafa gave a talk on the topic: "Transformative Power of Exponential and Emerging Technology" Dr. Aziz Musthafa, an eminent thought leader in exponential and emerging technologies, delivered a thought-provoking keynote address on the transformative power of technological advancements. Dr. Musthafa highlighted the exponential growth trajectory of technologies such as artificial intelligence, block chain, and quantum computing, and their potential to reshape industries and societies. His keynote inspired attendees to embrace innovation and harness the opportunities presented by emerging technologies.

* Semi-Comm Tech Summit * concluded with the Valedictory Program on April 24, noon with notable addresses by various dignitaries including Dr. Palakshappa, HOD, Department of Civil Engineering who delivered the Welcome Speech, and Dr. Prashanth Pai, HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering presented a comprehensive report on the events highlights. Mr. Zubair Ibrahim, Trustee, GC Member & Trustee, P. A Educational Trust (PAET) highlighted the institutions commitment to innovation. Chief Guest Dr. A. M. Khan, Director, Skill Development Centre, Mangalore University, discussed post-COVID trends in AI and encouraged research-focused education. Dr. Surendra Kumar, Pro VC, Presidency University, shared insights on the future of engineering education and entrepreneurship. The ceremony also featured addresses by esteemed guests of honours including Mr. Ahmed Kutty, Director of Finance at P. A. College of Engineering, Mangalore; Dr. Surfraz J. Hasim, Principal of P. A. First Grade College, Mangalore; and Dr. Sajeesh Regunathan, Principal of P. A. Institute of Physiotherapy, Mangalore, Dr. Shivakumar Gowda, SDMCET, Dharwad. Dr. Ramis M K, delivered the Presidential Remarks and Dr. Sharmila Kumari, extended thanks to all contributors. Additionally, certificates were distributed to Chairs, Convenors, Participants, and all organizers, acknowledging their valuable contributions to the successful contribution to the ICEST-24 Conclave.

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