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Visit to Fire Station – Pandeshwara by 4th Year PACE Students

May 23, 2023 - May 23, 2023

The 4th-year students from EC, EE, Civil & CS department, accompanied by Prof. Mohammed Hussain, Prof. Mohammed Saleem, Prof. Habeeb Ur Rahman, Prof. Safa Sana and Prof. Kavyashree visited the Fire Station located in Pandeshwara on 23rd May, 2023. The objective of this visit was to acquaint the students with crucial aspects of fire safety and firefighting techniques.
Mr. Dayanada Gowda, Stations Fire Officer conducted an insightful and comprehensive session, covering various crucial aspects related to fire safety and management. The session primarily focused on the following key topics:
1. Types of Fires: The Fire Officer elucidated on the different classifications of fires, including Class A, B, C, D, and electrical fires, highlighting the distinct nature of each type and the materials involved.
2. Fire Extinguishers: Detailed information was provided on the various types of fire extinguishers suitable for combating specific types of fires. The students were educated about the appropriate use of water, foam, CO2, dry powder, and specialized extinguishers for electrical and metal fires.
3. Fire Management: Clear guidelines were provided on when and how to use each type of fire extinguisher depending on the nature of the fire, emphasizing the importance of quick and correct decision-making during emergency situations.
4. Safety Precautions: The Fire Officer discussed crucial safety measures to be adopted during a fire outbreak, including evacuation procedures, using fire exits, and communicating effectively in emergency situations.
5. Post-Fire Actions: The students were briefed on the essential steps to be taken after a fire incident, emphasizing the significance of reporting, assessing damages, and implementing preventive measures for future occurrences.

Following the informative session, the students were given a live demonstration of fire extinguishers and safety measures. They had the opportunity to witness the operation of different types of extinguishers and were actively involved in understanding the correct handling techniques.
As a gesture of gratitude and appreciation, Prof. Mohammed Hussain & Prof. Mohammed Saleem presented a token of appreciation to the Fire Station Officer for his valuable insights and guidance during the visit.

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